This one put UFO twitter on the ET conflict trail but they haven't developed a meaningful understanding of sides yet. The dogfighting bit got more than 200k views across all the different accounts I've seen it on. Christopher Sharp from Liberation Times is also sort of hinting at knowing about there being conflict but no one is really coming out and saying anything of substance.
Formations dogfighting like in battle with each other I think understand what you mean there. Or practice war games like we do. Will need more data if shots fired guess we’ll see
Hey if true could explain the booms we hear and on news still no explanation from officials here in Arkansas
Check out that STS-48 video from NASA mission shows ufo getting shot at. See a flash then ufo darts to side to avoid. Think from 80s or 90s
That might be a great target for remote viewing. so many though and theres so few remote viewers and so much to view.