So, I'm just about at the end of this book.
If you're not aware of it, it's *supposed* to be transcripts of interviews between a surviving alien in the 1947 Roswell crash, and a US Army nurse - with whom the alien was willing to telepathically communicate with. It's the book where Courtney gets the term IS-BE from.
A few things have stuck out with me...
Firstly, a lot of the 'history' of the universe, and Earth humans in particular, aver *very* similar to Scientology doctrine! Including some very specific phrases and concepts... especially with regards to how and why universes exist (ie, playing 'games'). I'd actually be that it was written by a scientologist to drum up interest in Scio, since it's faded over the decades.
( I also note that a) on p152, she hints that someone (one of the lost Expeditionary Force has "discovered and developed effective methods that they used to rehabilitate their own memories. They eventually codified their methods so that others can safely be trained to apply them to themselves and others" and "...can recover from amnesia and also regain lost abilities" So, yeah, sounds a LOT like scientology propaganda to me! In addition, this ISBE of the DEF was previously Cecil Rhodes - who body dropped only a few years before LRH was born... hmmm, coincidence! (L Ron is somewhat Rhodes like in attitude).
And, lastly, on p150, is written "It has been almost exactly 40 years since the crash at Roswell." That would make it about 1987... Rather coincidentally, L. Ron died in 1986...)
Also, the way evolution is just tossed away as crap... the author clearly doesn't appreciate that various examples of evolution do exist in nature - including a number of those from Darwin's own journals, (This isn't to say that some life hasn't had a helping hand - just that not all acts of evolution need that hand).
And, after a little search, I found a debunk site... and I've since 'confirmed' (if we can trust Wikipedia) that some pieces of 'information' couldn't be true. For example, the nurse (Matilda) claims to have been in a room with " Army Air Force Secretary Symington" - this is supposed to be 31st of July, 1947... the US Air Force didn't exist until a bit over 1 month later, and thus, there was no position of "Secretary" of said non-existent Air Force at the time this apparently happened. - small, but significant!
What also doesn't make much sense - The Domain are fully aware of the IS-BE aspect to existence - yet they still have a VERY materialistic view of the universe - and complete dispassion about those billions of IS-BEs currently trapped down here. Very odd! So, too, is the claim that it would take so much time, effort, resources, to find and dismantle the death traps (not named as such in the book)... but, for a fully aware IS-BE, that's ridiculous!!! (for that matter, a half-decent Remote Viewer could find and figure out the relevant bits - another thing that just seems ... 'odd'!
Airl (the alien) basically describes The Domain as a feudal society... again, WTF?? This doesn't make sense for eternal, immortal IS-BEs...
So, if you're read it - what have you thought about it?? Do you believe it? Do you think it's complete crap (perhaps more disinformation??)
Hmm, I would need to obtain a copy of said book, and, read it myself before I can give any feed-back or commentary; I will comment on your «and complete dispassion about those billions of IS-BEs currently trapped down here» reference though. From the vantage-point of the combination of my pre-this-universe-life-memories and what I «consciously» know/learned whilst «down here» from this earth-life-configuration...
I would say that the «trapped» number of Is-Beings is more like Trillions & Trillions (upon Trillions) and, spoiler-not-so-spoiler-alert, a number of descriptions from the Remote-Viewers in the Death-Traps-Related Videos (both Detection & Escaping) described the Trap-Process as being very similar to how I perceived it during my Pre-This-Universe-Life-Memories (moths to a flame; mesmerised into moving towards it; etc.;
for my specific-vocabulary that I had come up with were QDPs, Quantum-Dissonance-Particles, that contaminated all of the unsuspecting Is-Beings with a Mind-Control Effect, QDP being my word for what the Messiah referred to as Sin when he was referring to it as a Noun, although Remote-Viewers have thus far only seemed to be able to sense/feel/detect Negative-Emotions in others, rather than the perceptions/vantage-points that both I and the very Messiah have about what he calls Sin and I am referring to here as QDP, for which the Messiah explains is responsible for Negative-Emotions and susceptibility to Mind-Control by Sinister-Forces from Lower & Darker Invisible-Realms).
