I would like more information about the topic at the very end of the video: Essassani vs Essassani Resistance Movement, and specifically the statement about the channeling community. If I'm understanding this correctly, Farsight is saying that Bashar would be part of the slave to the Reptilian agenda. Is that correct? And if so, how did they come to that conclusion? I'm also noting they had a great session on Bashar a few years ago, and I've been very interested in his material.
True...if Bashar is being controlled by Reptilians...then they are the Most LOVING Reptilians to ever exist... because the Vibration of Love Bashar gives us is beyond anything we have ever experienced on Earth...and I believe and know that Positive Love/Energy will always win.
As I understand the problem with Bashar is that Bashar was asked about the "death Traps around Earth". Bashar again as I understand said "there were no Death Traps around Earth" . Later apparently Bashar was quoted as saying essentially he lied about that and he did that to keep humanity on our toes ( or something similar to that). Further that humanity should just forget about that kind of stuff and search for and do what made them happy (without hurting others).
Now my small part in that was to say-- If this "Loving" being said this----he was involved in a massive concealment of a very damaging structure to humanity and I could see no reason for this.
I posted a piece about it saying lets think about Bashar as a person saying Head WEST YOUNG MAN BECAUSE YOUR HAPPINESS LIES TO THE WEST ! . In my Post example-- I had someone say - Oh Mr Bashar - Isn't there a dangerous Canyon called the Grand Canyon and wont we fall into it ?? And further I had Bashar say (in my example) - 'WHY YOUNG MAN THERE IS NO GRAND CANYON AND DONT WORRY YOUR HEADS ABOUT THAT SORT OF THING - JUST BE HAPPY AND LOOK FOR YOUR BLISS BECAUSE THATS WHAT TELLS YOU YOUR DOING THE RIGHT SORT OF THING !!"
Now that was a glaring and jarring lie on Bahars part.
When I heard that - it seemed very suspicious to me. I wondered who would conceal that sort of thing !? And what could be the reason ?
The thing I would expect from the great loving Bashar was this. "Yes there are Death Traps and that is a problem that can be worked on in time by humanity. Further one of the ways you will be able to solve is the problem of the Death Traps is by following your "Bliss" (or equivalent happiness) and then humanity will make such strides and progress that geniuses (following their bliss) will create fantastic advancements and be able to solve that problem !! (or something like that) Then that would make sense to me.
Now any being denying the existence of the Death Traps is up to no good in my books. Or something is not adding up. It appears that Bashar at the time wanted us to not know about the death traps, and therefor fall back into the trap again.
Now that does not seem to me to be the actions of a "loving being" . It appeared to me to be the words of a sneaky being.
After Bashar apparently said -- "Well yes I do lie occasionally to keep humanity on their toes" sounded like a crock of BS. And something was up and not consistent with this loving story line.
This I believe was part of the down fall of the image of Bashar in my opinion. I said Bashar is lying about the Death Traps and no loving being would ever lie about such a damaging "machine" - I said. AND SUCH AN ADVANCED BEING would have to know about the existence of the "Death Traps".
And I'm still of that opinion -- something is up with Bashar that indicates his story line is deceptive. If he is deceptive about the "Death Traps" I thought and still do think that; he and his race are part of that Death Trap system. And that makes sense to me.
The way I think through things is to pull away from all the Alien like loving stuff and put the example into some understandable idea in our world.
Here's a really quick example. A loving man says he wants to help children. He has a food he says is magically delicious or has lots of wonderful vitamins in it. He tells all the parents that the children should eat his new food as it would make the children fantastically smarter. Then it is discovered the food does seem to have lots of vitamins BUT seems to create fantastic decay in the children's teeth making them rot out in five years.
When he is questioned about this-- he is quoted as saying -- "Why that's not true and don't worry about that sort of thing anyway" !! But an in depth analysis show's that rotten teeth is becoming a massive problem when eating his new food. Then somethings wrong with the "Loving Man" who wants to save or help the children. Something isn't adding up about him.
