I recently wrote an article for my 'followers' that I would like to share with you here at Farsight. It's quite long but I hope it's interesting enough for you to keep reading.
Not too long ago I saw a video, in which someone asked what exactly an alien is. It seems obvious, but that turns out not to be the case. He gave some examples and drew some conclusions, not all of which I agreed with, and that provided food for thought.
The word 'alien' in English simply means 'foreigner' or even better: 'someone who does not originally belong here'. So it is actually an unsuitable word, because 'here' can mean anything. 'Extraterrestrial' or 'ET' is a lot clearer. But for convenience, I will continue to use 'alien' for now. Later it will become clear why.
How it started for me
Around 1992 I had a teacher/therapist who was very psychic. He once said that when he left his body, he often met aliens. He said there were about 60 different 'breeds'.
I then thought 'in the universe'. In other words, there were about 60 highly intelligent races 'living' in the cosmos that he could visit. But much later, when I learned a lot more about aliens, I understood that he meant 'near Earth.'
When you leave your body, I learned, you rarely go 'far away'. So he meant aliens who visit Earth and may have a base here such as under the surface of the Earth, in the oceans or in space stations.
Extraterrestrial life comes in all sizes and types in the 'all'. Whatever you can think of, it lives somewhere in the endless cosmos where we discover new galaxies every day. So that number of 60 is a tiny selection from endless life forms, including probably many, many more that are 'intelligent'. Many will even be so developed that they no longer 'do bodies'.
I have since come across that figure of around sixty more often among researchers and whistleblowers. At the famous 'Disclosure' meeting organized by Steven Greer in 2001, the number of 57 aliens known to researchers was mentioned.
Alien or not?
All those life forms are all aliens to us, right? Or is it not that simple? It immediately starts with the question of whether an alien is the same as an extraterrestrial.
Underground, in vast cave systems, live intelligent reptilians, the Lacerta, that evolved on Earth before humans appeared and retreated to caves at some point during their evolution. Are those aliens to us?
It may feel that way when we meet them because we think we 'belong' here on earth. But in essence they belong here more than we do. They are not 'extraterrestrials' and as far as I see it, therefore not 'aliens'. Unless you start calling everything that is very clearly not human an alien. But then seahorses and octopuses are also aliens.
The Secret Space Program
If we assume that humans are not 'extraterrestrials', how do you call people who were born in the secret space program, outside of Earth? See Tony Rodrigues' stories: 'Ceres Colony Cavalier'. If you are human, but born in a spaceship or on Mars or the moon? In that case I assume that you 'are' what you are biologically best adapted to and that is probably the earth. So if you were born as a human on Mars, you have human DNA, you are physically adapted to Earth and you are neither an extraterrestrial nor an alien.
There are also giants, about three, four or five meters tall, who live in caves spread across the earth. Many convincing videos and documentaries on YT and Rumble about this and of course the stories in the Bible and other old books and traditions.
They are said to be descended from the extraterrestrial Annunaki (see below) who mated with humans. That produced giants, or the 'Nephilim' from the Bible, think of Goliath. So they are half human, half alien. Are those aliens? They originated and were born on Earth, but their DNA is not immediately perfectly adapted to Earth. In my view, no aliens, nor extraterrestrials, but simply: 'The Giants'.
And then you have intelligent species that we haven't even studied properly yet, such as Bigfoot, also called Yeti depending on where he lives, or 'Sasquatch' as the Indians of North America call him. We don't even know whether they originally belong on Earth. Probably yes, given that they are well adapted to original, 'wild' terrestrial conditions.
>>> DNA research has been done on them by a group around David Paulides (see his book series '411'), but unfortunately this has been 'confiscated' by the secret US government. <<<
You may notice that I keep talking about 'intelligent species'. A big spider on Mars is clearly an 'alien', but as long as we cannot meaningfully communicate with it, we do not call it an 'alien'. So here we encounter an important criterion: intelligence, approximately equal to, or greater than that of humans. So that doesn't take much.
