Hello All,
I'm wondering if Courtney (not challenging anyone here) is channelling an entity that speaks through multiple hosts. I've followed Farsight since 2012, and I love the topic so much that I expanded into ufology history, as well as old youtube footage of whistleblowers, experiencers, etc. I ran into a very interesting series of videos of a young, soft-spoken, Alex Collier.
He discusses SO MUCH of what Courtney covers that it got me listening very closely. Then, I noticed the similarities in pronunciation of certain words and phrases... especially the pronunciation of the "t" in those words. Then, in this Alex Collier video, I noticed that when Alex pronounces the "t" the way that Courtney does, Alex also starts rolling his "r" out of nowhere!!! I've seen that happen with a lot of channellers, like Bashar. THe rolling of the "r" is a common thing when channelling. While I've never heard Courtney roll his "r," the a lot of his anunciation, cadence, and topic (prison planet) are very similar.
After that video interview, I've never heard Alex Collier speak THIS way again (not that I know much about the guy, other than the youtube material). His later videos seem to be more of a very different showman style (which I don't like, but it's pretty common in ufology).
I tend to read too far into things sometimes, so if there's nothing here, then no worries. But, I'm just so very curious to know WHY it sounds so similar to me. My understanding is that no one can channel through you without permission. Could it be the same person being channelled. Could it be that Alex and Courtney don't know they're channeling? Or does the entity switch from person to person depending on the needs of their mission/objective. I'm not jumping to ANY conclusions. I would like to understand what's going on behind the veil.
After that video interview, I've never heard Alex Collier speak THIS way again (not that I know much about the guy, other than the youtube material). His later videos seem to be more of a showman style (which I don't like, but it's pretty common in ufology).
from my understading you are creating you own version of that reality where you experience in that way.. now you see it now you don't.. it's always a reflection from our own filters or lenses. In orders words, and paraphrasing Bashar in this matter, you are creating those similarities by projecting your beliefs into physiscal reality about a certain type of subject / topic or person.
Not to say that there isn't something there from what you have described, just my view.
This remindes-me a post that i saw, you hear a sound a word and you have 2 options to guess what word was it, in my view i started to perceive one word, but sometimes also the other, later on you are not listening to any of those word but a 3rd one wich is the combination of both words. and when i tried to listen the 1st word or the second again i couldn't.
Also Courtney didnt channeled any entity, as i understood, he simply engage in interaction with them through meditation.