First they stole your resources --Tartaria reset (killing of your ancestors)-- then they wait until u forget that the resources were yours in the first place --pos reset repopulation of orfans-- then they implemented a system that replaces and backs up your resources with painted toilet paper called "MONEY" then they lend u money so that u can rent some of your own resources and finally they start print money forever so that they never give in exchange for your work(goods and services) the resources that they stole from u.
Welcome to the babylonian money magic slave system, u will work forever to survive but u will never meet u needs and be free because the goods and services u provide will be stolen again by printing more money out of thin air to buy them, even if u stop provide for them u will be in dept because u pay taxes=rent for the land u think u own, if u have to pay rent for your land u dont own it the state does the same logic applies to your car and in the same way u cant even buy land because they already stole all the land with printed money they never worked for. Without land there is no food, shelter and water u own nothing and u are a slave.
It is a rat race and u will run un circles and never stop until the collective realizes that money is a belief, THE BIGGEST DARK SPELL EVER CASTED ON THE MASSES.