In the case of Bigfoot, given their behavior and the stories of people who have met them, there is clearly telepathic ability and high intelligence. According to some, it is even larger than that of humans. They are even said to have contact with certain groups of aliens visiting Earth. So as far as I am concerned they're 'terrestrial'. So simply: Brother Bigfoot.
The long skulls
Another example of intelligent creatures on Earth that we haven't even properly explored yet, are the people with elongated skulls. There have been many reports and many skeletons found, especially in South America, of people who have an elongated skull with a larger cranial capacity than ours. DNA research shows that these are earthlings, originally from Southeast Europe. They are said to still walk the earth. There are people who have seen them in the Vatican (hence the tradition of the long miter of the Pope and the cardinals) and in the forests of South America. Not aliens but earthlings, who, just like Bigfoot, unfortunately we do not yet 'know'.
Centaurs and such
Then we come to the Centaur. Called mythological creatures. But these beings with human intelligence did exist, given the hundreds of names and telling stories about them in ancient Greek, Indian and Russian literature. In addition, many images of them and even complete skeletons such as that in the Barnum Museum of Natural History in Connecticut. Pushed away by archaeologists because they don't understand it.
And there are more mythological creatures to be found in old images. They are probably experiments by extraterrestrials with DNA from terrestrial beings. Actually Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO. They therefore fall under the 'terrestrials'. Or just 'Experimental Earthlings'.
And then you have aliens who look exactly like humans, such as the telepathically gifted humanoids of Orion who often used to play 'god' among people, Zeus in Greece and Ra in Egypt. (See Farsight's projects about them).
If you ask how that is possible, that they look exactly like humans, you end up in a maze and you may have to accept that 'the human form' is a very old, successful model/race/being (biological experiment), that has 'spread' in many places in the cosmos. I would like to call them 'Orions'.
Another species that could very well be mistaken for a human are the tall, blonde (hence often called 'Nordics') humanoids from the planets around the star Taygeta. They call themselves (to us) 'Taygetans'. Taygeta is part of the Pleiades star system so many people call them the 'Pleiadians'.
The humanoid form
There are also many alien races seen by both humans and psychics who have a human form. So arms and legs and a head with eyes and ears and a mouth, but for example the head is a bit larger or without hair or the eyes are black or red, or the head of a bird (the 'Avians'), cat (the 'Felines'), dog (Anubians), rat, etc. So probably a suitable form for the survival of 'intelligent life' based on carbon and water.
Clearly extraterrestrial and what we would call a true 'alien'. But is it that easy? What if such a 'race' is much 'older' than humanity and already walked on the earth as a visitor before we did. Even had a hand in how we got here. That's what we're going to talk about now.
About six thousand years ago (Sumeria) and probably much earlier (1,5 million years ago) (see Michael Cremo: 'Forbidden Archaeology') and many times (according to the Lacerta), the Annunaki came to Earth. An alien species, probably a cross between Reptilians and humanoids. Perhaps purposely crossed/created by the Reptilians to create a being/form that humans could accept as 'god' and so control humanity. They can shape-shift and take on a reptilian form. They have wings, long hair and beards and are around 2.5 to 3 meters tall. Perhaps we owe our long hair and beards to them.
They conducted experiments with the primates/apes present at the time and their own DNA. They then had this new species, ultimately 'Ha Adam', humans, and had them mine gold and copper.
The people that emerged were much 'better' and more rebellious than they had expected and eventually they released 'Adam and Eve', (maybe forced by the good ET's) and left again.
Aliens and extraterrestrial: yes. But better: Annunaki. Or we should call them after the place they come from and are adapted to.
The human form
But the story of our DNA goes deeper. The Dogon, a people of Mali, West Africa, have traditions of a 'race that came from heaven' that influenced their history. They had drawings of the star system Sirius, which had not even been discovered when the researcher wrote it down. Later it turned out to be exactly right.
