The story of he Death Traps (DT) makes perfect sense for a lot of observations. But what if....?
What if there are races of beings (aliens) who know about the DT and could dismantle them easily, but they let the 'oppressive aliens' do their thing because in this 'hell' the most beautiful souls are created. Once humanily has figured out how to free themselves (with help maybe from others), a beautifull future awaits for the souls/isbe's that were able to 'choose the right path'.
Why is this a possible (and attractive) scenario for me?
Mellen Thomas Benedict (look him up, very interesting person) had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in which he was shown a life 400 years in the future. He was then sent out from earth to another planet to assist the beings there with their evolution. That would mean that earth would have an evolved population.
As Courtney said: once we are able to free ourselves, we could be an amazing attribute to many races in our infinite universe.
This would also confirm many 'future visions' of seers that predict a golden future for humanity, once freed of the oppression.
Just my thougths... feel free to post yours.
Future-Visions of Seers ?
I will be responding here as a so-called Modern-Day Prophet and Voluntary Successor to the Messiah in terms of what are typically viewed as «Prophecies» whether be they by what we call Prophets or «Seers» or otherwise, and, for a «Prophecy» (Future-Vision) to be a FULL «Prophecy» it needs to contain BOTH the «Worst-Case» Scenario(s) AND the Best-Case Scenarios.
When there are «Prophets» (or Seers or otherwise) with «Ultimate-DOOM» Scenarios, that would mean that Humanity, and, all other beings whom are Telepathically Linked with and/or Controlling/Influencing/Manipulating them, are all pretty much doing the wrong things which is leading them in the direction of said Ultimate-Doom, a «warning» to «turn away from iniquity or face the "Wrath of God" consequences» so-to-speak; IF, how-ever, everybody does, some-how, successfully manage to «stop sinning» (are no longer complicit to iniquity or interfering with the free-will of others in any way), you can expect a «Best-Case-Scenario» to result in the future (even a Heaven-on-Earth).
Historically, many of the prophetic-warnings throughout history have often been 98% in the direction of being «fulfilled» in the direction of the worst-case-scenarios, and, even the very Messiah himself had written that, his «return (re-incarnation)» (and writing up all of the contents on The Testament of Truth) would not even have been needed IF humanity had actually bothered to listen and speak/proliferate the «Truth» around the world _accurately_ back then; although there seems to have been some scrambling of the history even between some dialogues that I've had with him, from what I remember, even though there does not seem to be any evidence of it remaining in this particular time-line or time-pocket, I remember that one of the things that he had responded to me was that «each "universe" only needs ONE Messiah» (implying that MORE than just _this_ «universe» exists).
And _this_ «universe» is not necessarily infinite either; additionally, him being shown «the future» does not answer the question as to which «time-line» scenario he was «shown» and, further-more, how do you know that said «future» that he was «shown» was not generated by hyper-advanced super-quantum-computer A.I. as an even more-advanced form of an «existence-trap» that keeps everybody locked «down here» in this particular «universe» rather than accessing a «universe» where NO «suffering» nor «interference into the free-will of others» or even «death-traps» or even «oppression» even exist(s) ?
The idea that «they "let" the 'oppressive aliens' do their thing» so that «beautiful souls» can be created seems a bit like «twisted logic» to me; do I really want to let my cat or dog (if I had any) out when there are a bunch of coyotes howling about to let those coyotes do their thing in order to «create beauty» from it ? First of all, ALL «Is-Beings» were actually «Created» AND EXISTED within the «Pure-Realm» (Heaven) PRIOR to their «fall» down here into «dismal "universes"» like this one; secondly, Is-Beings, Souls, Spirits, Beings, which-ever term fits your fancy, are ALWAYS being Created ETERNALLY, otherwise, the «Eternal Creator of All» wouldn't be an Eternal-Creator; I had a «debate» of sorts with 7th-Day Adventist Fundamentalists in the past, related to this, and, I was all like, you know, the idea that God created ONCE, and, then decided, welp, I have already created everything that there is to create and can ever be created around six thousands years ago, I guess I'll just stop creating anything now, illustrating to them that I found such an idea and notion rather silly that an ULTIMATE «Creator» would simply «create ONCE» then be «done» with it once and for all.
The HOW and WHY you (and everyone else who's here) got «kicked out» was because of the ABSORPTION of the Dark-Energy, the Sin, the Quantum-Dissonance-Particles (QPDs), that are responsible for our Negative-Emotions that LEAD us towards actions/decisions that are complicit to the interference of the free-will of others which results in even MORE of these QDPs /contaminating/ our True Is-Being Selves; THAT would be the _real_ reference to the «Original Sin» which is a «lost memory» that I am now bringing & revealing & «injecting» here for everyone's conscious-awareness.
