Good video, Del!! Cheers!
A couple of things as I go through this.
Clearly, I think, UFOs - some are very physical, and others are not. And I think we all (on here) recognise that there's different types - there's not just one single source for them. Also, some are inter-dimensional, some are just able to 'hop' between them as needed (like hyperspace), while others may well be hopping from theirs to ours (which are those that are less physical - can't throw a brick at them). And those particular ones are a form of intelligence - bright light stuff. Vs others that are actual tech. (which makes me wonder - are those aliens who are here physically interacting with those that are from other dimensions? Do they understand - fully - what's going on? Do they have regular contact with them, or are they left in the dark as much as we are? Some may use the term (which I personally don't like) more advanced than us "spiritually"? Because it doesn't make sense to me that most humans are peace-loving, and yet the planet doesn't get direct UFO help from those - so why would a species that's hell bent on controlling the humans on this planet get that sort of contact??)
I've just gotten to the bit where they're discussing Greer's CE5 stuff - has anyone here tried that?? And, anyone got the cash to buy a couple of DAPs to record? Or at least IR cameras (on 4K)
When Ross talks about some technology that can't be reversed engineered because it takes a certain consciousness - I think those trying to deal with this and make it work are operating in a fundamentally flawed manner/presumption/position - that those who would have the consciousness aren't going to have the sort of mindset that sees things in nationalistic or profiteering terns. And the better the control of those sort of technologies, the less the MIC is going to be able to control such people or convince them to have the same motivations. Pretty much like those on the Manhattan project to make the first nuclear bomb - if they knew what the government was wanting from them, they wouldn't have participated in it. And since we have the history of the Manhattan project to look at in hindsight, we who can use such technologies wouldn't go near that research or help them out because we know we can't trust them to use it for the benefit of mankind (no matter what sort of BS you try to spin!) The two value systems are antithetical!
RE: "we have to go through this/they won't intervene"... I have a couple of thoughts on that. Firstly, it's pretty clear that there's already been intervention from outside Earth's human consciousness, and not all for the good (looking at reptilians or greys or others who have aligned themselves with nefarious intentions). Which leads me to the conclusion that if there's a 'higher' state of consciousness and beings, then there are alien species which aren't all that advanced "spiritually" (compared to us). Granted, maybe it's yet another go at all of this for *them*, and not just for us... that also means, that any in the GF who are watching (and reading this), that maybe THEY are the ones who need to advance their consciousness, so that this sort of thing doesn't play out the same way again (and again, and again0. (I can't imagine that it's just a tiny sub-section of the universe that goes on repeat... well, I can, but I don't think it entirely fits the pattern, given the infiniteness of 'those above').
Also, it seems a bit of a (convenient) cop-out to say that this has to happen and play out the way it does (e.g., the inevitable war with China (which, certainly, there's a similar mindset in China as well, and various persons in authority who are gunning for it (pun intended!)). I don't think we can sit back and just accept that bad things happen for 'evolution', and not try (perhaps everything in our power/ability) to try to stop, just because of this 'need to learn' idea. Down that road is the justification for every evil and horrendous act. "Evil happens when good people do nothing".
if you could go back in time, *should* you kill Hitler? Or, is that merely something that *needs* to occur for "human evolution"?