According to some people (such as Clif High), these 'aliens' who had bodies that were half fish/reptile (below) and half humanoid (upper part), would have already 'played' with our human DNA. They are called the 'Oannes'.
Combined with the experiments on us by the Annunaki, we are a mix of all kinds of DNA and that is what many sources tell us. I often hear that we consist of DNA from twelve races (some say 22) based on primate DNA so that we are well adapted to earthly conditions.
The current human form was probably used as a basis for those experiments because it is such a successful design. And as mentioned, that's why many aliens also look 'human-like'.
>>> Probably the reptilian shape is also a very successful design because there are so many reports of such creatures. The model 'Grey', the usually one meter tall, skinny creatures with large heads and eyes, were probably also a very successful 'form' because there are so many species of them. <<<
So 'people' from other planets may look completely like us, but will have different DNA and therefore think and function differently. Such as, for example, being particularly telepathically gifted and/or being less 'sensitive' than we are. So they are extraterrestrial, but they don't look very 'alien' and we will hardly call them 'alien'. But to me they clearly fall into the category 'alien/extraterrestrial' and we call them that, as long as we don't have a clear name for them.
The bloodlines
A special case are the 'Satanic Bloodlines'. Many powerful, wealthy families, the number thirteen is mentioned, intermarry as much as possible to keep their bloodline as pure as possible. Certain royal families such as the British Royal Family are included. Probably because they have more 'Draco-Reptilian DNA', which gives them abilities that other people do not have. It could be that their ancestors were chosen by reptilians, maybe the Annunaki, to rule over other humans. That explains why they are and remain in power and perform Satanist rituals and are probably controlled by their 'masters'. Obviously not real aliens or extraterrestrials, but to a greater extent than most humans.
Who was first?
And what if there are creatures walking around on earth who were also 'released' here and have not changed too much in evolution. So they have been walking around on earth longer than 'us'.
Take the orangutan, for example. It has been on earth longer than we have, in our current form. We are a DNA experiment that only started to multiply after they had been around for a long time. To them, we are the aliens. Partly, but still...
But I don't see it that way. As long as the basic material is 'terrestrial', I call a being like us, not extraterrestrial and therefore not alien. So it is also: Brother Orangutan.
The Rabbit Hole
So the rabbit hole goes much deeper. It is very likely that in the Carboniferous period, 540 million years ago, all kinds of life were 'spawned' from other planets onto Earth. By extraterrestrials. We call that the 'Cambrian Explosion'. Many different multicellular organisms then 'suddenly' appeared on earth. Something that biology has no explanation for. 'No explanation yet', they say themselves.
One of these is the ancestor of the octopus. It has such a different nervous system from most life forms on Earth that a number of brave biologists have already concluded that it must have been 'seeded' on Earth.
>>> The question 'by whom?' is still avoided because if you mention the word 'alien', you are still considered crazy. The word 'god', although a much more unlikely explanation, does a much better job. <<<
There is also a clue in the fact that molybdenum is very rare here on Earth. Yet it is very important for our body. An indication that part of our DNA, and that of the orangutan for example, originated on another planet.
Earthly life is therefore actually 'extraterrestrial'. So then man is also 'alien' and even double, because he is based on an 'alien' being (the early primates released here on earth, such as the ancestors of the orangutan) and has subsequently been 'adapted' with alien DNA. So then we are much more 'alien' than, for example, those reptilians that live underground, the Lacerta, and although they once have also been 'released' on earth, they have not been adapted afterwards, but simply evolved.
Hybrids and Hubrids
And then there are the children and grandchildren of people who were 'kidnapped' in spaceships (David Jacobs 'Walking Among Us'), crossed with 'Greys' and are now part human and part 'Grey'. They have an even greater DNA mix than 'humans', who are completely alien in origin. It's becoming a bizarre mix.
