Mummified extraterrestrials so intact that scientists are able to do dna tests
Mummified extraterrestrials so intact that scientists are able to do dna tests
Oh I see, already got into it here-
Pretty darned interesting. We are still depending a lot on remote scientists though. Things like this require long term live streams, live streams of the actual dissection, sampling etc, as well as, long format conversations of the scientists involved with each other, foreign scientists and viewers. Every possible avenue of fakery must be run through. This is simply what is required in 2024 to be seen as any sort of truth.
That guys comment about it being unfakeable was kind of silly. They faked landing on the moon. They have the audacity to do anything.
The Cabal has accomplished a grueling feat. They created elaborate hoaxes with the keft hand, and with the right hand, anything they want unseen, accused as an elaborate hoax.
What's left is a moronic population blindly accepting the mainstream jargon, then scrutinizing every vestige of new discovery.
You're right, I don't think we'll get satisfactory proof. I think the objective still needs to be catastrophic disclosure in terms of the here and now. The mummies are probably another distraction tactic. Even if it is true, it pushes us to focus on ancient history rather than the here and now.
Distraction tactic ? I don't think so, if we can got proof that superior beings lived in the past (considered like gods by humans then), these beings are still far superior than us here and now, unless you think that these mummies were the last of their kind ?
The next question is : Alien or not ? These beings could be from the Earth before the human kind came.