Ok Farsight, you say they are dedicated to telling the truth? In that case, I dare you to do a project that exposes humans participating in the same kind of blood sacrifices and sexual abuse that the reptilians are involved with. We know the reptilian feed off of pain and fear, and you have had previous projects proving this.
Make a project that show powerful and famous humans taking part in these atrocities, like Alex Jones, David Icke and Cathy O'Brien claims.
Last time I suggested this, people on the forum said: No dont do that. Farsight could get shut down, etc.
Do it, if you wanna tell the truth like you claim.
Possible projects include Pizza gate, Epsteins Island, QAnon, MKUltra.
Or is the real truth, that you wanna avoid these types of projects because they are too unsavory for the public or you fear the consequences of exposing it? Or maybe it's because you cannot confront this level of evil.
Part of me wants the TRUTH to come out in the open... especially Einstein's drama... there' alot of dark energy there that one wonders..what really was/is behind the scenes in such a case??and then part of me wonders...is the World ready for the Truth?just like we know that ALL Religious Books had ETs and NOT one true infinite Creator...BUT imagine the Horror of the Masses when you bring that in the open.. Churches will collapse,the Heart attack that YAWHEH were a group of ETs, Yeshua/Jesus was an ET hybrid etc...I know the TRUTH will eventually come out in our lifetime...but at this moment what are the likely consequences we are looking at?? someone's life to be in danger because we know what the System can do....so question...how do we approach such TRUTHS...feels like a Chess Game...where the Hunter can be Hunted......