There is a lot of confusing information being spread around, as Courtney has cautioned us about. I’d like to bring up two that appear to have strong narratives with accopanying media, and get some feedback.
One individual, Elena Danaan, has a few venues through which she claims to be an emissary for The Galactic Federation of Worlds, following a lifetime of extraterrestrial contact. Her Youtube channel can be found here:
Her books, "A Gift From The Stars", "We Will Never Let You Down" and "The Seeders" all carry a similar theme. The titles appear to be “obvious” in terms of fantasy (to me).
I have seen interviews of her with Dr. Michael Salla (, most recently at
, where Danaan is featured. Salla also interviews a figured called "JP" (voice only) who claims to participate in the Secret Space Program (more on that below).Side note: I like Dr. Salla, he is a kind and intelligent man. I’m bringing attention to the subject matter, not to him personally.
I am suspicious of Danaan; her narratives at times feel generic, uncertain and at times tenuous, but more so they are peppered with what I feel are “warning signs” that Courtney has cautioned us about. That is, dramatic claims of “space brothers” and in some cases, channeled alien dictation (Salla), exposure to exotic technology and beings that pilot same.
In the interview referenced above, Danaan claims that a certain race (Draco and others?) were chased out of our solar system in 2022… which Courtney warned us about claims of,, rather specifically.
In the above interview with Salla, Danaan talks about “space arks” that are buried in the earth, many of which will “reveal themselves” at some point in the future, en masse – that point in time always being tenuous and “delayed”, but in furtherance of a type of “catastrophic disclosure”. Seems to me that the logistics of such a display would require some planning and not function well with a moving timeline.
Danaan’s claim of being an “emissary” feels very dubious at best. She presents as someone very sincere, intelligent – but I can’t make sense of the rest. Then I ask myself if she’s delusional or if she is employed by an agency for this purpose (and that is my personal impression).
As mentioned, Dr. Salla reports on another individual “JP” who claims to be a participant in the Secret Space Program. There are several interviews with this individual in Salla’s channel (voice only).
JP has many accounts of these “space arks”, exotic technology and the beings that pilot them and other interesting experiences that apparently stem from his role in the Secret Space Program – sometimes, even “memories” that are awakened. His voice and vocabulary don’t strike me as being of the caliber of his claimed profession. Salla has books based on the accounts that JP has provided, as well.
To my larger point. Farsight (Courtney) has warned us about similar fantastic narratives as being forms of disinformation, attempts to confuse the public, directing attention to some fantasy, to whatever end. Based on my review of the above interviews, it’s my personal belief that these two may be involved (however unwittingly) in spreading this type of confusion – which brings up concerns about who, if anyone, may have directed them. That is, assuming one or the other isn’t delusional, they are feeding into “catastrophic disclosure” which we most definitely agree (here) is necessary, but they are peppering it with fantasy. What I don’t understand is, if this is a directed effort of disinformation or confusion, what is the purpose other than gaining a public following?
Filling the narrative of “catastrophic disclosure” with fantasies about multi-world “space arks” appearing in the skies makes for interesting stories, but what does this confusion accomplish here. If we’re talking consciousness, with the Earth also being a prison planet and a “mental prison” (as Courtney has described), what is the impact?
Denaan has claimed, for example, to be physically brought onto spacecraft – further, answering questions about why photographs aren’t taken, she explains that the toroidal energy field of the craft “fries electronics” (ie: an iPhone) and will not work. I can’t verify that.
JP has numerous claims, through voice interviews with Dr. Salla, too many to enumerate here, but they are along similar lines, including seeing “Nordics” and other beings who are genetically able to pilot these “space arks”. Danaan claims similar, that only certain species can genetically activate these "space arks" -- further, that some of these "pilots" have incarnated here and their memories will activate when the time is right. I find that very difficult to believe.
And so here we are in 2024, a year that Farsight says could end up being quite active in these areas. I don’t know what is planned, what is likely to happen or otherwise, but I’d like some feedback on these two figures, Denaan and “JP”, and their narratives – as to what this may really be, and if it’s a lot of fantasy and bunk, what this is accomplishing, etc.