Just felt like dropping some information related to the subject-matter...
LAYERS-OF-PERCEPTION : I have a lot of information to organise, and, apparently, that also includes Layers-of-Perception. Physical-Perception is Obvious. You see it before your eyes;
DMPs (Deep-Mind-Probes) are Less-Obvious. This seems to be related to Psychic-Perception. I actually encountered this phenomenon with a «Psychic» in the past who seemed to be able to literally blurt out absolutely every thought & word which I manifested into my mind the moment it was manifested, and, she continued to do this consistently for the next five or so minutes until I «created a psychic-disconnection» so-to-speak; weirdly, I also saw something like a Dark-Energy Mist (not visible to physical-senses) come out of me & zip off somewhere else like it didn't want its existence to be discovered. That was probably some sort of DMP, but, I would not necessarily describe it as or call it a DMP, although it does seem similar, Telepathic-Communication and all.
Then there are my memories from before even «entering» into this very «universe» itself. The Messiah himself had been Deep-Mind-Probed, Aziz even describing the Messiah as a «highly psychic» Subject A (this is true), and, the Messiah does in fact, have a greater-capacity to perceive «reality» (even at the «Deepest of Layers») that is far beyond the perceptive-capacity of even the most-sensitive of «psychics» to have ever existed. The unique-role that I play as his voluntary Successor (not claiming to be a next-generation Messiah or Imam Al-Mahdi or Imam Al-Meshi; I'm simply still trying to figure out how to best carry out his work from where he left off), revolves around my own pre-earth-life (pre-this-universe rather) memories, its perceptions & accuracy being far greater than that of any others who've been interviewed on that PodCast about people who report their pre-earth-life memories, and, actually largely matching with what the Messiah himself has perceived & written (that I am currently aware of thus far), but, something I know because of pre-earth-life-memories, not because of any current psychic-abilities (I am actually kind of bad at it; it's probably because of too many distractions in my life though). Strangely enough, the Messiah himself seemed to look-up to me in terms of my intellectual-capabilities, but, I think he was over-estimating what I can accomplish, but, then again there have been «psychics» who have all consistently described in the past that I seem to have «extremely high potential» for at least how they described it anyway.
I am still trying to cultivate my skills & abilities, mainly in web-page coding as of lately, before I move onto other objectives, but, regarding «Perception-Layers» I get the impression that there are at least 999 different «levels» both above and below this particular «material» universe; this «Earth-Life» universe also has one particular «unique-property» that does NOT exist in other «realms» of existence: Its inhabitants do have a «psychic-link» into numerous other realms-of-consciousness, but, this is based upon the emotions within them... Education for «Offenders» is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, because, when «Wisdom» enters into the minds of those whom are deemed «Criminals» or other offenders or otherwise, that «Wisdom» will also be learned by the «Discarnate-Inhabitants» whom are linked into their minds, and, this is also the ONLY way for those who are currently «incarnated» into their current mortal/physical-bodies for them to be able to learn «Truths» that would otherwise NOT be available to them when they were not in the Flesh and will no longer be available to them once their «is-be» departs from their flesh-container/biological-space-suit.
I don't know how far DMP-Levels can go, but, I think some Experiments should be done as to whether Layers-of-Perception can reach levels that would otherwise normally not be accessible; one idea that I have is to DMP the Messiah's Mind with a variety of questions to his Mind in regards to how his Mind responds to certain questions about Reality, and, whether the information Corroborates with the Collaborative-Efforts of Remote-Viewers working Blind to said Targets; I suppose this would be more of a project for those who branch off in extensions from Far-Sight unless for some reason they decide that this may be worth trying to pursue.
DICTATORSHIPS vs. FOLLOWERS : Somehow, I one day got this idea that I am not particularly that concerned about so-called dictators, not at least as much as the millions «idiots» who are «actually dumb enough» to «believe the propaganda» that comes from said dictators. Some relevant quotes by certain «famous» people are as follows...
«Never under-estimate the power of stupid people... in large numbers !» -Mark Twain (then later on George Carlin)
«Two things are infinite; the universe and human-stupidity, but, I am not so sure about the former...» -Albert Einstein
However, I do not intend to make jokes about it or mock anybody, for, that is actually a «karmically dangerous» game (people who've read Ian Currie's book would know why), for, the «Dark» does «gain power by the minute» for as long as we are not all doing our best to try to expose its «Information-Control» over all forms of Sentient-Life by the incarnate or discarnate or otherwise (and, yes, believe it or not, when someone is «offensive» to you, you can actually try «speaking to the discarnates» whom are neural-linking into their mind, otherwise historically called spirit-possession, termed as a subjugation-of-the-mind by the Messiah, and, say the right things and the physical-mortal before you may actually end up changing seemingly over-night into a much more pleasant individual for you).
Good Luck to All !