this goes well in with Bashar teachings, regardless of who he is, meaning the notion that we operate in a holographic structure and each and every time we are constantly experiencing a new version of ourselves, by his own words "billions of parallel versions of yourselves in each and every second", just like watching a movie strip rolling, each square represents a different parallel version of ourselves extremely similar to the one before so much so that we don't even realize that is a complete different person, atomically speaking its different and because in each atom has it's own energy frequency signature, therefor each parallel version has a complete different frequency also, so... because each version has its own frequency it means that each version has its own state of being or emotional vibratory level , or in other words, a different state of mind, a different thought form. This notion goes hand to hand with what shamans and monks describe as phasing out from this reality, although they talk about the spiritual notion of one's ability completely physically phasing out from one reality to another reality, what they talk about " you go along through that road, well meet at the end". In the words of Bashar while he was describing this knowledge, "you do not change the reality you are in, you transfer yourself to the reality you are most in aligned with", so goes the same has talking about Justa-position, or manifesting a reality, the higher mind or higher self consciously with this "avatar persona" that we are, aligns vibrationally / emotionally with the frequency of that parallel reality / parallel version that operates in that reality.
So the same goes to say its not we that changes the person that is living in that reality, it's actually us / higher self that pin points itself / us to the reality where we experience that thought form that state of being.
So in other words, transferring or manifesting to a different version of ourselves where it experiences a different reality is the physical action of feeling ourselves as the same vibration as it is in the reality we want to experience is a continuous process that the spiritual community describes as constantly manifesting that frequency so much so that its not only the synapses and connections in our brain that changes but all of our cells in our body starts to resonate with that frequency, and because we do not operate in what we can call a higher frequency it takes time, sometimes, to manifest. To make the analogy is like if we live in quantum unified field or matrix, different sets of realities are fractals and inside each fractal there are infinite parallel realities of infinite possibilities and therefor you change by thought alone but to change completely is like jumping to a new fractal, meaning it takes more "time" or effort or physical action due to every cell on your body must be resonate to that energy/vibration/frequency of that reality.
Nikola Tesla described this process as 3,6,9... which is the triangular shape of physical reality inside the toroidal field of the self. 9 represents the mind, the thought, imagination, the spiritual, 6 represents the emotions, the energy, the frequency, 3 represents action, to take physical action, to represent the intention, which is what represents the command to the higher mind.
So through this knowledge once again, as Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about while explaining the quantum theory in our brain and body, in order for one person change it's reality to a reality more in tune of the reality he or she wants to experience he/she has to change he's/her personality, has you were saying "...We've already seen all these examples with Aziz talking to other Aziz's", this is no different, in my view, than seeing all of those testimonials of people that use the process of Dr. Joe to change from a terminal illness or an incurable dis-ease to a completely different reality where they are no longer the same person they were, they visualize themselves in that reality, the same example goes for a hypnotic session where the person is in a completely different reality or personality. There is a hypnose session where the hypnotherapist in order to show the capabilities of hypnose to the audience and while at the same time making a joke or having a laugh with everyone to bring that good mode, a person while under hypnose was command to be able to see the everyone without their own clothes, the person laughed to the fact he was seeing everyone naked... see it's like accessing to a different version of him self where he has that capability.