Hi Courtney, thank you for the great work done by you and the rest of the Farsight team! I just thought I'd share some feedback regarding Harvey:
I feel that we are in the middle of an information war in the sense that there are multiple narratives going around, each somewhat different from the next. I have no doubt Harvey and his group which he identifies as the Galactic Federation of Worlds exist, the only concern I have is on what grounds can we believe that what he and his group are saying is real and trustworthy? The reason I bring this is up is almost similar to the reservations you have regarding the Lacerta Files. We know Lacerta exists, but we just cannot verify her claims. We can sort of intuit her honesty levels, which seem low, but that's about it. Judging by what you experienced with neural engagement from one of the interactions with Harvey's associate, it seems also given that thoughts can be projected into human minds, thoughts which ostensibly could include feelings. I say that because of what some of the New Agers are spouting when they say they are channeling beings of pure love and light, but their message appears to be complete misinformation and it's quite clear to me they are being duped, so it seems to me that these feelings of "love and embrace" could possibly be manufactured as well through neural engagement. It seems to me that a bit more prudence is necessary when dealing with ETs and discovering their true intentions. Perhaps we can delve a little bit more into the personal side of Harvey and his team? And also the information they can share regarding Earth's history, like the Lacerta files? Even in a human job interview, one doesn't get hired before we get to "know" the candidate, let alone trusting an ET! That being said, my intuition is telling me that Harvey and his team are on the "good side" in that they want humans to at least know the truth, and that is good to me. It reminds me of the pill scene in The Matrix movie where Morpheus says to Neo, "Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."
I apologize if I am getting a bit lengthy here, but I can't help but feel like I'm about to experience Neo's fate of waking up to the true but ugly reality of a scorched world and the Nebuchadnezzar. What do I mean? It is clear to me now that we are on the cusp of being a Vietnam War, except that it's much worse on a galactic level. We are the local villagers in the straw hats, slaves to the original prison system (old Empire), with an agitator side (Dominion/GFW) telling us to rise up and that they will support us when we do. We are the proxy war for them, and I don't think that there is any real love for us on either side, we as humans in the physical form are probably regarded as ants (or trash, in Aziz's words) in their eyes (but then again, we're much more valuable in ISBE form than in human body form), like how the Vietnamese were regarded by the foreign powers. But, seems like the friendly ET forces need us for now, so we are better than ants at the moment. When you guys did the RV session on how the death traps would end, with the battle between the old empire and friendly ET forces (with humans on ships of both sides, I might add), I shudder to think what the death toll and destruction would be. Make no mistake, fellow humans, war is coming, whether we like it or not. Let us at least have the wisdom to choose the side of freedom and truth!
"I shudder to think what the death toll and destruction would be"
One of the biggest problems with the way this world is run is the belief that these physical meatsacks that we've been continually forced into occupying - life after life after life - actually have some real value.
Whereas, in our *real* understanding of the universe, we should see them merely as some sort of clothing we pick up to wear in a particular location, and take them off again when we leave, or it gets too worn out or damaged.