It's been known that a « Bill » (Legalese-Document) called the « UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 » was passed as part of a « National Defense Authorization Act for 2024 » but, according to Tim Burchett (the Tennessee Republican congressman), was « rallied » against by the intelligence-community to kill his proposal. The legislation was sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is often mentioned by Jimmy Dore, and, co-sponsored by three Republican and two Democrat senators.
Before I continue, I need to point out everyone's attention to the WORDING used in the NAMES of these « Legalese » documents. The use of the word « of » in Legalese makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in meaning, and, typically refers to CORPORATE-Interests, rather than interests that benefit the people or humanity. So, the « Constitution of the United States» protects CORPORATIONS, and, thus, the CORPORATE U.S.A., whilst the « Constitution for the united States of America » is a « constitution » that is the more « organic » (rather than corporate) form of government.
And, speaking of Constitutions, efforts are being made to Over-Turn : Terry v. Ohio...
A lot has also been done « behind-the-scenes » by a « ::Russel-Jay; Gould:: » whom, from what I have observed, even though it is relatively time-consuming and somewhat complicated to learn all of his Quantum-Grammar, many people who say that they've learned said « Quantum-Grammar » in order to write-up their documents to deal with the « court » systems have frequently reported that they have had a great deal of success; let me explain what is going on in a bit more detail...
What you are TOLD or THINK are « courts » and court-rooms and court-systems, are NOT the « government » institutions that you are FALSELY led to beLIEve that they are, but, are actually BANKING institutions operating in the GUISE of various government-institutions; when a « bond » is issued, whether be it a JAIL Bond, PRISON Bond, RELEASE Bond, etc., they are LITERALLY in issuance of what are called « Instruments of Exchange » which pits it into the EXACT CATEGORY as ANY other Instrument-of-Exchange, such as Stocks, BONDS, IRAs, 401Ks, Money Market CDs, Time-Shares, Derivatives, IOUs, and, various other forms of Promissory Notes, ALL of which are sold and traded on the Wall-Street Stock-Market, Dunn & BradStreet's, Standard & Poor's, etc.; although most people do not know of this, back during probably some time circa 2016CE, Chief-Commander and previously or formerly regarded as U.S. President Donald Trump, the legal-definitions were changed around a bit in order to define the selling and trading and profiting from selling and buying of PERSONS as HUMAN-TRAFFICKING.
Explanation on how/why it is an Act of Human-Trafficking : Someone's NAME, for example, stealing their identities and using it for personal-gain, such as profits done using said NAME of theirs through the Stock-Markets without their consent; you, the people, how-ever, still need to file into the official-public-records that you did NOT give your consent to be arrested/kidnapped, falsely imprisoned, even any bonds to be issued in your person's name, especially in the absence of any immoral or unethical behaviour on your part, and, thus, ultimately... human-trafficked; otherwise it is still deemed as something you consented to, which is EXACTLY the sort of thing that the « Good E.T.'s » are so frustrated with when it comes to trying to « free humanity » out of their bondage-and-servitude, due to their own « zombie-like » ignorance, who NEED to STOP COMPLYING with the « bad E.T.'s » who control much of the earth's resources, including BOTH its Financial-Systems, and, its Legal-Systems; the tides ARE turning, though, Catastrophic-Disclosure is imminent, or is that supposed to be eminent, well, anyway, the SOONER people DO their « homework » and learn things like SRV, ::Russel-Jay; Gould::'s Quantum-Grammar System, etc., the SOONER that « Catastrophic-Disclosure » will /finally/ come to Light and be made into a reality).
Remember to be careful of using the word « of » (rather than : « for ») when it comes to writing up and drafting any « legalese » documents; lawyers and attorneys aren't going to do it for you, nor in the interests of the people or public, due to the « training » they have and get being SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED in such a HIGHLY « compartmentalised » manner that, UNLESS you come across a note-able or exceptional-lawyer who has both actually done his homework AND is /willing/ to be _honest_ with you, even if they THINK that they are « doing good » and « working to your benefit » (hahahahahahhaha what a funny joke; lawyers working for your benefit), they ARE going to DEFAULT to the VARIOUS « default-robotic-responses » which are SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to PREVENT the « freedom » of ANYBODY who « knows too much » (just think about all of those multitudes and dozens and dozens upon dozens of naturopathic-doctors who were actually and successfully curing cancers and a variety of other diseases; they always seemed to some-how turn up « mysteriously dead » such as later on being found floating down a river or that they « suicided » via « shooting themselves in the back of the head six times » or « died of a heart-attack » even when very young and healthy with no chronic nor debilitating conditions, etc.; the same thing goes on in the Legal-Systems, somewhat paralleled, but, the term « sovereign-citizen » will replace the word « quack » for which there is a rather telling history of a Dr. Stephen Barrett if I have his name correct who apparently lost each and every single case where he tried to sue various naturopathic-doctors until it got to the point where even the judges found no credibility within him based on the facts presented and essentially had to throw him out, not literally, and, was essentially kicked out of and banned from trying to bring up any more litigations of his anti-naturopathic-medicine pseudo-skeptic nature; now I wonder what would be uncovered if pseudo-doctor Barrett were to be DMP'd in regards to his ties and associations and any influences upon his mind in regards to the health-industries).
Back to being more specific with UFO-Disclosure, the government-people are apparently split, almost like the left hand views the right hand as trying to poke one's eyes out, and, putting forth all kinds of efforts to grab the wrist to prevent the eyes from being poked out (that side's perception), whilst the right hand is simply trying to unlock the doors that have kept everybody « trapped » in a « suffocating » environment for too long, and, efforts towards unlocking (i.e. : UFO-Disclosure) is because we NEED some damn fresh air to breathe, damnit ! Left Hand : « NO, right hand, what are you doing!? » whilst Right Hand : «Stop cock-blocking me already, left hand, I NEED to unzip our pants so that we can BOTH finally BREATHE and shower MASSIVE BUCKET-LOADS of HAPPY ENDINGS all over the planet !» Left Hand : « Huh!? Are you TRYING to START a FIGHT!? You pervert ! This ISN'T appropriate for the public to SEE ! » Right Hand : « We're ALREADY ADULTS now ! It's TIME to STOP BELIEVING IN SANTA CLAUS AND THE TOOTH-FAIRY ! There is NO other way to STOP all of the FIGHTING and BICKERING going on OTHER THAN to promote the idea that we should all MAKE LOVE and NOT WAR ! » O_O (Tune in next time for another Episode of : Chronicles of the Right Hand and Left Hand in Opposition !)
«As Congress pushes for more disclosure on UFOs, NASA also announced a new role in the agency, director of UAP research, which was created to investigate unexplained phenomena in hopes of moving the subject from stigma to science. The Pentagon has also launched a new website to collect civilian reports of UFOs.» Quoted from