I will hold off on full-details/descriptions of my own «visions» (prophecies) for another time though...
Thanks for your reaction Aeius.
Well, it's like this. If an alien tries to mess with my death trap of an apartment, THERE WILL BE TROUBLE.
It might be a death trap to you and them but it's my home.
Hi Pat,
How about "home is where the heart is.'. ?
Yes the first time I heard death trap it was normally talking about no fire escape. But I guess no escape in general.
Well, that's far too much, way over what I'd be happy with currently. I microdose every 7 years to maintain nerve function. As a minimum.
Humans... give 'em opium, they'll invent fentanyl. Give 'em beer, they'll invent whisky. Give them weed, they'll set fire to it and think it's a really good idea.
Meh, I think I'm a bit low on Vitamin D today. Getting older and grumpier.
It sounds like a good idea and I have thought of the same thing before as well, but then I remember why this simply can't be true when we have a thing called past life amnesia. How does a soul grow when you cannot remember your past lessons? How can you advance to second grade when you forget all the lessons you learn in first grade?
There are hidden-mechanisms that are governed by a force that even has jurisdiction over whole other entire universes, its Law simply stating that what you or your servants cause others to experience, will also become your own, personal-experiences, manifested by said Law, and, for people who have been complicit to causing children to suffer and be abused or have directly done it themselves unto little children, well, who knows if they have been a type of Jeffrey Epstein in their own past-lives-existences, whether those lives are as past-mortals or even past-spirits...;
And the forgetting is only temporary (supposed to be anyway), something like re-creating or re-starting on another character in some sort of video-game, and, not everything is necessarily forgotten, for, one still has their intuition, feelings of déjà vû, are still linked to the psychic-realm until around the age of 7, etc. Your «New Avatar» (next Physical or even Spiritual-Body) may not have any «Experience Points» yet, but, some Is-Beings (will eventually) know what need to be done, such as during when the «Coming of Age» occurs that was described by the very Messiah himself where one «re-gains access» to their realm-of-origin in a psychic-manner, for at least in cases of those of us who «incarnated» here for our «spiritual-missions» which happened with both him and myself (I don't have the exact same mission as him, but, our spiritual-missions are very similar, and, apparently, I agreed before this life to assist in helping to get the works of the Messiah known to more of the populations here, even though I had no idea at the time that I would end up assisting someone who apparently has this «Legendary» reputation amongst both religions and Spirit-People), but, happened at a much and far younger age for me than it did for him in this current-generation-life that we both live in now.
«Spirit people residing in realms outside of Heaven who now 'bow' to God's Command will as they become free within of sin also rise up in spiritual realms. They do not have to incarnate to so do.» Quoted from (this is referring to the fact that _not all_ Is-Beings have experienced past-lives as «humans» although _all_ «humans» have indeed been «adults» before in the past and as you and me and others all read these contents they _are_ «absorbed» into the minds of those «Spirit-Beings» whom are linked at your Resonance-Frequencies). And, the IMPORTANT part in that, that was mentioned, was the _fact_ that spirits do NOT need to «incarnate» to «become free of sin» (or what some «Ascended Master» Channelling Community Cult-Members believe to be the «Requirement of Re-Incarnating Back into an Earth-Life to be able to Continue Suffering in Order to pay off Negative Karmic-Debts» because «suffering» /still exists/ even in NON-Earth-Life Realms-of-Spirit and After-Life/Post-Mortem Existences).
Are «children born evil» or CAN they be «born evil» /despite/ their seeming looks of «innocence» ? YES, and, the _reasons_ are further clarified here...
Hi Rey. One forgets only on the superficial level. The memories are always stored in deeper layers. Also, the character of a person changes through experience and that character/inclination stays in the next incarnation. So you do develop.
that's a key aspect to enhance your state of being, or as several on the spiritual community say raising your vibration, accordingly when one develops their energy to such a degree that you start to access deeper layers (like Hubert said), hence people start to develop also their OBE capability so much so they start to access those memories. According to Bashar and other figures, each memory has it's own energy output, it's own frequency, therefor imagine how much of energy and development is need it to access all of that information.
Also an issue with bandwidth of data.
When I'm RVing it's typically pretty slow to break out individual bits of the target into data segments.
And the thing for me and reincarnation is... RV experiences explain to me completely why people could get "memories from the past" without actually going through a "past life".
It's an Occam's razor viewpoint of simplest explanation and I'm happy with it. Works for me. Obviously a lot of people aren't happy with that explanation.