ANUNAKI- they come from planet x or nibiru and are related with egiptyan gods
DRACONIANS REPTILIAN - origins unknown, first appearence in lyra it is said they came through a portal from another universe.They are humanoid dinossaur reptlian like.
REPTILIANS(reptil like but different from draconians) - origins unknown . They are humanoid snake/lizard reptilian like.
TALL/SMALL GREYS- they come from zeta reticula. They are skinie with pale skin and big black eyes.
CONCIL OF 13 / 13 HIBRID BLODLINES -13 hybrid races created by hibridization of anunaki, dracos ,reptilian and humans . They were created with the purpose of manage the human slave colony.They are the royalty , major politicians and major military generals on earth.The 13 are:
-Van Duyn
-Du Pont