Kennedy another sh*t pill?
I have a theory that Kennedy is another deep state insertion, whether or not he or Farsight knows it. David Icke talks about this "problem, reaction, solution" where the deep state (or the Kabbal or bad ets or whatever you like) doesn't just dictate a new rule because they know we're not quite *that* stupid. Instead, they create a false-flag problem (a problem we don't know exactly what to connect it to, but blame a country or ourselves thanks to MSM trash). Then allow that to just fester a natural reaction (might be slightly influenced but mostly leaving us to respond in our zombie way), and then of course introduce a solution that isn't really the solution, just a little closer to the agenda they want when the entire problem was manufactured anyway.
I like to call it the sh*t pill because it's like the mass-produced pill that everyone gets to swallow as the solution to the symptoms. And indeed, some of it actually works. But of course they *ensure* that a fair bit of sh*t is engineered into the pill so that we're just one step further down the creek.
*Michael Moore was the MSM conspiracy theorist. Got on Oprah, and fast-tracked into the public eye. He acknowledged all this garbage that we've been buying into and just one thing . . . the little piece of sh*t in the mass-produced pill: Guns are bad. Take everybody's guns. Thereby ensuring the "woke" movement instead of the "wake movement" - supporting some weird sort of non-violent violence and racist anti-racism, and bigoted "all inclusive" movement. Plummet into insanity.
*Obama was the symbol of unification. If you didn't hear his inauguration speech you should. Was everything a patriot would want to hear. This isn't black America and white America, it's the United States of America. This isn't red states and blue states of America, it's the United States of America . . . and such and such we're gonna make health care so free and hopeful. Well. No. Sh*t pill. Another economic surge, further legal plummet into weirdness and distraction from the true prison. A tsunami of signed policies that basically contradict every one of his speeches as he retires on the golf course.
*Trump, ah. What a nice relief for the pent up survivalists wanting to protect their families and business from the approaching onslaught of meaningless laws and dumber spending. The symbol that success only comes with the necessary sacrifice, that pacifism is just passivity, and that there is indeed an evil deep state and MSM puppeteering. Wow! Oh wait here's the sh*t pill. We're gonna bow to *all* big business! They bring in money. The big military manufacturers and the warlords that might not be our friends but are powerful enough they might make for good temporary allies.
*Kennedy. Oh, a solution to the two-party system! And a family of the long ago freedom fighter with an incredible speech and the sacrifice of a brutal shooting out in public. What a perfect symbol of defeating "the man" . . . ooohh wait. sh*t pill approaching. He wholeheartedly supports Israel, and wants Hamas to end. Isreal, the beacon of new military technology, and what's becoming essentially the leader of the military world. Helping the UN become good efficient usurpers and dictators like they are, in turn helping US (the subsidiary corporation of the same owners of UN, remember that!) also restrict their "domestic" problem of noncompliants.
The imagery of "success" is not picking the right turd sandwich CEO of a foreign corporation that masquerades as the United States of America unincorporated.
The imagery of success, I believe, looks a bit more like Michael Creighton's Dr. Ian Malcom: "If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh... well, there it is." - and I would add "uncontracts" somewhere in there.
When the deep state news talks about the violence brewing in the 2024 election (ok then Human News I think) - was that a warning or an option? I know what they're legally not entitled to say about it.
Alternatively, (this is the part where you go "tazz you and your idiot sovcit garbage) and it's not sovcit btw, but what about someone that is not a US Citizen to run for US presidency. They can legally do it, odd as it sounds. A state National. And just to be clear, all that means is that they're in the jurisdiction of the state they're standing in, according to the original constitution of the state. I mean why would they call it "United States" if they wanted to dissolve the republics of the states? They didn't. If they're in Tennessee, they're under jurisdiction of the Constitution for the republic of Tanasi (or something like that, look it up anyhow) and will have filed their status correction.
The only thing I'm essentially saying is no more sh*t pills. No more internal dialogue that goes "oh finally someone who does x,y,z because I really wanted x,y,z but I don't really like this f part but oh well screw it what's the alternative). Don't think like that, there's alternatives. And as much as it sounds weird, these dictators whom have WMDs and DEWs and MSM controls and so on . . . are still terrified of mob rule. They will gladly accept the alternative of uncontracting survivalists . . . itching to be denied their right to recontract so that they can indeed turn to mob rule. Until the real decision makers are the ones who tell the ATF "what guns? Those aren't under the name you say in your weird paper" - or until the real decision makers are the parents who say "what school? I don't do indoctrination camps, so f you thanks bye." - until these are the people who take power, to hell with everyone else.