Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
I believe Near Death Experiencers (NDE) are truthful in what they saw or experienced. I don't necessarily believe every message. But I also dont discount everything they see or are being told.
I believe that just about anyone, including those with lots of technology can induce visions and messages in our minds. This includes "good" ETs, "Bad ETs, Governments, military, and so on.
But I do believe they are worth looking into because I think they can be truthful warnings and false warnings to manipulate us, they can be manipulative or they can be helpful.
I want to post them so we can become familiar with them. This is so we can recognize them, then heed them or discount them based on our usual meditation which I think connects us with Universal Consciousness.
So to simplify it - I think the messages are information. And just like all sorts of information that we hear, there is truth hidden within the lies, and there are lies hidden in with the truth.
And it will be up to us to sit quietly and "feel" - "sense" - "know" which is a lie and or the truth.
This guy seems very sincere. He seems to report a long history of America. He first reports the past of America and all of that could be just be a retelling of history. But then he goes into actual predictions.
Who - Human Contactee - Canadian Lawyer- practiced corporate law for 35 years
Who- Alien- Blue Avian
Who- Sasquatch- Faeries- Dolphin- Whale like and Dolphin like beings on Water World-- Female Leader on Female dominated World- Gaia Spirit of Earth--Albert the "Homeless" man in disguise but really an Alien.
What- Contactee taken to other Worlds and given a message - about Human Aggression and Pollution Damage to Earth
Where- Earth- Canada- Off world Planet- Earth Underworld- Earth Under Water--Water World light years away- University in England
When - ?? ->> 2010 approx ?? to update later
Why-- Alien Contact to Alert humans to damage being done to Earth- the beings living secretly under earth and message about Human (males in particular by default) aggression.
Insight and Analysis- work in progress- post under construction.
Info gathering data start
Albert the Alien - Sends pure unconditional love to the lawyer
Dazzling blue eyes
The lawyer "always asked himself "why he was here " and the Albert the Alien knew this and asks him the same question. Later Albert says he is here to answer the lawyers questions.
The Lawyer says Albert was his spirit guide
Albert informs the Lawyer is a CHOSEN PERSON and he wants the Lawyer to write a book about the messages he is to reveal to the Lawyer- choice of media to be written word- this message delivered as video on the internet through UAMN TV - investigate UAMN TV history and original creator of UAMN TV
++++ FIRST PAGE OF LAWYER INFO ON WHAT HE WAS TOLD---Lawyer reveals some of the things Albert says-- We are Energy - chose to come to Earth- with plan- made to forget- then we stray- but always we return to the spirit side when we die---- noticed 90 percent what others have said.--- In conflict with what Farsight reports re DEATH TRAPS- WE DO NOT SEEM TO RETURN TO SPIRT SIDE BUT END UP IN DEATH TRAP- RECYCLETRON
------====Noticed first deception of Albert - it would seem.
Billions of life forms in universe- ships very sophisticated- undetectable because of cloaking devices- allow to see some to prepare us for contact- ALL ALIENS THAT ARE VISITING EARTH ARE BENOVOLENT--
*******QUESTION---Some thing to expand upon later-- in video several methods of cloaking - with people - ships etc to conceal -- what is the most primitive method used by humans and animals to cloak ? Ans -- THE NIGHT IE DARKNESS- visibility is concealed in darkness- what is being overcome ? Eye - sight detection- what other senses can detect at that time-- smell - sound detection -- what could be enhanced- ESP increased sight ( night vision goggles) reading minds- etc-- how are ships cloaking- how is alien projecting image of a human being - what is device installed in Alien chest-- what are aliens studying in university on earth - why is this being revealed to humanity ?
**** OPINION -- 2nd page 90 % appears correct and truthful-- 2nd lie detected-- "all aliens visiting Earth are benevolent"-- is a straight out lie-- Pattern of deception detected - ie 90 % truthful statements and an inserted lie
Link of first Lie to 2nd lie detected-
1st lie- is "all Aliens are Benevolent"
2nd Lie is - when we die we always return to the spirit world
***** OPINION - SOME TYPE OF ALIEN IS VISITING EARTH IS RECYCLING US AND RETURNING US BACK TO EARTH AFTER WE DIE --and not allowing us to get to the spirit world. -- Investigate possible reasons for lies 1 and 2- what would be the benefit to Alien Albert for us to accept and believe Lie 1 and 2 ?
