Davinder Panesar showed us this channel https://youtube.com/@ReincarnationSoulTrap in another threath, i look at it and saw another video where they did remote viewing projects about the notion of Moksha - Birth and Death re-incarnational process in Hindu knowledge, who created it, what is it, and several other questions that they found through those projects.
Very amazed to see what Farsight has saw through several projects not only through Death Traps, war in heavens, the firmament, operation high jump, oppressive negative forces.
Found the Bret Stuart video on Moksha from a different FS thread, which
now I cannot find. Not sure if that was the one you referenced? but
it was a fascinating vid (can't find on YT either).
I took a few notes, as it had rather deep content.
Here is a list of some of the questions asked by this RV group's tasker;
and partial answers of the "contextual information" summarized.
(This is Bret Stuart's analysis of his project)
" Earth is shielded by a companion object...
the energetic aspect of it... it's something that's powerful and
magnetic and it squeezes tightly around the globe."
" How did this come about? and How did how did this scenario
even begin in the first place ?
How is it allowed - If say, there are forces that are beyond
the planet that have the ability to affect what's going on here?
How could they have let this happen? How injust is the universe? ..."
"But as the previous contextual information we're showing is that there is
a "mechanical object around Earth" that prevents the soul from reaching this
highway seems like what if you're able to reach the Super Highway you can
go pretty much anywhere you want.
Achieving Moksha gives you access to this super highway, and
where those lead? your guess is as good as anyone else's I suppose
at this point; but for this to work properly, to actually achieve Moksha is
that the position in the angle with which you exit your body is very
very important."
"...Ultimately though it just seems the key aspects is/are
1 the angle with which you exit the body (upon death) is very important and
finding a rope, [provided by] those who help you out the rest of the way
seems to be important
but then also,
2 the *fear* of the entire situation seems to be kind of a condemning
factor; that because of that fear, because of that "unknown,"
Souls tend to go into a place that leads them back here in another life."
"Our remote viewing data [indicates that] the system on Earth is
just one tiny component in a much larger system, a much larger operation.
And it describes that we are part of a funnel and it's sloth or a
state of moral degradation or spiritual degeneration in a manner,
and that the system encircles us; and that its Proponents have
cast a very wide net, not just here on this planet."
Very interesting..
- "HOW DOES IT WORK?" - it's almost like they are talking about the Firmament that is in control buy these forces...
- "HOW DID THIS BEGIN? " - somewhat related to what FS has been documented..
- "2 the *fear* of the entire situation seems to be kind of a condemning
factor" - indeed it's the Loosh and was also talked about by Harvey and other Farsight projects where they found that the oppressive feed and weaponize our life force / Prana through negative energy, it is a huge energy form and therefor the attachment automatically takes place, the same goes for the other polarity.
Now i've looked on google for this video and what i got was Bret Stuart erased the video, in the description of the video it says and i quote:
- "Brett didn't want his remote viewing projects to be a yet another part of fear porn propaganda. And Brett felt as if his past projects were dragging him down from his recent passion and interests.
That's why he decided to take a different turn and approach. Which is making content closely related to self-empowerment for people, practical application of remote viewing in everyday life and using it for financial market predictions, finances."
(i'll put the link below - i didn't watch this video though )
This is exactly what im finding more and more, the notion of death traps circulating throughout the web has been enormous and somewhat amazing to see this to become an open conversation for many people, however, at the same time, and although there are some amazing points to all discussions, not only people are starting to talk more about this subject from ancient cultural knowledge from different polarity views and conceptions but there also those that reject this, now i don't judge them, it's a concept that challenges everyone's reality, let alone all that comes through it, from their creators and so on and while we are making questions and trying to understand how this mechanism works, there are those that completely negate this reality or notion by neglecting this side of the truth instead of looking to all truths as part of the same truth.
In shamanic practices i remind one of several conversations we had with my brothers and sisters, the purpose is not to reject other truths or realities but yet to bring them together and transmute/transform what we want to transform into a different collective reality, by knowing what it is and how it is, but we will never transform what we don't know as conscious observers, ergo the search for truth.