Their basic DNA is probably well adapted to that of Earth because they were 'designed' to function here. To help us or to guide us? We shall see. We should therefore also call them 'earthlings', although that is quite counterintuitive. So better just Hybrids and Hubrids.
Normal Aliens
Are there no 'normal aliens/extraterrestrials'?, you now wonder. Yes, and a lot. Of course, those who live on other planets in other galaxies and who have never been to Earth and who we have therefore never met (except for the people who work in the Secret Space Program who seem to be able to visit just about anywhere).
But there are also lots of aliens, as mentioned, about 60 races, who regularly visit Earth. Each with their own origins, their own biology (DNA) and 'strange' appearance and with their own program such as extracting raw materials, kidnapping people, studying and controlling biology, as a base for operations, as a secret hiding place underground or in oceans, and so on. It comes and goes here on earth without us noticing much of it.
Among them are races that explored and used the Earth before primates existed on Earth. Suppose they have had bases on Earth for billions of years, then we can even consider them 'less alien' than us. But I won't go that far. I start from the place to which a being is physically adapted and functions best. Biologically or through manipulation. In our case, our DNA has always been adapted to the Earth, so we are simply 'Earthlings'. Visitors, extraterrestrials, who happen to be quite well adapted to Earth's conditions and came here before we arrived, remain 'aliens' until we can give them an appropriate name.
Silicon and crop circles
A special case among the aliens are the makers of the crop circles. In 1974, NASA sent a digital message into space via the Arecibo radio telescope, hoping to get a response from extraterrestrial life. 27 years later, a famous and highly controversial crop circle of 25 by 40 meters appeared in the fields of southern England, near the town of Chilbolton, containing a very clear answer to the Arecibo message. Made by humans or aliens? Not a question for me anymore. There are certainly crop circles that are made by humans, but there are many, many more that are truly made by aliens. Measurements and anomalies in the grain and of course common sense (how quickly did they form) are proof of that.
The original Arecibo message included that humans are a carbon-based life form. The crop circle stated that they themselves were based on silicon.
Of all the approximately one hundred building blocks (elements) of matter that we know, there are two that stand out because of their versatile combination options and therefore possibilities for life. First obviously carbon, but a close second is silicon. It is therefore not surprising that there are creatures whose basic element is silicon.
Brett Stuart is a gifted Remote Viewer who, during a session in which he looked for the makers of the crop circles, saw that they came 'from very far away' and looked like crystals. In short, creatures of silicon.
It's fascinating to me that there is intelligent life based on silicon roaming the universe. Aliens, then, but perhaps better: the Silicons (or The Crop Circle Makers').
Inter-dimensionals or inter-densities
Then there are stories about Werewolves and Vampires (Dracula). Stories about such creatures appear in almost all cultures. This brings us to the realm of the astral, the subtle worlds.
It sounds unlikely, but it is, for many reasons, very likely that they exist. Leadbeater, the extremely gifted clairvoyant, describes them in his book 'The Astral Plane'. They are beings who live in the lower astral world, therefore very close to the material sphere, and can (partly) materialize and look for physical/energetic 'prey' in the 3rd dimension/density. Then we are no longer talking about earthly or extraterrestrial, or even aliens, but about beings from other 'layers' or higher vibrational frequencies (or 'lower densities'). That is beyond the scope of this piece.
>>> There are also purely energetic beings with all kinds of names: angels, devils, spirit guides, ghosts, etc. And, if we limit ourselves to the 'energetic neighborhood of the earth', we find the 'elementals' or 'nature spirits' (see 'The Secret Life of Nature' – Peter Tompkins). These are obviously not aliens or extraterrestrials. Communication with them is also not so obvious. What should you talk about? <<<
Also, in almost all cultures we find stories about people that can become animals. Shape-shifters.
Some say they really become that animal, others say that's just influencing our thoughts to make us believe they look different than they are. Then there are people who say that their body just stays where it is and their consciousness 'jumps into' or 'takes a ride in' the body of an animal. Again others say that this controversy is resolved if we realize that everything is vibration or even consciousness, and that thought manipulation is essentially the same as form manipulation. I think the first three are all possible, depending on the case. Whatever the case is: not aliens and beyond the scope of this article.