Anyway, unlike the Remote-Viewers describing Is-Beings being trapped by a Light, within my own Pre-This-Universe-Memories, Is-Beings were being trapped by what looked to me more like some sort of Black-Hole, with an apparently Mind of its Own (the Dark of God as the Messiah would call IT), and, said Sphere-of-Dark was «emitting» something like Impulse-Waves of sorts, and, the MOMENT that ANY «Is-Being» that was near enough to receive the perceptions of these Impulse-Waves and «allowed itself» (or was tricked) into being contaminated by ANY of those mind-controlling QDPs, well, the result ends up _being_ that «mesmerised» effect where my literal very existence suddenly became «invisible» to them, when I tried to call out (telepathically since that's how we communicate in the Pure-Realm) they could literally no longer perceive my very presence/existence. And that is a brief (yes, BRIEF) description of the start of my apparent «Spiritual-Mission» to come «down here» and /attempt/ to get any «trapped» Is-Being unstuck if possible (numerous others also apparently came «down here» only to end up getting trapped themselves; I was curious as to why or what could possibly be «down here» that kept on getting them trapped to the point where they _never_ came out and now I know why; whether I can actually DO anything about it other than tell my story & attempt to carry out the works of The Messiah from where he left off has yet to be determined but if my Pre-This-Universe-Life-Memories can be Remote-Viewed it should reveal how my first memories are indeed that of what looked like witnessing a bunch of Is-Beings getting trapped into this Darkness-Sphere where within said Darkness-Sphere exists this whole entire Material-Universe for lack of better translation-into-physical-vocabulary).
Haven't read it fully yet, only bits over time, I do find it hard to believe though, how when everyone else involved was terrified of speaking out, we have a full transcript, videos, interviews brave lady?
Hello Shingingbrow, I have also read Alien Interview.
Have you watched 'The Domain' on here? Farsight clearly finds members of the domain, the group Airl claims to be part of, and gets information from them. Airl also made claims about prison planet system and the destruction of a planet in our solar system which is supported by farsight’s remote viewing and telepathic communication. The exploding planet also has some photo evidence. This is what matters. That book produced valuable outcomes. Her claims led us to investigating and discovering that something was really up and communicating with ET groups for help.
You don’t have to take whatever Airl said literally because it breaks down your reality or hurts your feelings. Just realize some of those claims seem to be true based on the remote viewing and accelerated our knowledge base.
If there’s a reasonable chance prison planet is true, then those of us who are aware and prefer freedom need to act. Are you aware that farsight helped coordinate an alliance between the Galactic Federation and The Domain in which they have agreed to assist in our liberation from the Old Empire? Have you watched farsight's negotiation video, “Public Negotiations With Extraterrestrials”?
Have you watched the series “Conversations with Harvey”? In episode one, the nearby members of the Galactic Federation(GF) express emotional concern/distress for us IS-BEs, many of whom are lost family to them? Importantly in this series, Harvey, a leader from the GF, explains why Earth needs Catastrophic Disclosure so that we IS-BEs can decide for ourselves if we want freedom.
Have you seen "The Reality of Harvey" in which they remote view the actual conversation itself to see if it was more than Courtney talking to himself? Those ET's and those from The Domain are currently poised to help liberate us from our situation. These are the mission critical videos you need to watch.
To address your comments directly,
"Firstly, a lot of the 'history' of the universe, and Earth humans in particular, aver *very* similar to Scientology doctrine! Including some very specific phrases and concepts... especially with regards to how and why universes exist (ie, playing 'games'). I'd actually be that it was written by a scientologist to drum up interest in Scio, since it's faded over the decades.
( I also note that a) on p152, she hints that someone (one of the lost Expeditionary Force has "discovered and developed effective methods that they used to rehabilitate their own memories. They eventually codified their methods so that others can safely be trained to apply them to themselves and others" and "...can recover from amnesia and also regain lost abilities" So, yeah, sounds a LOT like scientology propaganda to me! In addition, this ISBE of the DEF was previously Cecil Rhodes - who body dropped only a few years before LRH was born... hmmm, coincidence! (L Ron is somewhat Rhodes like in attitude). "
You're throwing the baby out with the bath water. Institutions like Scientology or Catholicism have their fair share of scandals and corruption, but it doesn't mean that all of their parts are false. Much of what we are programmed with in society is mired in half truths.
"Also, the way evolution is just tossed away as crap... the author clearly doesn't appreciate that various examples of evolution do exist in nature - including a number of those from Darwin's own journals, (This isn't to say that some life hasn't had a helping hand - just that not all acts of evolution need that hand)."
I suggest you look at creationist's argument's seriously in a new light. We have to thank them for doing much of the legwork for us. Just replace God with ETs. Our understanding of evolution theory today is like flat earth theory back in the day.
