I just watch the Secret Space Program Remote Viewing, and it is clear the DUMBS are working very much with the program and as Phil Schneider said in the 80's and 90's, there are many DUMBS connect by Maglev Trains that travel between dumbs. That was drawn in the last Remote Viewer but also it was in Aziz session too. Project Camelot had some Super Soldiers on in the 2010 to 2014 period of time on Life on Mar and the Mars Corp Colony. Anyway all your Remote Viewing seems to back up the info on what Project Camelot expose a few years ago. Mark Richards who was in Canadian Prison had many parts of the info on the Secret Space Program. Phil Schneider said at the time of about 1995 that there were hundreds of DUMBS around the world and most like there are more today.... Thanks for the Remote Viewing on the Secret Space Program.
Here is a link to Phil Schneider and what he said before being killed off by the DEEP STATE:
Here is more info on Phil Schneider:
Here is info on Mark Richards and Secret Space Program
Our Remote Viewing just adds up to more info on this and all of it FITS together... love the truth
We know from different whistleblowers there is more than one SSP and Farsight tapped into more than one in my observation.
I support the side of the Earth Space Alliance (ESA) and full disclosure like everyone else here. I will be adding more SSP content to you YouTube Channel (TerraGammaMusic) to help get these ideas out into the public.
Michael R