If he was a loving man he should say - yes that unfortunately IS true BUT If careful brushing is done then fantastic benefits of my vitamins will change the world and the hazards can be managed with this dental care. Soon such vitamin benefits will make children so smart that Earth will go into a new renascence !!
NOT SAYING ROTTEN TEETH DONT HAPPEN AND FORGET ABOUT THAT SORT OF THING - DONT WORRY YOUR HEADS ABOUT THAT !! And still later NOT SAY -- "Oh yes I lie occasionally about that sort of thing to keep you all on your toes !" That's my loving nature again !! WEEEEE !
Pure BS and deceptive and very strange too. So strange that it can only seem that Bashar is somehow benefiting from having humanity not pay attention to a very damaging hazard. In fact Death Traps ARE THE HAZZARD we need to be aware of. And the blatant LIE about the death traps pushes him over to the Reptilians part of the equation. Having a loving being telling us the opposite puts such a suspicion on him that there seems to be no other explanation to it - in my mind. The clincher was the cover up by saying "Oh I lie occasionally !" THATS a WTF !!!
Further I speculated that the "Death Trap" system cant just exist here around Earth all alone. There has to be lots of them. Then I speculated that the reason why they must exist. They are a kind of Universal or Galactic Jail system which Bashar must be apart of in some way. The denial of the existence of the death traps system and the more pathetic cover up story that "Oh I lie occasionally" brings Bashar down to Earth with a big Thud in my books.
Sure follow our Bliss - WHY NOT - sounds good. But the one story Bashar is not needed to discover that truth because Bashar is involved in deceiving us. That doesn't look good on his Resume.
Perhaps I have looked at this all in the wrong light. I would be interested in your take on the answer Bashar is said to have given about the Death traps. I
Hi David, I just read your long clarification and I agree. I just have one problem with it. I don't like the 'apparantly'. As in 'apparantly Bashar said he lied for a good reason'. We need firsthand facts. Somebody who really heard Darryl (as Bashar) say these words and can give a link. These subjects are too important to go by 'apparantly'. Thanks.
That's a good idea. I described my part in it. There were some posters who say they had seen the video. And there was another who found either the first denial of the "there are no death traps" idea or it was the " Oh I lie a little to see if your listening or to keep you on your toes" or similar. I hope the video or the posters could come forward. It was a thing I think about 2 years ago. Pre-covid for sure - so it was quite a long time ago.
I posted about Bashar as being a wonderful addition for humanity and those videos that I posted along with my glowing posts of Bashar stayed up (not erased). Later If I posted something negative about Bashar I noticed on more that one occasion - my post of a Bashar video got blocked- so the offending videos will probably be hard to dig up again.
Clearly Bashar or who ever controls the videos does does not believe in free speech, is thin skinned or maybe keeps a keen eye on the image of Bashar to be kind.
I have googled the Name Bashar which is an ancient name of very positive image. It is of course a Human name that the Alien has adopted.
My problem with Bashar or similar be "RA Tee Eair " (just an attempt in pronouncing how I have heard it said from David Wilcock spelling ?) and even with Linda Moulten Howe is that all these channelers or contactees speak about these beings in almost a religious reverence as though they are Godlike or angel like beings soon to take us to meet God.
And perhaps Bashar does not present himself this way ( I listened much before but not much now) is that the followers of these beings seem to me to be very close to getting down on their knees to pray to these beings. I've had it with that stuff personally.
I think there is lots of evidence of Alien beings being liars and tricksters of real complexity. And we have real evidence of being tricked and controlled by them. My position on the whole lot of them is "get out of our pool and off of our Island"- don't call us - we'll call you. But that's just my take.
Actually here's my final word on the subject. I think Humans have a need and a desire - A CRAVING for God and Spirituality. This makes them exceptionally vulnerable to those who can manipulate that craving. So I am suspicious that the Ra T Errs, the Palladian's- the Bashars - even the Reptilians (because I have seen unbelievable rewrites from a contactee of the Reptilians even!!) and I am suspicious that every Alien with their man in the race (David Willcocks- Anka-- Linda Moulten Howe and on it goes- each espousing THEIR Alien race of choice) -- that all of them are being given messages of every love message they can send -- all so that humans will say exactly what they are saying ! LOOK everyone ! Here is the loving message- from our NEW SAVIOUR !