This remindes me of one of Bashar quotes when talking about truths, "... first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, to then later being accepted."
Maybe we are starting to see a part of the catastrophic disclosure.
BTW while searching for Bret Stuart also found a thread in Reddit that explores the "prison planet":
Ok, thanks for the context. I will not post some of the other info was planning to comment on.
Also wanted to mention the topics of Hermetics and demi-urge in relation to the notion of Moksha, which could be more broadly described as “the nature of (our Earthbound) reality.”
This “companion,” (described by B above), this field, "magnetic and it is squeezing tightly,"
which encircles the Earth, reminded me of some writing about the Hermetic philosopher Franz Bardon.
In his fictionalized bio, (which demonstrates many applications of hermetic arts)
the main character, Frabato, is called to a high council meeting to discuss important matters.
He is summoned by Urgaya : Wise man of the Mountain, Old Master
Urgaya has 12 spiritual adepts and they work thru a zone that "girdles the Earth."
Urgaya + 12 adepts = "Council of Elders"
Urgaya creates a special meeting-room for the council, in the zone girdling the Earth.
Urgaya makes this room invisible from being perceived astrally, or spiritually by "alien beings."
[Dialogue from “Frabato the Magician”] "The last disastrous war (WWII) sent millions of people into the beyond, the zone girdling the Earth. In the after-life they complained to the council of elders that they were never given opportunity to learn laws of initiation.”
Or put another way, “never given opportunity to discover a means of enlightenment.”
Or put more laconically, “never shown the Moksha”
(for the record, Bardon Hermetic books are excellent sources regarding Western Tradition).
Interesting points in this story:
a makes mention of the "council of elders" (who don't have
a good reputation on FS - of course, there could be other councils)
b mentions a zone around the Earth
c the skill of Urgaya manifests a room which "is invisible to aliens"
Regarding the demi-urge creation mythos, or in our modern cultural context "AI simulation"
[Definition-check - Background on Gnostics from Ingo: (Book : "Resurrecting the Mysterious")
"This story is found in pre-christian Gnosticism:
The essence of the Gnostic Myth is that the world is in the grip
of the powers of evil. This world is so evil that it could not have
been created by the true God, but instead created by demi-urge.
Escape from this evil can be achieved only thru the descent of messengers
from the world of Light in order to impart secret knowledge (gnosis) by
which a privileged few might escape from this bondage." ]
There seems to be a parallel between the notion that
Our reality exists as/within an AI system,
The "Early (christian days) conspiracy theory" of - our cosmos being a creation of the demi-urge.
Along those lines, here is another excerpt from the RV'ing
which describes (archons (my word)) ‘beings’ that made this system, living in a different reality:
"The general purpose, of those that are perpetuating this system,
is [that it is] run by what we describe as a council of organic entities and
they exist and operate this from a location that is incredibly concentrated.
The gravity exists in such a way and matter exists in a state that "freezes time."
So, you can think of it kind of as a bubble or "void zone" or black hole
that they're existing within. And they're creating an artificial environment -
an artificial Timeless environment from which to exist in and then spread
their influence out in a Time-reality in the universe."
Then there is an interesting quote from Mr Kevin Day on the subject of Intention,
(perhaps related to demi-urge)
from the Dec 9, 2023 APEC Meeting (Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference)
Senior Chief Kevin Day - worked with Fravor (Nimitz)
Hypothetical Questions from Kevin Day :
“Was the big bang intentional?”
(answers his own Q: "I don't know...50/50")
IF it was intentional :
“Did the intender survive the 'big-bang'?”
(answ his own Q: "Again, I don't know... 50/50")
“If the intender of the big-bang did survive the creative process,
as a benign form or as a *force* of some kind?
However, if it [intender] is a 'force'
then I would have to put it into
the category of a 'fundamental-force' right alongside gravity, strong
nuclear force, weak nuclear force and electro-magnetism.
Intention may be the grandmother of ALL the forces.”