Good to see the reality getting some legit airtime
It is amazingly good that we see remote viewing starting to be spread into the awareness of many people, i did left the comment to them interview Courtney Brown, since they were talking about several first one's doing the remote viewing, not to mention the amount of data collected by Farsight, but then later i realized, maybe im wrong of course, the projects about Mars and the probable reality that we came from mars or another planet in this solar system and so on, then i remembered, wait a minute, Farsight / Courtney did a RV on mars bases and even published the picture, although he received a lot of backlash and resistance.
Now we are seeing ufologists talking more about RV wich is great, but how is it that these people gather information and spread awareness about this subject of RV when RV was practically "also" done more with Farsight / Courtney not to mention the quality / capability of Azis, Intysam, Shantee, Kahmia, Trudy, Mellena and Yemmé, Dick and Daz back in those days.
Its like, "ok there is a lot talk about RV we better do some research on this and get us involved in it, because this will eventually hit the fan and we want a piece of it, not only that we can also bring more attention span to the disclosure process but not Farsight narrative, they are an Institute non grata!"
Hope im wrong in this thought process and eventually it will receive the spotlight we want.