As I tend to focus on logical and relational thinking, I had an idea of what I want to call the de-AOL method. But first, if you want to know what I mean by relational thinking, have a look at Mark Passio's explanation here:
So, what do I mean by de-AOL? Well, an AOL is an Analytical OverLay, which is just a fancy word for "interpretation" of the raw data that comes while remote viewing. In short, the brain wants to attach learned patterns from memory to the perceived data, or in other words: The brain wants to apply known relations in order to describe the reality it faces.
For example, if you remote view a certain tourist site, your brain already knows the concept of what a tourist site is, therefore providing you all the relations you have stored in memory, and with it, stored pictures of tourist sites you already know. This can lead to getting an image of the Eiffel Tower, for instance, while the target is not the Eiffel Tower, but the Chinese Wall.
Good remote viewers try to avoid that AOLs adulterate the data by identifying them as AOLs, putting them in another category than the raw data, and ignore that category altogether. I don't want to say that this is the wrong approach, but I got the idea that the AOLs can be more useful than we think. Remember, the brain wants to help you with the relations you already know.
So, let's get more specific. In the recent mysteries project, the Buddha, the first focus was the most enlightened moment in Buddhas life. Intysam saw him meditating, going inwards, discovering a higher being that looked like a bright sun. Aziz on the other side saw him standing on a hill or staircase, like a leader giving a speech.
Now, let's get back to relational thinking: What do both depictions have in common? This is what I mean by de-AOL: Take the depiction and break it down into its principles. Intysam's sun is emitting light. The leader Aziz saw was standing in the spotlight, so to speak. Both are in a higher or uplifted position in relation to where "normal people" are. But both depictions still are AOLs, because they are different when it comes to details.
Intysam's AOL was the sun, as her brain was not able to find a better picture to come close to that sheer power she witnessed. Interestingly, Aziz saw a political leader that reminded him of Julius Caesar, because of his different (male?) view on what power is.
The brain has no other choice than to provide the best fitting pictures that match the concepts. But it's not merely an AOL that has to be tossed aside, as the reality of the concept behind the picture is important. In case of the term enlightened, it's just that the reality of the vast power of the higher self has been perceived in different ways.
So, here's a suggestion how to de-AOL:
1. If depictions from different remote viewers mismatch, break them down to their principles.
2. Compare the principles. Same principles could mean same target.
3. Try to rebuild the target from the principles.
If you are able to rebuild the target from the principles, the remote viewer is on target, but that could also mean that the target is too low in resolution for the remote viewer to get a clearer picture. Understanding the principles behind what is seen can help to reduce confusion when mismatching data occurs, and it also can help to get better at formulating the targets.
In case of the Buddha project, asking for the "most enlightened" moment was somehow misleading, involving stronger AOLs as the remote viewers tried to describe what they saw. But it's nonetheless informative regarding the nature of the ISBE and the higher self.
I'd like to see more of that. Maybe Farsight could revisit Lucifer, looking at him from the angle of the dark and light principles as described by Mark Passio in the linked video. Maybe the person that has been seen in the Lucifer project is just an AOL, as there is no single Lucifer person in history?