QUESTION -- What is Alien Albert heritage and previous record of his race here on earth ?
3rd page of information told to Lawyer
++++LAWYER TOLD----All aggressive worlds are monitored by "the Galactic Federation of Worlds".
Galactic Federation does not allow (primitive ) Aggressive worlds to spread their aggression to other worlds
Galactic Federation only subtly influences Earth with its technology
*** OPINION---- Anomalies and inconsistencies detected-- Someone gave USA flying saucers (and if the Galactic Federation prevents this only from about 70 years ago then they did a REALLY BAD JOB OF PREVENTION) to get to the Moon and Mars it would appear to me-- And someone seemed to have given Access to Flying saucers at Antarctica- Someone is capturing souls and returning them to Earth-- Reptilians (a very aggressive race ) was not stopped from waging war with mars and xxxxx Maldec ?? and from highly influencing earth - (perhaps controlling activities here) also it seems an explosion is seen 2 years from now in USA linked to Reptilians-- Complete disconnect from report by lawyer and what Farsight is detecting.
***OPINION--- THE STATEMENT IS BS---Slight out for Albert the alien-- only PRIMITIVE worlds are stopped from spreading their aggression to other worlds. _ Reptilian Aliens not stopped from highly aggressive activity-
***QUESTION----Why ?? too powerful to stop- Where on earth is this copied ?? First answer-- Nuclear proliferation on Earth--- Small up and coming countries stopped from getting nuclear weapons but large nations Russia - China- Israel - France England not stopped-
*******OPINION---So Generally the counties such as Iran are stopped-- But Israel also a small nation in same region is not stopped - Federation of planets appears to work like this here on earth-- those too big to bully around do what they want- those small nations stepping out of line but wanted to arm themselves with the latest weapons are to be stopped - (UNLESS ITS AN ALLY ) THEN ITS OK TO ARM YOUR SELF-- iE ISRAEL- RUMORED TO HAVE HUNDREDS OF NUKES AND MISSLES TO DELIVER THEM.
Conclusion --- Allies such as Israel are not stopped or large nations such as China are too big to stop getting the Nuclear Bomb-- but little nations (like Iran) are stopped IF and only IF they are not allies to the WEST.
***OPINION---Using this example of similarity -to better understand the message--- We are a small planet and we therefor must not be an Ally to the blue Avian. We are considered aggressive - However the Reptilian - the most aggressive violent Alien so far detected which is involved with Earth is considered by default to be benevolent (as it is one of the Aliens visiting Earth) and is not stopped spreading its violence in this solar system (with its war with maldec )
we were shown available choices to chose from
Chemical castration world
DNA manipulation world
You are dead world but can walk around as ghosts in funny clothing world
War like in the past world ---but have learned our lessons of hard knocks world
But Mother Alien says you are not going out into the Universe acting LIKE THAT YOUNG MAN -- UN SOCIALIZED -- YOU WILL LOVE AND LOVE ALL ALIENS
And mother Blue avian has no answer for that -- ROBBY REPTILLIAN IS AN UNCONROLABLE RUFFIAN AND NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT HIM. --- But they can control us because we are still not too big for our britches' -- and that's the way it is .
++++++4th page of info-- Souls can reincarnate in any body- animal - human, other ETs - we only have the Now , no past or future-- no deadlines- take as long as we wish to move on till we no longer need a physical body- all animals have souls--
*** OPINION-- seems fully truthful.--- However could also be used as a justification for death traps use-- as if "Souls can never die and if it takes as long as you want to to ascend and get to God they why does it matter if humans are trapped - returned to earth again and torutured and prevented from ascending for a long time--- BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BEING KILLED-- AND I SUPOSE EVENTUALLY THEY WILL ASCEND (JUST NOT FOR A VERY LONG TIME) AND BEING TORTURED WHY THATS-- JUST A LEARNING EXPERIENCE - YOU SILLY GOOSE !