Look at all the remote viewing of the Religious stories and leaders who were pumping messages and images into the religious leaders of their day. The messages were usually very spiritual sounding and said God existed and so on.
But I and Farsight got the feeling that the Beings pumping in the messages didn't give a rats behind about the message (they didn't believe the message themselves) - the message was pumped in to introduce a CONTROL MECHANISM for humanity.
Because what happened next was the spiritual leader produced some commandments that the entire population then followed. Those messages were nice sounding but the man they pumped the messages to was the Aliens Man in the whole system. And round and round we go again !!
That's a trap I suspect.
Lets say there are Death Traps ( we seem to think there are). Now lets say we all adopt Bashars message. That message is to "don't believe or worry about Death Traps". Just live a lovely life and be positive at all times, always passing on positivity to all those around us. WHO ON THE SURFACE COULD DISAGREE WITH THIS WONDERFUL PICTURE ?
This would create a world of wonderful spirituality. Now at our death - our minds are again wiped clean and we cannot remember what ever we did or worked on in the previous Life on Earth.
THIS WOULD BE THE ULTIMATE CONTROL MECHANISM. We would be wonderfully happy with each return to Earth. We of course would not advance much because what ever each person worked on - was all forgotten. WE - WOULD- BE - CONTENTED - PRISIONERS !
And we would NEVER wish to ever change or escape. We would be like well fed budgies in our cage- tweeting and singing and fluttering in our cages - never the wiser or wish to leave our cage ! We would see our prison NOW like a paradise !! Now thats a perfect control mechanism and cunningly made !
Like I say I think the Alien can out smart us at EVERY TURN !
And my simplified message can be found here-
Hey that's my take on it. THESE MESSAGES ARE LIKE THE SIRENS SONGS THAT LURE US TO THEIR ISLAND. Check out the Greek myths. I think that ones Greek ?!
I think we are the Minions.
I agree again David (funny video by the way), that the inclination to follow an authority is our biggest problem now. I also am extremely careful in trusting material from channeled sources (Bashar, Seth, 'Michael' from David Wilcock, etc). I like it but am always looking for the point where we are misled. 99% thuth but a 1% of essential misinfo. We actually should primarily focus on our own 'awakening'.
The reason we have that 'inclination' is that we are being taught that from a very young age: don't eat this, eat that, don't cry, be nice to aunty (even of you don't like her). It's because we have deviated so far from nature that we cannot follow our natural instincts anymore. We are forced to rely on 'authorities'. Do you know the 'Stanley Milgram experiment'? That says it all. We need to grow up quickly and go back to some very important roots like eating healthy. (a sound mind in a sound body).
Every being can give off that kind of energy, love energy, it is a way of deceiving one's perception, however it doesn't mean they don't have that energy, many of them that are positive oriented beings also work "with" the oppressives, the reasons for me are unclear, the last we hear something like that was from a mystery project where they ask us to not judge them because there is a lot to understand and it is somewhat complex.
I've been following Bashar practices and knowledge for quite some time now, many of the things i talk about because i've tried, and was also when i started to do those practices that i've been having more and more contact. I was part of the community also, but with time i started to have some questions, i saw Bashar saying one thing in 2016, for example, about percusors on earth, then in 2018 he said another thing completely different about it, this created a disruption in the community because other entities like Ryok from the Essessani was also saying a complete different thing about the same topic. what i saw after that was that 90% of the community started to believe they were experiencing a different parallel reality, until Bashar later confirmed this misunderstanding.
All of the entities that i saw being channeled until today non of them ever talked about the death traps, although I've seen in the hypnose community while channeling entities talking about the notion of the way station (wich is a place where souls go through), this as became something that Courtney talked about wich is the disruption that creates in the humans to acknowledge that these beings are beings are deceiving, or they can talk about truths but never the truth.