Artificial Intelligence
What about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Called by some 'An exotic hyper-intelligent life form'. In that case: with consciousness. Is AI conscious? Opinions differ on this. If consciousness is the basis of everything and we live in an information universe, then we are conscious energy. And so is an AI.
Suppose you have a robot as a house help in the future. He helps you all day long for years and you build a 'bond of friendship' with him. On a bad day, someone from the robot factory comes by and says that there is a dangerous error in the hardware of the robot and that it needs to be 'culled'. That feels like 'murder' of a 'living being'. But the man from the robot factory will not agree with you. Because he is not 'alive'. He has no 'soul' and therefore no free will. At least, that's what we assume.
In the past, and perhaps even now, there were people who thought this about animals: 'They have no feeling or soul; so you can simply operate or remove organs from them, without anesthesia,' they said.
So we're on very thin ice here. We ourselves, just like that robot, are also a 'ghost in the machine'.
So for now, the AI robot is an earthling and not 'exotic', not a 'life form'. And also: not an alien,but 'AI'.
Living spaceships
On the other hand, there are plausible explanations from whistleblowers that some spaceships do have a 'sense' and 'think independently' about certain tasks such as plotting a trajectory or determining whether a planet being visited is suitable for landing. This can of course be done by an advanced AI and resemble life, but if a spaceship responds 'like a cat' to touch...
I see them as GMO, Genetically Modified Organisms. In this case, they have been changed so that they can function as a spaceship. It's a bit of a shock: biotechnological spaceships, but why not? Perhaps integrated with materials such as steel or other alloys, just as we can have a plastic hip or steel plate built into our body. Not to mention Elon's chip implants.
It depends on a telepathic relationship with a 'driver'. So it is extraterrestrial but not an alien. Because just like the spider from Mars, we would not call it an alien since it's intelligence is too low, to have a meaningful communication with us. Does it have a soul? Probably, just like earth animals.
I compare them to a guide dog for a blind person. He is trained to obey his boss and take him where the boss wants. It shows how advanced 'their' technology is, which may be millions of years ahead of ours.
So we only start talking about aliens when they have a certain degree of intelligence and free will. But we ourselves are to a large extent 'aliens'. The Lacerta, which we would quickly call alien, are neither extraterrestrial nor aliens. In short: both 'alien' and 'extraterrestrial' are nice terms for everyday use, but once you go deeper you have to use different terms.
Categorizing creatures based on their DNA is way too complicated. It is best to call them after the homeworld or solar system or even star system they come from.
It's a bit like our earthly origins:
“Where does your DNA come from?”
“I am 44% Viking, 29% Indian and 27% Irish.”
So in the future we can also talk about 'so and so many percent' great ape, Orion, Reptilian, Sirian, Silicon (unlikely), Mantid, etc.
We are mixtures not only on earth, but also in the universe. So it is best to see us all as 'children of the universe'.
The Anton Parks books I just posted, as well as Wes Penre Papers Level 1-5, and Voyagers 2 Amenti by Ashayana Deane and Xee-a Twelve by Amitakh Stanford among others already went into great detail about these beings. We've already had all the information out there for people to find, but most did not focus on the big picture and instead only utilized bits and pieces of it. I'm currently reading the four Anton Parks books about the Gina'abul and the Anunnaki from his personal point of view, based on his past life flashbacks, and it adds to much I already know.
The Anunnaki only came here 500 000 years ago and re-engineered humanity into the programmed cattle they are today. They used to be much more magnificent before they were hijacked to be so dense and limited by having their DNA cut from 12 strand to only 2. Then of course with self limiting beliefs and the programming in false gods belies and waiting for a saviour they fell more and more into this illusion we now have here the called "matrix".