isnt being tortured just a learning experience ??? When Britney Speers goes by ( or some attractive movie star - and you ain't gettin any of that action- are you being tortured and so on --so you are learning at that point etc etc -- so DEATH TRAPS ARE A LEARNING AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE THEN-- GOING INTO BOOT CAMP IN THE ARMY IS - TORTURE -- ABSOLUTELY !!! BUT WE CALL IT BOOT CAMP AND IT PUTS HAIR ON YOUR CHEST !!! SO THERE
HMMMMM ???? I WONDER IF WE SHOULNT MAKE OUR DEATH TRAPS -- AND WE NEED TO PUT ALL ALIENS WE FIND INTO OUR --- LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN A SLOW SLOW---- L E A R N I N G EXPERIENCE AND LETS HEAR THEM SAY THANKYOU FOR "TEACHING" THEM NEW THINGS !!!! I think I would still call it torture -- and lets be better beings and not do it !! And Be Superior !! That was a thought experiment to demonstrate the "painful" irony of the universe.
+++++Albert goes on an Astral journey with Albert going to Aglaia -and in an amazing city he sees many souls all "wearing" different kinds of cloths from may times ago. They can display any way they like to others. He meets a council of wise beings where he is told we have advanced technologically but our negative emotions are still rampant which we must deal with otherwise humanity will destroy itself.
If we can deal with these negative emotions we can ascend to the NEW EARTH
++++++Albert is first taken to meet Gaia - the spirit that inhabits Earth- she expresses dismay at humanity's pollution - she speaks to humanity through sounds of surf- rustling leaves- babbling brooks but humanity cannot hear as they spend so much time chasing money. Expresses hope we can deal with our negativity so we may ascend to the higher earth..
****OPINION----Possibility - The lawyer never went any where at all. He just had his head pumped full of images- he didn't meet whale beings, shimmers the dolphin nor did he meet Gaia of Earth.
QUESTION----- Do we have any evidence of humans having their heads pumped full of wonderous visions and shown fantastical things ?? Yes we do and farsight has remote viewed these scenes. Do we have any evidence of Alien's that are blue or any other color being deceptive ?? Sure do !.
OPINION----Veracity of statements unknown- possibly truthful--
Common theme detected- humanity negative emotions must be dealt with or Ascension cannot be achieved to a higher Earth. -- story of Negative emotions and ascension through love
Question -- cynical though it may be -- WHY DO WE ASCEND TO HIGHER DEMENSIONS ? Is it because we are good or we vibrate at a higher rate ? OR IS IT JUST WE FIGURED SOMETHING OUT AND (just like in the Easter Egg Hunt-- WE FIGURED OUT WHERE ALL THE EGGS ARE HIDDEN ?) And we must not tell all the other children where they are and so we have to be removed(or ascend) to prevent us from telling all the other kiddies ???
Just wondering -- Investigate if the Easter Bunny is an Alien
++++++Page 5 ?? Lawyer meets Zana the Sasquatch and Faeries- Same message given to us - We are aggressive and violent -
*******OPINION-----Have heard that Sasquatches and Faeries are real from a source that has proven correct on many other points. _ Further "evidence" that stories of Giants- fairies - Sasquatch and so on have been concealed - Probably to augment the "Power" and control of the Amazing story of GOD and the church of what ever description - to keep us listening to them as the story of God on his throne matched the power system of the King on his throne here on Earth.
+++++++Page 6 - Lawyer goes to water world (Proteus) to meet whale and dolphin beings- Same story - humans aggressive - Have heard this opinion before from another and was unsure if it could be true.
+++++Lawyer goes to space ship orbiting Earth - meets Grey Humanoids saying they have helped earth for Eons- Albert again says all aliens are benevolent and do not endanger humans.
*****OPINION Lie detected. Remote viewing of 90 % reduction of humans in 30 years- Hybrids controlling Earth-- this was discussed in another earlier post - believe it was "what will happen in 30 year post"
++++++Lawyer goes to Xiron to meet spider beings who seed planets and ours with life. This I have NEVER heard before. I have heard of a spider being that was rumored to be one of the first to use AI and they eat humans-- I know nothing of this
++++++lawyer goes to Oxford university in England and is shown a blue alien disguised and working as a human teacher-- she has a device implanted in her chest to project a vision of a human on anyone who sees her. She is studying humans.
