1 : Beneficial is both Transparent and NON-PUNITIVE
2 : Direction/Guidance as long as it is Educative/Peaceful rather than Punitive/Warring
3 : If it aligns with what actually exists in Heaven (the _real_ and _true_ Heaven rather than places that are simply /called/ «heaven» but are not) then absolutely ALL of the population within is «Sin-Free», meaning, that absolutely NOBODY does anything to violate the free-will of anybody else, nor do they raise any «system(s)» that interfere into others' free-will-choices (although in /that/ particular realm there is literally _no_ need of /any/ «government» due to the fact that everybody existing there is already «spiritually pure» and NOT contaminated by ANY amount of Quantum-Dissonance-Particles which is my term for the Sin when referred to as a Noun that are visible to inhabitants of heaven and invisible from absolutely all other vantage-points other than from Is-Beings such as the Messiah himself). Decisions that are Heaven-Aligned when dealing with actual «sinners» (offenders) involves their rehabilitation through education about the _fact_ that what they cause others to experience will become their own future-experiences (amongst the most-effective being via processes that are similar to hypno-therapy). Neither is anybody ever jailed for more than six earth-life-months at a time, and, even then, that is only because they had committed a significant free-will-interfering offense, such as murder, and, the jailing is not for any punitive-purposes, but, for daily (or at the very least/minimum weekly) non-punitive rehabilitation & non-punitive education, done honestly, revolving around spiritual-reality, and, teaching them how to «over-come the sin» within them... a good example of this «over-come the sin» method/protocol has been revealed by the very Messiah himself which anybody can read about for themselves at http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/seminar.htm (further details within the linked .doc file http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/seminar.doc that is linked within).
More clarification about it was also written by modern-day Saint Clemencia at http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/clem/
4 : No ? How-ever, when it comes to so-called «Real-Estate», the Messiah himself has WRITTEN that _EVERYBODY_ is entitled to a FREE «God-Given» Two-Acre Plot of Land, that NO «government» (nor others) has ANY «right» to «violate» (and the recipients need to be TAUGHT as to how to build their OWN shelter; if they are too lazy to do so then they simply face the consequences of dealing with the «elements» without shelter). People who choose to do or engage in business are to be permitted more land-space to use for their _honest_ business-pursuits/objectives. Additionally, when land/buildings become abandoned, and, are no longer in use (such as in a case of being due to all of its inhabitants being deceased or nobody using it for residence-purposes), then, God grants the RIGHT for Is-Beings to «lay claim» to it for legitimate purposes of use as a residence if they happen to be homeless or for business-expansion (honest practices), how-ever, the _current_ earth-population is SO «sinful» that its «sinners» /automatically assume/ that you are «trespassing» even when the damn property is and has in fact been ABANDONED (whilst IRONICALLY «impounding» another's automobile within LESS than a WEEK of someone leaving their car out even when in fact it has NOT actually nor factually been abandoned). For more «details» about ALL of this from the writings of the very Messiah himself go here... http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/land1.htm
And, for good measure, I may as well also link all five other related pages...
5 : That is a very good question. I will leave everyone else to ponder the answer for now.