Everyone said Trump would cause WW3. It is brutally clear now that it was not only not the case but that is exactly what Biden is doing right now. If you have not been paying attention between Russia, Ukraine, and the entire Middle East all heating up....... We have moved a ton of military into that region its pretty scary. We are on the brink of an all out war and we were told the adults were in the room.
Trump was the first president to not start a new war in how long?
Biden called for peace in Israel but why not Ukraine?
Why do we keep funding the wars period?
What is happening at the American border? Europe in general with migrants?
Economy with inflation is pricing people out of so much, housing,food, etc.
I remember in one of the recent remote views someone said that there were people that would have to do things they didnt have to do in awhile. IT was like on a scale of like really crazy close to all out war and that was their job. I think I am butchering the session. But basically what we see now is exactly that. We are seeing global unrest, and everything seems unstable, and we are on the brink of WW3. They are doing their jobs.
I know using politics can be divisive and I guess the negative ETs could have influenced either side Trump or Biden but there has to be a reason they picked Biden. I guess because he is just a empty vessel. I mean does anyone at this point in time really think he is making any decisions anymore?
Is Trump the answer I do not know. But the same people who are trying to start WW3 are the same people trying to put in in jail 9 times a day and twice on sunday. My fear is if he does win they do something drastic so he cannot take office. I hate that I am pulled into this right and left thing and that is why I do not consider myself on the right but rather on the side of the people in general. Its just which side cares more about the people, and who to you align more with? IN my opinion that is controlled as well just something else to keep us distracted. But how do you ignore what is happening and what was in the remote viewing?
What do we do? What can we do? I mean other then vote for not the guy trying to start WW3 what else can we do? Wake people up around us I do that every day. But I think we need more non political answers to the questions above from Bill or Harvey as to things we can tangibility do ourselves. I hate that I have to get political but they have the power to run all this and they are the ones being influenced by the negative ETs to do all this, how do you ignore it? How do you go hey this is a distraction but also damn these nukes going off suck. I mean how to you ignore and not address the situation that people with the power to launch a nuke are getting closer and closer to it? China has 500 they are trying to make more now, Russia has more then the US, Israel has them too not officially. I mean what is happening I swear Aziz did a session on it.
I think the next step has to be what can be done DMP positive ETs on what can humans do on earth.Does it give up the goose I do not know. But we cannot just sit around and wait for someone to hit the reset button and we all go into the death traps at once.
I dont know sorry about the word explosion and me puking on this form. But all you have to do is poke around a little and see the world is heating up and we are the frog. I am just not interested in waiting around to be boiled.