In a few different videos, Courtney explains the presence (or lack of presence) of Harvey and company. I understand some aspects but if possible I'd like more clarity about other aspects
Here's what I understand: For lack of better words, there are organisms and other devices that exist on a different "phase" of reality. In fact there's a whole other world (or several) that exist not quite tangible to us. We have technologies that we can develop or use to detect them, and also natural abilities to detect them (we call remote viewing) that the masses have yet to explore.
You could almost think of it as a ,4th spacial dimension. There's up-down, right-left, forward-back and phasein-phaseout. But we don't have to start getting that complicated.
Ok. We know that light sees different things depending on the frequency. The less dense the object, the easier it is for light to pass through. The more energized the light wave is, the more easily it can pass through denser objects. That's why our most powerful lights, gamma ray emitters (high frequency), pass through shipping containers to detect the contents inside. That's why infrared sensors (low frequency) pass through barely anything. A clear window can look like a black wall in an infrared ray detector.
Ok. So we know that powerful lights see through dense objects. But can you give me any common examples where an object refracts a certain wavelength of light, but matter can pass through it. Certain gases appear black to infrared, and we still "feel" the gas as a fluid dynamic. Is that a subtle example? Or are some objects dense in a way that it could refract gamma rays, but infrared passes through it?
Like are there examples that show not only higher density and lower density - but things that have greater density at a high "phase" like gamma rays, and simultaneously things that have a higher density at a lower "phase" like infrared?
Is that making sense? I really want yo get this a little better