Dr. Brown,
I have some information Id like to convey to you. See I understand your path is crucial and sensitive and has zero room for any mistakes but, like the importance in releasing the project on Tony Rodrigues and the awful experience that man went through, have you found the Remarkable things that Dr. Michael Salla's 12 year Army informant has had to say over the years?
If you are not aware, I urge you to look into this.. disclosure - breaking free from this planet - seems to tie into the things he has said about arks relayed throughout our world.
i have personally met the Ant People, Are you aware of these beings who walk below us?
You aware how the Reptilians when they arrived here almost annihilated them to extinction.
The ant people are a important part of your disclosure. Ask
Btw.. why havnt you asked Harvey about "1994" . You know what I speak of, that is a HUGE part of this problem, why the Bad ETs are not allowed to violate these rules of free will yet are allowed to play in this grey area.
Much love,
Ryan M Kerr
Dr Salla likes slating farsight because Elena said they are lyers and because they disproves that the bad et's have left the planet. I follow Dr Salla but think he is a conspiracy theorist and not open to other peoples stories that follows his beliefs and slates them publicly on his channel.. JP I personally think is fake because he says the army gives him permission to tell his stories on YouTube but not as whistleblower, and why is he the only one.
Can someone please show me where Dr. Salla says anything negative regarding farsight. This seems to be a recurring trend but I can’t seem to find the evidence anywhere. As far as JP being fake, Dick Allgire and his group did a project on what JP says and verified it. As far as Elena, farsight should do a project on her to end the talk once and for all. Don’t forget, there’s more to this than reptilians and galactic federation of worlds. There are many groups. People might have contact with these other groups. We don’t know.
The video link below is where he started and then he mention it three times after that in other videos including in his last video about remote viewing. He did not mention their name in the last one but was definitely referring to farsight claiming to bypass blockages.
.I’ve seen that. That’s not discrediting farsight. What he’s saying is true to him. As a trained student in CRV, I can tell you there is shielding. Now, in the past when an ad saved student would come across that, they would usually leave. Michael salla doesn’t really understand remote viewing and is unsure of farsighted claims to bypass the shielding. The other video you’re referencing with John Vivanco, he states his views can also get through the blocking or shielding. The farsight viewers also usually get cut off at a certain point but get farther than anything else I’ve seen. I think Michael salla means well unfortunately he puts a lot of stock into Elena who I find quite skeptical. She may or may not be having communication, most likely telepathic and not physical but who knows. Would make a good project. Remote viewing is in its infancy, it’s a very primitive way of getting information from the subconscious. Those beings are so highly evolved, they don’t sit down with paper and pen to do a session. They just tune in like a dial.
i think Salla from few years ago, got to much attached with Elena, before that he was in some way or form very much inclined with Corey Goode guide until Elena came (regardless of Corey Goode allegations an if he is or not credible, one thing is for shore, Robert Bigelow and the director from Gaya tried to put Corey in the court room but apparently the director send a letter to Corey apologizing after a call he had from the SSP, and Corey later won the case against the billionaire Bigelow). People later started to commenting how Dr. Salla has changed since he started partnering with Elena.
Later i also saw Elena saying that she was being mislead by entities that were making her believe in a narrative that was not true, but that has long gone and according to her she was no longer attached to them, at least that was what i perceived at that time.