Introducing: Project HN12
Good day.
Recently Courtney informed us that he would be cancelling Human News. We had a number of reasons to support its continuation. However, the fact holds, Farsight has a lot of imperatives, and not an endless supply of labour or financial resources. I'm sure, neither do we. Some things, even important things, need to get cut for priority. Guess what they need: US!
After some discussion in our zoom chat, in the end: Me, and Del, and Courtney. (Thanks Del for wrapping up the whole plan nicely. Thanks Courtney for your kind wise words). We are starting a Human News on our own. This is not to replace the Farsight human news by any means. It's our own little spinoff. Guess who does the remote viewing for the human news: US! Because guess who else can do remote viewing aside from Farsight. US!
Although I struggle myself with RV (I am NOT adept. But am practising and growing) I do feel like I've gotten to understand tasking protocols a fair bit. There is likely someone out there more capable of tasking than myself (or is just plain good at it). If you believe that is you, guess what you should do: TASK!
I believe Del, when available, will provide remote viewing data that is on par, approaching the ability of Farsight crew. Just look at some of her results in the forums. It is clearly showing promise. But friends, this will only succeed if we have several viewers ongoing. In the beginning, the success of the viewings are not so important. By drawing attention in the form of attempts on the task - you will by default improve your skills and draw others to succeed. I will now challenge Yoda's famous words. "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda, I know you are the poweful Jedi creation of a psychic genius. But you are still a little green putz sometimes. I say: Try! Stop worrying about the results. It is the only way to success!
So in the next months, I will post threads that are entitled "HN12" and then the name of the month. All of the targets will have a 4 digit number attached. The thread title will look like this "HN12 - Jul 2023" and the target coordinates will look like this: "HN12.4082" - and your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to do a viewing. There will be no other special directives. The deadline is always basically a month from the posting. You can submit it to my email if you like. [email protected] (I'll list the email each time) - and the results will be shown in the thread and my regular spreadsheet.I will also try and track this on the Odysee channel: Remote Viewing Human News Forecast.
At some point I will ask if anyone would like to take over this project. I don't think I will have the time to permanently run it, but I would like to see if we can get something consistent going.
To prevent front loading, the target will still be blind by the fact that each month there are 3 targets. But you can know that at least one of these targets is NOT human news. So you can never be sure what you are viewing.
Maybe it will miserably flop and die off within a month or two. Maybe it will succeed. Who knows. All I care is that I try.
Now to summarize.
HN12 will be a new spinoff of Human News. When you see a thread labelled HN12, it will show a series of tasks. You can try any, if so inclined. And we will see what comes. Thank-you for being part of a community that may turn out to be one of the few hopes we have.
This thread is opened so that I can hear any potential discourse about the project. There is no restriction on how you task or view or verify. It will all just be up for grabs.
Note to Yoda: take up the flute, my little green friend, and you will discover the meaning of 'try'.
Thanks for doing this, Tazz. I'm in.