The input from Courtney got me thinking. He explained in his zoom chat with Daz and company that fasterthanlight travel probably works by changing the fields of the object we wish to move. Sort of like where you are is a magnetic polarity, not a "physical place" so to speak. Change the polarity, change the place you exist. I'm no physicist so I'm sure my terminology is wrong but I think I get the gist.
This got me thinking about maybe that's why organic water-based entities are so popular. Water has this unique characteristic, one experiment we see typically every day. Put water or water-filled things in the microwave, the substance responds right away, and heats up. Carbon doesn't seem to mind the microwave. Metal on the other hand is another story. Maybe the reason why water-carbon based substances are preferred for the microwave is the same reason water-carbon based things are preferred for FTL travel
Re ftl/changing fields, this theory describes the lensing effect and frictionless underwater movement