Harvey told something that is also the knowledge that i have came into realizing, not also that but also through hipnotherapy session and shamanic practices, its a vibrational resonance. Its what we've been discussing also about being on a higher vibration, where there's no influence to same extent from those beings. or the implications of the system itself, and theres more alignment with Harvey group, since they operate on higher vibration.
i mean how can we ramp up the disclosure process in order for more people become aware and therefore, no new signatures, and more knowledge on history, on other civilizations, opressive forces and free will forces, the ISBE notion.
In one of the hipnotherapy sessions when trying to find if there is some IS-BE attachment to the client the hipnotherapist tries to release the is-be back to source through the heart and not through the fake light (not that they are aware of this). what everyone calls the door of the soul, (since the soul is connected to source).
So in other words instead of fighting fire with fire (we will only manifest more fire), we need to find ways to create realities where we can endure the process of evolve spiritually in order to break from the system, and probably let the system destroy itself. one of the things is making people aware of all this knowledge also, but how.