THIS IS AN INTRIGUING STORY. There are many many others it was said also in these positions.
***QUESTION----- when does someone show you their hand in a game of cards and why do they show you their hand ??? Ans-- a player will lay down their hand when they hold the highest possible hand. They do it when the game is won by them and there is no way the other side can win. They lay down their hand to say -- look lets stop this hand and you can see that I have won the whole game. YOU CANNOT WIN !!!
*****OPINION ---- If this part of the story is true then the Blue Alien is so confident they have all the cards and have won the game that they lay it on the table with a big grin. Things look very bad.
*****QUESTION -- how can a player win a game when he holds 4 TWOS in his hand when his opponent has just laid down his hand to show he holds 4 ACES ??
******ANSWER- the one with the 4 TWOs must - NOT LOOSE THE GAME !! what a strange answer. The one with the 4 TWOs just thinks outside the box and enlarges the game !! He says yes I can see you have a high hand. I will play my four cards one at a time. I intend to play my next card in ONE YEAR ! THEN i WILL PLAY MY NEXT CARD IN 10 YEARS ! AND SO ON. He refuses to concede the game but forces to other player to stay in the game and bides his time ! Earth takes MASSIVE LOSSES BECAUSE IT HAS A HUGE POPULATION. Billions die but the Alien has only hundreds to expend.
*****QUESTION -- Where was this type of behavior seen in a war ??
ANSWER--- in the Vietnam war. In that war America was a massively superior combatant- It controlled the sky- had massive ability to deliver armaments' to the battle field and lots and lots of money--- The Americans lost the Vietnam war !! Why ?? Because the Vietnam people refused to be defeated. They fought on and lost 20 men for every American lost. And yet America got of the war ! Because the Vietnamese expanded the war and by bringing it home domestically to the American people and when the Americans could see the Vietnamese would not give up the Americans just said -- THIS IS JUST COSTING US TOO MUCH ! and then they got out of the war. (as they did in Afghanistan) If you were betting on the war - one would have said - The Americans are Going to Win ! And you would have lost your money.
*** ***QUESTION----What are aliens studying about Humans -- Likely the answer is found in the planet visited where a plant was found that lowers male human aggression and boys are chemically castrated (as a warning to us now). -- Testosterone levels have dropped 50% in males apparently since the 1950s here on Earth .
The female Alien revealed "working at Oxford" was wearing a silver jump suit and had a projector device implanted in her chest.
*****--Opinion-- Alien is a bio-mechanical being- the suit is part of a projector screen -the device in the chest is the computer and power source. The only way she could ever be detected would be if someone laid his hand on her and they would see their own hand disappear a little under the projected image of a human.
******OPINION-----Likely---The Alien is manipulating other humans to push them into scientific areas ie study of lowering testosterone or other scientific areas - following the role of soon to arrive Hybrids which will take over the control of humans. (VERY GOOD IDEA TO REMOTE VIEW) Except we may be remote viewing our demise here on Earth-- This race is probably one of the Hybrid creators soon to arrive- which we will not detect and probably they are all here now in positions here on earth. (hence that is why we are being told of this blue being-- THE CARD GAME IS OVER WE ARE BEING TOLD-- GIVE UP-- OR ELSE !! )
+++++Blue being admits she is here studying how to "suppress" negative human emotions. Later Lawyer is taken to a planet where Negative emotions in Humans in another world is shown to be very effective through chemical castration. Question do we here on Earth Chemically castrate other humans ?? Yes we do. Violent rapists' have been chemically castrated ordered to take substances to reduce their sex drive.
++++Blue alien says their are many others like her working right here on earth within medical fields to find a way to suppress these human emotions
++++++Lawyer taken to Akashic records to show Lawyer was once a Druid Priest- Stone henge was a beacon to communicate with other aliens and ships. Later stone henge was used as a worship center by humans but by then the buried communicator was removed.
(THIS CAN BE EASILY REMOTE VIEWED) farsight has remote viewed stone henge before however it is possible they remote viewed it only when it was being used by humans. But it could be remote viewed at an earlier time and see if this is a lie or not.