All of them focus an enormous amount of time talking about raising your vibration, wich i understand and believe in these teachings but there is a balance and discernment in what it means to raise your vibration, because of that message throughout the years many people in the new age / spiritual community has been choosing to ignore what happening in the collective reality under the premisse of "this is not my vibration, i don't align with this so i turn my back on this...". Is like, if you wanna talk about what is really happening, about the truth (as far as we can understand it) then we're going to deal with it, but because sometimes truth as so much darkness / negativity people simply discredit, just like someone said it here in this thread, that has been one of the messages of these being is to not fuel or to not give in to conspiracies.
There is a balance in all of this. raising your vibration?! of course there's no other way is not an option is a necessity... Not focusing in cons-piracies?!.. there's is a balance into this, the only way something transforms itself is through polarity is by acknowledging it's existence to then change it for the better, or in Bashar words... "to create a new reality more in tune with what the collective prefers", if it wasn't for conspiracies or wanting to know the truth i would have never found Farsight and specially where we are today with some much knowledge about whats is happening and even scratch the surface.
I mean was the other day of me watching the first episode of ET news that i found out "hey wait a minute, so those conspiracies are somewhat true, about the existence of machines entities in the political parties as members of some group?!".
So with the new Grey Alien remote viewing I am wondering this. Has there been an agreement that the Reptilians can no longer claim the entire Earth ?
Has the ownership of Earth been divided into 3 sections.
Has the Earth been divided into areas of control such as north and South America being area 1 and Africa and Europe being area 2 and perhaps Asia and Russia being area 3. If you look at all those areas you see each one has an advanced society linked to a less developed world type of society but rich in minerals.
So the Greys lied about their race dying out so they could collect human specimens to create their conquering race of humans.
Because if there are Alien - Human Hybrids then the seem to have been created by Greys I think as one group-- Probably Reptilians being the second type. (unsure of 3rd type)
"So they are "humans" they will tell those in the Universe. After all can't they live on Earth like regular humans and don't they look like humans, will go the argument ? Why yes they do !
So Aliens living inside of a human form will live on Earth ! And that is, and will be our Earth Invasion by Aliens !
Perhaps there is a thought out there that "we" cannot stop these Alien Hybrids BUT bugs just might stop them. If the hybrids plan to use a deadly virus to eliminate regular humans - could a virus be used to stop the Hybrids first ?
Just Maybe ?
And so there must be a battle of the BUGS going on right now ! The bugs will be viruses. Now humans are very vulnerable to viruses but perhaps the Hybrid is also vulnerable to viruses. I would be easy for Aliens to Vaccinate their Hybrids and release the deadly virus BUT could there be a first BUG strike ! Humans also can be inoculated rapidly to become immune to a virus (or so we are told)
A bug strike against the Hybrid ? Have the tables been turned on the Aliens with a "Pandemic Experiment ?" I mean we know that the C-ovid didn't really eliminate very many humans at all. But if hybrids have been tracked - did it have a much greater effect on Hybrid Aliens. It could have.
Is there or has there been an attempt by humans (regular humans) to identify who is truly human ? Remember all the swabs taken and analyzed during the pandemic ? Were those analyzed searching for those that were not completely human ?
Are there going to be pandemics to eliminate the Hybrids and that's why they may seem and are so weak against us. A few million killed I mean that was no great pandemic.
Is the Grey Alien seeding Earth with their ancestor race of Aliens. I mean if it is true that they (the Greys) were attacked by a proxy race prodded on by the Reptilians and they looked much like us. Is there a long term plan by the greys to recreate their ancient race here on earth ? And is this Alien Hybrid the ancient race ?
Now then once regular humans are eliminated you would essentially have 3 hybrid races- A grey - a Reptilian - and perhaps a Tall White race ? Then there would be another battle of Earth with only one race surviving. Because for sure these races with abilities to scan each others minds would know who was who !
So after the Bug wars (and it does not eliminate the Hybrids) Earth may see the Hybrid wars that ultimately takes over Earth.
The Alien Race War
Just a thought