This is just my thoughts on Intysam's session for the Farsight Project - The Tumbling UFO
Are what Intysam is seeing - are they a mixture of Earth based technology and ET technology that has been developed for decades here on earth?
There is a video which summarizes (to a small extent) the development of craft and pods which will enable human habitation in space and on planets.
There is much more to what is going on in development and engineering for Space life - Remote Viewing from Farsight has shown this.
In Intysam's session, the craft she is drawing, and the subjects she is engaging with, remind me of some of these developed crafts and design which Earth based Space Companys have been working on for decades.
Intysam's session starts at 7minutes 30seconds
It would be no surprise then that there are both human and non human involved presently - working together - to secure some form of habitable fabricated environment, if both human and ET are working towards the same outcome - whatever that outcome is.
We really are decades behind (the public arena) in knowing what they are doing out there - unless we are Remote Viewing it or have some telepathic ability to connect and question the advancements.
Who knows what the contracts are between those working relationships, and who holds the keys to those contracts.
I would have loved to have seen an expansion on this RV session in the way of questions and information of those involved.
I did think though that Intysam's session was great - and with the information and pics in the video - it makes sense to me.