I believe that the soldier Aziz encountered about the cigar shaped ufo is the exact military personnel that Harvey is trying to reach out to in Episode 4.
It seems that they're survivalists "i'm doing what's right for me and my family, that's it" - they believe the technology puts them a cut above others but they're missing how easily they can be mind controlled. I think Harvey is letting them play the survivalist role but informing how badly they need reform. "You don't stand a chance without the nental stuff."
I think what Azuz demonstrated is what you meed to push down their throats aggressively.
"Look. You think you're in a powerful position. Look at what some guy in Atlanta doing a low budget show was able to do to you mentally. If he can do that, think about what the reptilians are able to do."
I think these encounters need to be vamped up and that message needs to pump out stronger. Especially with Aziz he has a knack for getting right there with them.
These soldiers are a hinge element. They may yet become part of tge solution instead of part of the problem.