What is very surprising is that the greatest voice against free speech is coming from ----- The Media-----. The people and organization that's supposed to be for transparency and discussion and FREE SPEECH is the one your hearing say "control the internet" -- Censorship is good-- people with ideas we don't agree with need to be banned. CNN had a campaign asking Joe Rogan to be banned because he took medicine his doctor prescribed for him and CNN didn't agree with the medicine he took. But some thought CNN wanted Joe Rogan shut down because he was getting more viewers than CNN was getting.
Assange is a journalist. Many of the activities that Assange revealed being done by the US Government were actually illegal. For instance spying on its Citizens without a warrant from a judge is illegal and the US Government does it by the millions of people and for many many years. That's not suppose to happen in that "Democracy". The media doesn't want to talk about that part of it. The Media (supposedly defender of free speech) is all for locking up one of their own kind. A journalist.
Assange is a Journalist.