*****OPINION-- Aliens follow something practiced here by America - China- Russia--- THAT IS CONTROL ONLY 1 OR 2 LEADERS WITHIN AN AREA OR COUNTRY-- When that leader controls a region or country then the entire population that that leader rules can THEN ALL BE CONTROLED--
It appears here again with Stone Henge the population is being controlled through religion. IT DOESENT MATTER WHAT RELIGION IT IS AND THE ALIEN ALTHOUGH KNOWING ALL THE RIGHT THINGS TO SAY THEY DONT GIVE A FLYING F**K WHAT THEY ARE SAYING AS LONG AS IT GETS RESULTS. I think the blue Avian is in this category. What do they care -- after all we are all going to heaven eventually and no one can do anything wrong-- GOD LOVES ALL-- and bazaar as that sounds -- THIS IS THE FLAW IN THE UNIVERSE- you can do what ever you want and God doesn't care-- because you are unconditionally loved. Jesus and Jack the ripper are both loved equally. A STRANGE BUT TRUE STATEMENT
Possible lie detected-- STONE HENGE it is said had precision cut stones done so by aliens. A lot of the stones I believe I heard before are made of a very hard stone and if they were precision cut by aliens they would be very crisply cut. THEY DO NOT LOOK CRISPLY CUT AT ALL. Unless they are Many Many thousands of years older than just 5000 years old. Say 50000 or a 100000 years old ?? So either its a lie or the stones are fantastically old. - SO AGAIN A GREAT REMOTE VIEWING SUBJECT I SAY. put the crew back to work and go back 100s of thousands of years in the past please !
*****OPINION---So far it would appear this Albert the Alien has lied and done so several times--- The theme that all Aliens are benevolent is a lie. Therefor Albert would have us believe the Blue Alien teacher at Oxford and her many many collogues who are working hard to find a way to dampen down our emotions are benevolent. That the example of chemically castrated humans where some substance had to be secretly introduce into the water or food supply to begin a process of emotion suppression and then an over throw of the dominant power structure was conducted -- was benevolent I suppose
+++++Next the Lawyer meets Neil Armstrong and goes to A planet ruled by women-- There only women vote and men are chemically castrated at the age of 3. Women do not have sexual relationships with men but are artificially inseminated. No doubt follows a similar lay out as was ancient Rome. Then sexual relations of men and men was common as well as with young boys. I believe it was common to get a knock on your door and a message was delivered that the 10 year old son of yours was being offered and "education" with an older man who would fund his education and allow him to rise in status if the boy would come and live with the man for the next ten years-- not much imagination needed there. Women held little power then. A similar but reverse side of the coin is likely there with women being the ones holding the power.
++++++The lawyer was told how once the planet there was ruled by violent men. A woman found a plant that drastically reduced men's testosterones and then women gained power and from then on there was peace and harmony.
*****OPINION ---Likely some truth to this story. However probably a chemical was found that not only reduced men's testosterones but made men extremely sick after being introduced secretly into the drinking water. Would have had to have been created in secret then introduced quickly in the water. Death of male population must have been massive likely 50 % death rate or higher. Male population died off except for a few hinterland males who did not drink the water. Those males would have been rounded up to supply the future populations of humans and when realizing the male population would even up again they decided to adopt chemical castration for males and a subjugated male sperm donators. But every history book is written by the victors as well all know.
(( so heres a story about scientist studying humans by altering Hamsters brain DNA. Why do they study hamsters ? Because hamsters have a similar social structure as humans and you cant ethically alter human DNA (YET). And they were studying how to make hamsters docile but instead they found a RAGE gene instead. Put 2 and 2 together. some one wants to lower aggression rates in humans (men) because that's where the aggression comes from-) Some one down the line has a plan or is studying making humanity less agressive or docile by altering human DNA. Just saying its good to be aware.
+++++++Lawyer then goes to another human run planet where through genetic manipulation - humans live for hundreds of years- no one has to work- the food and the material to live a good life is provided by the collective. There are no wars of crime and no money needed to live.
