Today, Rogan released his interview with David Grusch!!!! I'm not finished yet, but at 1:43:45, Grusch starts talking about Remote Viewing and how REAL it is. WOW!!! HERE WE GO!!!!
I listened on Spotify. Hopefully. it won't get taken down.
Today, Rogan released his interview with David Grusch!!!! I'm not finished yet, but at 1:43:45, Grusch starts talking about Remote Viewing and how REAL it is. WOW!!! HERE WE GO!!!!
I listened on Spotify. Hopefully. it won't get taken down.
If that's so.. from my point of view it only adds more fuel to the conspiracy of... dam i always forget.. "Hello everyone, good to know we are not alone".
I am still baffled as to why Farsight isn't actively pursuing figures like Grusch for RV targets. They have been asked, multiple times, but Farsight is silent on this. These are targets I'd appreciate seeing in "DEEP NEWS". Would it not make sense to pursue these targets in context of the most important matter concerning our world? I think it would be. But... ::crickets chirping::
Yes, I do wonder what's the apprehension about Grusch or Greer. On that note, you notice how Grusch is just completely eclipsing Greer? The media just sidesteps him completely
I agree, and again, I really WONDER why Farsight isn't investing time into all of these people. One thing is for certain, that with Grusch and the others (Elizondo included) is that we do NOT know if there is an intelligence operation going on -- to what end, I don't know, but certainly to obfuscate. I say that not out of paranoia, but based on the fact that if, as Farsight says, this is the most secret "secret" we have, consider all the resources that have been invested in keeping it secret.. then, it would be reasonable in context to expect more psyop manipulation.
BTW, did you notice (and I mean NO offense here) that the Disclosure discussion went muffled... we now have another worldly conflict to focus on (Israel, etc). Coincidence?
In the past, when I emailed Courtney directly, I might get (at least) a one-liner reply from him (I know he's busy). I don't email him frequently, but he has not responded to any query about the above. Nada. And to be honest, as a paying subscriber too, I am getting PO'd. It would be perfectly acceptable, for example, if he posted something to the effect of why or why not. But it's been utter silence, and I have a serious problem with that.