"And, after a little search, I found a debunk site... and I've since 'confirmed' (if we can trust Wikipedia) that some pieces of 'information' couldn't be true. For example, the nurse (Matilda) claims to have been in a room with " Army Air Force Secretary Symington" - this is supposed to be 31st of July, 1947... the US Air Force didn't exist until a bit over 1 month later, and thus, there was no position of "Secretary" of said non-existent Air Force at the time this apparently happened. - small, but significant!"
Because wikipedia said so? Information including dates can easily be changed/controlled. Further, debunk sites, google, and wikipedia, news, all these things will funnel you into a controlled narrative whose purpose is to hide inconvenient truths and keep you in the matrix. This is the main draw to remote viewing. We fly over this swamp of brainwashing information/control and find truth for ourselves.
"What also doesn't make much sense - The Domain are fully aware of the IS-BE aspect to existence - yet they still have a VERY materialistic view of the universe"
What do you mean?
"- and complete dispassion about those billions of IS-BEs currently trapped down here. Very odd!"
Airl chose to help us help ourselves by giving us these illuminating insights. She could have peaced out day 1. It’s how we got to the point of freeing ourselves today. Airl says, "Although it is not a priority of The Domain to intervene in the affairs of Earth, The Domain Communications Office has authorized me to provide you with some information in an effort to provide a more accurate and complete understanding of these things and thereby enable you to discover more effective solutions to the unique problems you face on Earth." How is that complete dispassion?
"So, too, is the claim that it would take so much time, effort, resources, to find and dismantle the death traps (not named as such in the book)... but, for a fully aware IS-BE, that's ridiculous!!! (for that matter, a half-decent Remote Viewer could find and figure out the relevant bits - another thing that just seems ... 'odd'!"
Where does Airl claim that it's ridiculous to think we can free ourselves? Airl says, "It is my intention, although is not a part of my mission orders, to assist you in your efforts to advance scientific and humanitarian progress on Earth. My intention is to help other IS-BEs to help themselves. In order to solve the amnesia problem on Earth you will need much more advanced technology, as well as social stability to allow enough time for research and development of techniques to free the IS-BE from the body, and to free the mind of the IS-BE from amnesia."
"Airl (the alien) basically describes The Domain as a feudal society... again, WTF?? This doesn't make sense for eternal, immortal IS-BEs..."
Why doesn't this make sense?
And like I said at the beginning. Farsight checked out The Domain. The Domain is a real ET group.
Ok, Sy, I presume you haven't seen (m)any of my other posts.
I try to remain sceptical - rather than simply accepting what someone says, especially when there's no real, tangible, undeniable evidence to back it up. And especially more so when there's no logical to go with it.
So, while I do fully accept the concept of RV (as I have attested for myself), that in no way means I'm going to accept *every* claim that is made in relation to it (e.g., every single session - and interpretation). I don't take things on "faith" - which is precisely what is being demanded so far. (Granted, there is quite possibly evidence hiding behind FS' paywall - but I'm not coughing up the $5000US for that just now).
What's really needed is *independent* remote viewers, who haven't been trained by 'true believers'.
"You don’t have to take whatever Airl said literally because it breaks down your reality or hurts your feelings"
That's actually insulting - but I presume that's what you were going for!
It actually doesn't really break my reality (again, you obviously haven't seen my other posts on here), and my *feelings* certainly haven't been hurt! My sense of LOGIC and thinking, however, have been!
So, I should probably ask here - do YOU personally have direct personal experience of anything that's been discussed? Or, are you running on "want to believe" type faith, because it sounds good?
"You're throwing the baby out with the bath water. Institutions like Scientology or Catholicism have their fair share of scandals and corruption, but it doesn't mean that all of their parts are false."
I'm not throwing it out. I'm making an observation, and noting some interesting 'coincidences', which piqued my curiosity, and makes me doubt its authenticity. Especially in conjunction with some other things I have since read. (yes, online! OMG... you're right, there's lots of disinformation out there - deliberately so. However, that should make people even *more* sceptical of what they read... like in completely uncorroborated books, where the apparent 'author' (not talking about Spencer) can't even be shown to have existed.
"I suggest you look at creationist's argument's seriously in a new light."
I happen to be sort of a Intelligent Design adherent (this will probably surprise you, but the bits where Airl mentions IS-BEs and how the universe was created - those are my understandings as well - although, I totally acknowledge that I have *ZERO* real evidence to back that up! However, being an IDer doesn't change that I can also accept the theory of evolution (to an extent). As I mentioned, we *do* have evidence that evolution does, in fact, work. Darwin noted it very early on with finches on (I forget which island). And, we still see it today... there are "favourable" mutations in our genetics as we have new off-spring. There are also "unfavourable" ones - which we don't tend to see - because they die out!