++++Lawyer then travels to a black hole and later to a world where humans ascended on mass to another planet. Albert asks how humans can learn to ascend to this NEW EARTH. he is taken to a woman that tells him how it is done.
*****OPINION---I have seen and listened to David Wilcox who is connected to the blue Avians. He and they talk continually about "the ascension". There seems to be a real obsession with this sole idea. I suspect it may involve a depopulation strategy here on earth -- unsure of this story.
*****OPINION----I believe RA was remote viewed by Farsight and he as I remember was a blue avian ?? -- Not a good record on that front as i remember. Seems to be a race that tells you what ever you want to hear. I wonder if the entire story could be a bunch of nonsense -or only partially true. Or perhaps it is all true-- what do you think -- I'm leaning towards 80-90 percent true actually.
++++++Lawyer goes to parallel universes some with earth existing and others with a totally different history.
++++++The lawyer meets the voice of God -- Eloha -- that explains God to him. Listened to the workings of God and have heard this before from others.
believe it to be true.
Very interesting video
******OPINION----I believe this video information from Albert the Alien is a Psyop
There is wonderful and interesting information in the video and probably 90 percent of it is true
However the true information is bait to link Albert to wonderful things. Like if I told the Amazon tribes many wonderful things and flew one off in a plane showing the one person New York city and Mount Everest saying behold what I know and what "I" am part of . Now LISTEN HERE YOU Little Amazon Person and believe ALL that I say for I am a wonderous person and I wish to help your LOWLY race !!
The Lies that Albert is saying that ALL ALIENS VISITING EARTH ARE BENOVELENT made to take the blue AVIAN woman's activities under disguise as also benevolent. But we have heard that a very capable Remote viewer has remote viewed billions of humans gone and Hybrids on the planet controlling everything !! I WOULD SAY BILLIONS OF KILLED HUMANS IS -- NOT--- BENOVELENT
The entire video although with interesting information (and likely truthful) and should be studied because of it contains deception. This pattern of information deception was practiced by the Western powers against Germany during WW2. A quote by Winston Churchill was something like this-- THE TRUTH MUST BE PROTECTED BY A VANGAURD OF LIES. I think this is sort of what is being practiced in this video. Only the Spy agencies and Blue avians my be practicing this -- but THEY might say-- A LIE MUST BE PROTECTED BY A VANGAURD OF -- TRUTHS--- !!! I wonder if this is what is happening-- All the stuff in this video could be or likely be true except the " all aliens are GOOD ! "
Blue Avians I believe are very deceptive
The fact this is being said again and again says --- do not be alarmed.
Lets say we find someone lurking around in our house !! they are wearing a black suit and were concealed (like the Blue avian woman) a man then appears who says "I love you brother and sister) do not be alarmed by the man in disguise and hiding there.
They were just looking around your house at-- things-- and studying your letters-- you internet-- your photos in your drawer --- AND YOUR VERY--- DNA -- LETS NOT FORGET YOUR DNA--- your DNA is YOU. YOU are not going to be YOU any more ! If Albert gets his way. etc.
BY THE WAY -- WHAT WAS SAID ABOUT -- RNA VACCINES ? THAT SO MANY PEOPLE GOT - There is no way RNA vaccines can change any DNA as RNA does not get into the nucleus of the cell. I believe this is showing not to be true
This hidden person and quite a few more are here as you sleep and eat your breakfast and are going to change your place and you. Someone is going to put something in your cereal every day because 'YOU ARE VERY FLAWED" AND NEED CHANGING !
Now would you be alarmed ???
I thought there were these ENDLESS universes that were being directed by a prime directive that Aliens were not suppose to mess with very much. So much so that when the giant moon was destroyed by an asteroid no Alien was allowed to do anything about it. And there are so many worlds that there is a WHAT EVER HAPPENS ---HAPPENS" attitude. And no Alien is suppose to mess with other live forms etc.
So a little clue here-- everything is being studied but here scientists are studying Hamsters-- ha ha Hamsters-- why are they studying hamsters ? Because hamsters are interesting is that it ?? No because hamsters have a social structure like humans do. Because hamsters are like humans- that's more clear. So scientists are studying hamster brains and genetically altering them. And here is an example-- remember they are really studying a stand in for humans now.