There's been a couple of posts by various people over the years about making FS more visible, even to the point of suggesting they should appear in congress.
I've commented that that is not going to happen. Remote Viewing is not real to people, and so just saying "oh, we talk to invisible aliens - here's what they had to say" is never going to work. (especially given that even within the RV community, many are sceptical of FS - point in case, look at the recent CB & Dick Allgire video... even though Dick is fully aware of ETs, even he's skeptical... I think that says a LOT!
However, that doesn't mean I think we shouldn't do anything at all!
So, true to my beliefs about this, two weeks I did a presentation to a group of English second language learners on the topic of Remote Viewing. There were about 35 people who showed up (nice crowd! A bit too crowded).
After running through some of the history and an explanation of RV, I asked them who believed it. Naturally, most people didn't. Next, I asked who definitely didn't believe - a few hands went up. So, I then asked - who's willing to believe if presented with enough evidence... and that got the response I hoped for!
I also showed them some of my hits, and experience with how it can happen (I still have a tendency to not get what's in the photo, but to get things associated with it. E.g., instead of getting the photo of a destroyed building from an earthquake, I instead got where the epicentre was, and one of the significant factors regarding that, scientifically speaking (ie. the tsunami it caused!) Similarly, when targeting the World Trade Centre, I got fire and planes... not the actual photo taken before 9/11...
I also told them it took me a bit under 40 practice sessions before I got my "Holy shit - this is real" moment - when I hit a target so beautifully, with such a *unique* feature clearly described, that there's no way it could be mere luck or "coincidence". (not to say I hadn't had some good hits previously - just not to this extent... and even then, I missed some of the other more obvious features :( )
And, to go with that, I set them up with pen and paper (unfortunately, there was only enough for 21 people :( ) (no desks though :( :( :(
And, using FS' Target Pool A, I gave them all a target (in numerical order - T1, T2, T3, etc....).
Very fortunately for me, after they did their sessions, I asked who wanted to know what their target was - and one of the first who asked hit the jackpot! Even to the point of writing down the name on the paper, as well as good descriptors, and visuals which I recognise (including a blatantly obvious one next to the name). She was over the moon!!! Incredibly excited!
I looked at a couple of others, and one could clearly see the resemblances - those bits there clearly look like those things here...
Sure, beginner's luck... however, it was a good win for the night!
Such that, I've now created a group with the intention of having weekly training and practice sessions. Sure, I'm not a trained RVer... but frankly, given the option between doing something and doing nothing - I'll take the former.
And I think this is exactly the sort of thing that needs to be done - by all of us here.
I also intend to follow on with basically replicating the study by Smith, Laham and Moddel - Stock Market Prediction Using Associative Remote Viewing by Inexperienced Remote Viewers ( - both for the RVers themselves, and for them to get excited enough to be telling others about it - and from there, hopefully seeing it grow.
Once we've established that RV is real, and that everyone can do it - *THEN* can we start talking about ETs and Harvey and FS and all in a meaningful way! (especially if I/we start giving woo targets thrown in amongst the 'normal' ones... maybe replicate the "Reality of Harvey" session!)
(not only do I intend to have them practice RV for themselves, and do ARV targets, I'll also be getting them to do Monitoring practice - still double-blind - largely to have them ask themselves those sorts of questions when they're in session)
So, as others have posted about doing something, I do think this is probably THE most important thing that we can do now - RV!
Make it real.