Everything I've seen about the written law tells me that a contract signed by the United States military is not a free will choice of the People, not representative of planet Earth, and not of the people of United States of America unincorporated,
Now if we're talking about the United Nations, that's a different story. They are part of a corporate enterprise but it was still created through fraud and conspiracy, not free will.
if no member of Farsight is willing to address that with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (Harvey and company) , I'm suspicious that Farsight is a psyop and I'm funneling money into the wrong paywall.
And I mean specifically address that concern, not like a bunch of complaining or "we're frustrated with you guys" or other vague complaints, I mean just that specifically: please explain the contract as a free will choice or at least withdraw your claim of it being a "free will choice"
I could easily picture a psyop that uses the confirmation of remote viewing (again, a piece of truth) to redirect the crowd into further passivity or control.
If that were the lean, then I guess I would rely on photography technology and independent remote viewing.
That's one other thing. They focus on the technology given to them by an air traffick controller. All this hard work putting together a giant team to meet everybody on the beach, and this giant team can't just offer the technology themselves. What about the discoveries made by Nikonp1000 - it is suggesting to us that stars are not really stars the way NASA describes, and the curvature just doesn't seem present at the distances that it can photograph.
All of this interplanetary engagement, not a mention of these other pieces of evidence.
And: "now through all of this I want everyone to know that I'm not this big Kahuna ... but I am the Earth ambassador from the Galactic federation of worlds and despite the fact that they can routinely fly down with ships, I'm biologically indistinguishable from every day humans because not doing so would be a violation of our contract with the enemy which also contracted you with their free will choice"
E - X - P - L - A - I - N
Pay attention to definitions, meanings, etymology, etc. Relevant Interview... https://rumble.com/v4ghh3t-exclusive-miki-klann-breaking-maricopa-board-of-supervisors-run-after-being.html