ETs are *NOT* responsible for every. single. tiny. little. change. in our DNA. Evolution did occur in all lifeforms on this planet. Sure, there appear to be bits where there was interference - but certainly ETs haven't been making every single manipulation that's happened in every creature/species.
"Because wikipedia said so?....We fly over this swamp of brainwashing information/control and find truth for ourselves."
So, you are a very talented RVer, I presume. And you've verified for yourself not only the authenticity of the book, but also found the real identity of this Matilda MacElroy, and witnessed the actual interview... and have proven all of FS' sessions with Harvey, the Domain, etc??
If you have good evidence, please be so kind as to supply it.
(as for Wiki, yes, I do accept at face value the claims that a) the US Air Force did not split into a separate entity, away from the Army Air Forces until September of 1947, and therefore b) Symington did not become its Secretary until then. I believe this because I'm aware that the amount of evidence that would contradict that (and the people who have it) would be insurmountable for such an easily debunked claim. And, for what purpose? Simply to counter the claims made in a book that the majority of people will assume is a work of fiction anyway??? That doesn't make any sense! (ie. lacks the logic I look for)
"What do you mean?"
I'll take that as a serious question.
An IS-BE is able to create. That's pretty much it's #1 thing it can do (along with observing other creations). Airl implies that the Domain operates with this in mind - that they aren't really the bodies they're in, but are actual IS-BEs wandering around in a body to enjoy this creation. Since IS-BEs are able to create, pretty much at will (and as long as they have agreement from other IS-BEs, their creations will persist in MEST). So, it makes absolutely NO sense for any IS-BE to be hung up on MEST creations. IS-BEs do like to be admired, and their creations... but that's not supposed to be to the detriment of any other IS-BE (although, i do acknowledge that not all IS-BEs are fluffy-bunnies).
" How is that complete dispassion?"
Because it's something that a) only was done by one (two if you count the communications officer), and not as something The Domain *wanted* to happen, and b) largely by accident, as if the ship hadn't come down, the whole interview (and subsequent "information") wouldn't have been passed along - and you'd still be in the dark - as The Domain clearly intended to happen! Effectively, their hand got forced. And one of them (and, certainly at that time, it appears to only be one) had sufficient compassion to do something about it.
"Where does Airl claim that it's ridiculous to think we can free ourselves?"
When she said that the Domain - as a whole entire organisation that's spread across various galaxies, and which no other force in the universe can compare to - would not be willing to dedicate the time, effort, resources, etc to figure these DTs out - because the technology is currently beyond them... so, it makes absolutely *NO* sense to think that humans, who *don't* have all of that knowledge, time, resources, etc would have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding!
(this is part of where I see discrepancies in the story coming in...)
"Why doesn't this make sense?"
Because all IS-BEs are equal! (All souls are equal...) It doesn't make sense to *deliberately* nerf or restrict or limit an IS-BE's abilities, especially to make a fully functioning society. You want each and every member to be operating at the fullest capacities. Airl mentioned how basically every IS-BE in this universe has been here for billions or trillions of years, and most of them have their full memories of their existences... why suddenly limit their operational capabilities (e.g., their 'doll bodies'). A far more logical social organisation would be via a demarchy.
"And like I said at the beginning. Farsight checked out The Domain. The Domain is a real ET group."
Let me ask you this - can you prove this? Can you offer up anything that can be considered actual *reasonable* evidence for this? (and, I'll just point out that FS is considered too far out for many in the RV community... so I think that says a lot for the reliability/validity of RV as a source of information)
If not, then any claims about 'reality' are bogus!
(Are you Christian? Or Muslim? Or Hindu? Or animist? Or old-pagan? if you choose not to follow any of those (or, any of the rest of them), then why oh why should you choose to follow/believe in the FS narrative? They all, largely, run on faith, and acceptance of things with minimal (or no) real evidence).
You place an INCREDIBLE amount of faith in the Farsight team... so, please tell me - what exactly is it they've done to earn your *unquestioning* faith?
(you may think I'm dissing FS and CB... I'm not. I'm doing what any good, thinking, critical, sceptical person (dare I say, academic or researcher) would do... Ask questions, don't take things at face value).
"Hmm, I would need to obtain a copy of said book, and, read it myself before I can give any feed-back or commentary..." Yes, do that.