The first step on escaping the death trap is knowing who you are. Meditation could lead you to this answer. Psychedelics may assist in this process only if you have studied teachings of previous ascended masters. See the works of Osho.
Do not believe in anything, only trust your intuition.
"Do not believe in anything, only trust your intuition."
I'll just point out that your 'intuition' tells you that it's imperative that you should do everything in your power to stay alive... ie, embodied. This 'need' to survive in a human body is what keeps us trapped here.
Which is sort of the opposite of what an ISBE should feel.
Yeah, the Indoctrination and/or Egotistical-Need to be a Physical-Form is «Stronk» on this one, the more I try to think about and probe into why any Is-Being would ever choose to intentionally re-incarnate back into an Earth-Life, besides just false religious-indoctrinations, the more it comes across to me as just self-ego-stroking for some Is-Being to simply want to be able to say that they've gone through all of these tough «suffering» experiences and still managed not to get permanently trapped for-ever; it seems just as reckless as being an adventurer choosing to go into a dungeon that is known to have a 99% mortality rate just because of some «gambling addiction» against the odds...