You haven't bothered to read my linked responses; that's quite disrespectful; IF you had, then, I would not need to bother clarifying (at least some of) the following...:
Re : Karmic-Debt
No, this IS how the Karmic-Debt system works, and, its «Law» is EXACT (or very similarly equivalent), and, whether you can fathom it or not, realms DO exist where, just as described in some of David Moorhouse's other-realm-visits, ALL of the people there «take turns» with «slitting each other's throats» as they walk single-file, then being dropped off a cliff into the river of blood, and, once they have cycled through the whole entire line, the next «vengeful» spirit-person takes its turn doing all of the throat-slitting, something which goes on for all of them in NEVER-ENDING PERPETUITY (Hell with NO escape).
And YOU are «viewing» and «perceiving» things from a HUMAN's vantage-point perspective, which is EXTREMELY LIMITED in its idea of how and why one can «suffer» from having committed mass-genocide of a thousand (or more) people, for, one can STILL EXPERIENCE SUFFERING EVEN WITHIN REALMS OF SPIRIT; and, to PROVE this, just think back to all of the times when the «physical-sensations» could be FELT in what are deemed to be «dream» experiences, that, one remembers objectively feeling, even though their physical-body was still asleep during said dream-state, all of those physical-sensations being felt during the «dream» were being «felt» even though there was absolutely NO «activity» happening to the still-sleeping physical-body which in of itself DEMONSTRATES that one does NOT NEED a «physical-body» to STILL be able to FEEL «physical-sensations» and, the Karmic-Law is NOT such that you «Must re-incarnate back into an Earth-Life in order to be able to experience suffering to be able to pay off negative karmic-debts» because «suffering» STILL EXISTS EVEN WITHIN REALMS OF SPIRIT (which CAN and DOES go on LITERALLY FOR-EVER for those who CANNOT HALT THEIR SINNING AGAINST OTHERS).
Let me make this VERY CLEAR : Divine-Protection DOES EXIST, and, CAN be achieved, BUT, it is ONLY «granted» unto those whom are WILLING to «allow» their «negative karmic-debts» to be CLEARED and, MOST-IMPORTANTLY of all, for them to NEVER be «complicit» to causing of harm or interfering into the free-will of others EVER again, FOR AS LONG AS they wish to KEEP and MAINTAIN aid «Divine-Protection» and, I will come back to the example of the 15K$US metaphorical-example of having been complicit to theft, for, if one HAS been complicit to 15K$US of thefts from others, but, suffers through that 15K$US worth of losses, WITHOUT «seeking revenge» THEN, for AS LONG AS said Being is NO LONGER COMPLICT to «stealing» from others, absolutely NOBODY will EVER steal from him or her again which is the «Divine-Protection» FROM being stolen from...
Re : Dark-Group of Spirits
NO, I am an «Origin-Spirit» who came DIRECTLY from the Pure-Realm, and, I had absolutely NO «concept» of WHAT things like «suffering» or «murder» or «crime» or «abuse» or «punishment» or ANYTHING that is deemed an «evil» nature because I had literally NO «experience» with it; absolutely NO «spirit» can LEARN what the difference is between «good and evil» is WITHOUT first BEING complicit to «evil acts» upon others; the ONLY «thought-process» that was going on in MY «mind» when I was «approached» was that «Well, it sounds fair that if you had caused others to experience it yourself, then, you also be made to experience the same...» (although I also, at THAT particular «time» had NO «concept» of what «theft» or «child-abuse» even WAS). I WAS «warned» by one of the other Beings who managed to come out of and «escape» from here (this universe), its communications (telepathic) to me were with vocabulary that I had NO idea nor clue as to WHAT they even WERE, I had ZERO «concept» of what an «earth-life» was or even «time» itself, for, I had NEVER «experienced» ANY of it UNTIL my «arrival» here, and, I was advised to «not even get close» to IT (this was in reference to some kind of dark-energy ball in the distance; this very universe itself happens to be located INSIDE that black-hole-looking dark-energy-ball by the way). The SOLE reason and «purpose» if my even BEING here AT ALL was partly (or largely) in an ATTEMPT to TRY to «help» all of the «beings» who kept on being «drawn into this dark-energy ball» like moths to a flame to get themselves UNSTUCK from being TRAPPED here FOR-EVER; I was certainly warned, though, that it is NOT worth the amount of time and effort that it takes to «undo all of the brain-washing and propaganda» (the approximate vocabulary of the other being who was warning me) JUST to try to «save their souls» (so-to-speak) and, honestly, it really isn't; ONCE «tainted» with ANY amount of that Dark-Energy (sin as a noun in the vocabulary of the Messiah) then it becomes ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE for them to become FREE of the «Mental-Prison» within which they CHOSE to «believe» and «follow» as a result of their dark-negative-emotions (the kind where «glee» and «joy» can be seen on their faces as they go about causing others to «suffer» in some way).
Re : Forgiveness
For starters, NO, God does NOT forgive, NOT until we have been CLEARED of ALL «debts unto God» and, when the Messiah (Yeshua ben Joseph) was teaching forgiveness, what he was teaching was that it is WE who are the ones who NEED TO FORGIVE OTHERS for their perceived mis-deeds, and, does NOT in ANY way «encourage» them to «keep doing more of it» IF they can be restrained enough and be subjected to the ONE use of «force» that is permitted by God which does NOT incur karmic-penalty, and, THAT use of «force» is SOLELY for the purpose of «educating» them as to the «Karmic-Reality» that I have described here, that, for ALL of the «suffering» that THEY have caused and inflicted upon others, they WILL «experience the same» (and, this includes ALL of the COLLATERAL damage and suffering by the way), but, WE are not the ones who are supposed to «force them to experience what they've made others suffer through» as THAT will ALREADY happen at the time and place of God's choosing THROUGH the MINDS of those whom are ignorant of God's ONE LAW which stipulates that
«You WILL experience EVERYTHING that you or your servants have caused others to experience, and, this will be on an EQUAL and thus, Eye for an Eye, and Tooth for a Tooth basis, but, NO more, and, NO less, than the TOTAL SUM of your expressions unto others.»
(When it is positive, it is typically called a blessing, but, if one THINKS that simply doing positive things ERASES the past harms that HAVE been caused by one's complicity, then THAT is indeed like «Dirty rags before the Lord» if a thief who thinks that donating 15K$US worth of funding anywhere is some-how going to ERASE all of the past thievery that a thief may have committed; NO, if one has committed theft, they WILL be stolen from, IRREGARDLESS of how much they've «donated» unto others;
and, you are aware of Mark Passio's speeches, SOME of which DO touch upon Global-Leaders and their «philanthropic» organisations, which, funnily enough, each and every time Bill Gates donates to charity as a self-proclaimed philanthropist, his net-worth always seems to go up and increase, and, similar to how «satanists» mentioned by Mark Passio THINK that, for as long as they've told you what they're going to do to you before they actually do it, they incur no karmic-penalties, they would most-certainly also apply such FALSE-logic that they can continue stealing from the masses and NOT incur any karmic-penalties to be made to lose their wealth for as long as they are «donating to charity» and being a philanthropist, etc).
The REAL «Law» (of God) is written in-detail via Yesha ben Joseph's re-incarnated personal «sin-free» hand starting here as follows...