I'm sure you watched the Beyond Skinwalker Ranch episode, with Chris Bledsoe - but if not, check it out.
I suggest you find the time to contact Chris, explain what Farsight does, and how you're able to film NSOs with your full spectrum camera equipment [conventional as well], and remote view the experience, while you're at it...
This would be a great method of getting to the bottom of who Chris' experiences are with, and their intentions. I'm sure you've heard the stories that even folks connected with the USG have gone to Chis, with hopes of healing loves ones, through the phenomena that's contacted him.
It seems like a win-win to me, and these beings don't seem to expect aspects of humanity to "jump through a bunch of hoops", before they'll help us...
Farsight, is just the team to negotiate with them - hell, turn it into a new FS series. Obviously, it will take time to do it right. Chris' opinion will need to be factored into everything, but he seems like quite a reasonable individual - not a wack-job. It'd be a cool experiment, with far-reaching implications...
Lastly, I think Aziz would be the perfect front-man, with your direction, to lead the team [his telestrator technique or whatever u call it, is on-point, by the way - well done!]. Film it. Potentially, make more progress, sooner, than any other way we've tried, previously.
Ultimate goal being, establishing an Active & On-going Psychic Connection with the phenomenon [towards advancement of real disclosure, using available tech to start fixing the problems humanity has caused the earth, and move forward, as a species...]
Genetically-engineered, or not, we're stuck with who we are and where we are - or perhaps we're not? (ISBE stuck in a [beautiful] prison planet [for some] reincarnation boot loop, for eternity, as penalty for being some lowlife in the GF, or I guess it would be the Old Empire, previously, right?..lol.).
Anyway, let's try to move beyond this shit-hand of cards we got dealt, if possible, and start making some real fucking progress, here. [read that last bit, as if you were Spock in SF kinda way, after Jim taught you a little about the colorful metaphors of the local dialect...lol.] We need to be the ISBEs that breaks out of this mofo, or it will never stop...
but they can help. and they will. if not for us, then let us prepare for our children - now.
phoenix [frustrated convict isbe OU812]
Yes 🌀 and pick me up in Arkansas along the way have gas money and snacks always wanted to contact bigelow when owner and go in the paranormal shacks they freak out about. See blue streaks match and talk about number 33 on here with someone and the frequency a few episodes later was 33. Believe these friendly ETs just getting to know first session now having fun. And if look at that blob shape they called it when rocket blocked was like a spaceman