So if the coldwar goes hot it would be a Orion & Reptilian v. Federation conflict. Federation has people here, but it's also the case that subfactions of the 2 empires have their own people and these empire subgroups might want their people freed as well, either on the surface or on ships (which could create a defector/spoiler dynamic).
Let's say the earth reptilian force which owns the planet numbers around 800 million. Then there's interstellar reptilians plus the Orion forces. If there is a peace or safe passage treaty it's reasonable to assume the core ownership of the planet would have to stay in the hands of the earth reptilians unless there's a total war which could destroy the planet. If the earth reptilian ownership is contested then rights over resource usage must be negotiated unless the core earth reptilian group is annihilated. The Lacerta file is interesting but the leadership of the earth reptilian groups should be mapped out more - her opinions probably don't reflect the Heads I Win Tails You Lose attitude of the earth reptilian leadership.
This creates pressure to relocate some people from the overcrowded planet of 35 billion to other areas which fall under federation law/protection. Humans would have to be reskilled/given training and onboarded and this could lead to a stovepipe if too many are expected to be transferred at once.
If the planet is toast and lots of people are dead then the Federation would be obligated to soul yoink people who want to leave and transfer them - they get their people with or without war and can prevent the other factions from smuggling too many prisoners out.
There's also value in the natural resources, DNA and other things which creates incentive to preserve the planet. Both human DNA and the flora/fauna DNA. Zeta greys DNA harvesting might only be one of the crude uses of the DNA. There could be more sophisticated uses of these bloodlines which have been hybridized over eons and the primary movers of that use would have to be humans.