Is it possible? Since time isn't really linear in subspace, shouldn't it be possible to remote view events in near or far future?
Well yes, but...
... It's been the least verifiable and most noisy mode of RV since whenever.
Now, some posit a multiverse which individuals travel between, in terms of making life decisions and having different outcomes in their lives.
Others posit that only some can do this, and most people are stuck in their own little corner of reality.
Others again say it's just one universe, but it's composed of a series of "onion layers of realty" that exist side by side with each other but don't intreract at all. Or very little interaction.
One thing I am certain of. The future looks different depending on where and when you look at it from.
So, I think it's SOMETIMES possible, and SOMETIMES not, and the thing is, you will notice the inclusion of the word "TIME".
If you want to think of space/time as a single entity, where time affects space and space effects time (note, the spelling came out that way, could be right or wrong) then you might get a little further down the rabbit hole.
Yes...both past and present is possible to RV...the only question I have in RV....does one's biasm determine the picture that comes to mind...i.e if I believe in hell...then am most likely see vision of hell etc..just wondering....
This video was useful to improve my understanding of such matters.
Well, Stella... up to a point BUT...
... With RV, you are supposed to "set aside" data that isn't a feeling or a description. That's the term Courtney and Prudence came up with, rather than "Analytic Overlay", AOL, which is how it's described in the CRV manual.
Noun data, you are going to have elements that are similar to the target, but there will be bits of your own bias mixed in there.
This is why you declare it, as a "Set Aside", or as "AOL". You can come back and try to unpick the data later, by doing another ideogram and trying to focus on where the truth ends and fantasy begins.
David Morehouse has an interesting term for personal experience, used to match RV data sensations with what the viewers own experiences and data are. He calls it "Personal Rolodesk", IIRC.
This is where Farsight wants to go away from the military programme and SRI research, by renaming the conventions,. For instance, most people had never heard of the internet company "America OnLine" in the 1980s. They were around, but the interweb hadn't been invented. HTML web language still being put together.
When Courtney and Prudence started working together in the mid 90s, they both wanted to have something that was unmilitaristic. And not ambiguous like "AOL". They went different ways after the Heavens Gate fiasco, with Courtney working on SRV way of looking at RV, and Prudence doing Trans Dimensional Systems.
They both very much wanted to avoid ambiguity. And I'm pretty sure they were both set up over the HG mass suicide which was partly triggered by Hale Bopp fiasco, with the RV feedback being doctored before it was posted to Courtney and accepted "in good faith".
I never worked with Prudence, but I have worked with Jon Knowles who did do things with TDS. So I'm not really antagonistic towards any of the schools involved with RV.
And her 7 part training video from the days when TDS was really in operation are still on YT. Some people found her laugh too much to take, but she did like her humour.
HG were always going to mass suicide. It was their plan. It's just they found the Hale Bopp RV project an excuse to carry it out.
Stephan Swartz has been conducting remote viewing studies of the future.
.The answer to the OP is clearly a 'Yes' - but to differing degrees of accuracy.
The reason I can be so definite about this is the uses of RV for the stock markets, crypto and other such things.
Stephen Schwartz also has research papers on their attempts at this, and other researchers have as well, telling us how much money they made, what the methodology was, etc. An early experiment made the group (or investor) $250K. One other made a more modest $25K (but, with a loss due to not following the protocol - not with the actual RV data).
(search for "Remote Viewing")
Daz Smith is currently trying to do an ARV experiment on the FFG site.
Even though it's ARV, and thus one is only viewing what photograph or image will be shown in a later time period - and not the actual event itself - it does show that viewing the future is quite possible.