Much Dialogue-Exchange seems to have happened here recently.
I continue to develop what I call a «Paradigm-Grid» (not just a Paradigm)... Most people adhere to some sort of «Paradigm» or «Belief-System» or another; you can think of it like Trees in a Forest or Squares on Graph-Paper; various religious-denominations (sects) being like one square of the graph-paper, and, absorbing all of the knowledge of any particular paradigm is like filling one of the squares on that sheet of graph-paper; thus, I do not simply «adopt into some particular belief-system» but, choose to continue expanding what I know, and, further-developing any «skills» I may have already learned.
Now that I have that particular explanation out of the way, I will just provide my own responses, that, reflect the current-stage of my Paradigm-Grid Development, regarding what I «see» reference reality, and, the «Organic-Portals» that are often known as NPCs, Sheeple, the Lost, Spirit-Possessed, Normies, Brain-Washed, Useful-Idiots, and, basically any other kind of description which reflects their rather «predictable» behaviours (like a Hive-Mind-Mentality). Just like in the «Matrix» movies, whether any reader chooses to «accept» what I describe here or not is their own choice, but, I do believe that the «mental-software» that I have developed within my Paradigm-Grid is useful, and, even would be beneficial to those who choose to «install/absorb» the information/mental-software that I offer, but, I can only metaphorically lead horses to metaphorical life-waters, not force any to drink it even if I believe it to be to their eternal-benefit (another metaphorical-description : spiritual-food being placed upon your plate whether you choose to eat or sup on it or not).
Re : Organic-Portals
I have come up with a term in the past, Quantum-Dissonance-Particles, QDPs, referring to a Mental-Contamination at the Quantum-Levels; QDPs are something like a Quantum-Version (Spirit-Version in Archaic-Vocabulary) of Drugs and Alcohol; the more one is contaminated with a high-degree or high-volumes of QDPs, similarly to being contaminated or infected or influenced by drugs and/or alcohol, the more their «mental-configurations» are such, that, they default to more «hostile» and thus «authoritarian» and basically «irrational/insane/illogical» behaviours. The «Archaic» term for «QDP» was once called «sin» when referred to in its «noun» form; its «verb» form (sinning) could be described today as various forms of being Mind-Controlled, MK-Ultra'd, behaving or acting under the influence of a Religious-Cult, etc., ALL of which _are_ related to this QDP-Contamination; without this contamination, one simply cannot be deceived by cult-brain-washing, and, are amongst those who were not «contaminated» enough during the Milgram Shock-Experiments to be willing to go so far as to increase the Voltages and Flip the Switch to the point of Lethal-Effects upon others.
Additionally, the higher the Volume/Concentration of QDPs within any individual, spirit, soul, ISBE, being, quantum-people, etc., the easier their «Jekyll & Hyde» syndromes are «triggered» via various certain events; when CONvid came around it became one of the «major events» that the Eternal Quantum-System (Archaic-Term : God) was using in order to «separate the wheat from the chaff» and now the «irrational» amongst the populations have been exposed; various forms of «insanity» will still continue to come to the fore, due to this «cleansing process» that is causing these QDPs to essentially be «drawn out» (or «eaten») which does «manifest» as various forms of «fearful» and «hateful» and thus «hostile» expressions; ONLY those who are able to and/or LEARN how to CONTAIN that «fear» and ANY other «negative-emotions» that are associated with this «cleansing process» and thus be able to control their own thoughts have ANY «hope» of being able to survive through all of this, spiritually (emotionally, psychologically, etc.), and NOT let their actions/activities devolve and join into the ranks of the insane/irrational/fearful/authoritarian/etc.
And, depending on Vantage-Point, I have two different ways of Describing the Reality Structure of All-Encompassing Existence. I will describe the one meant for our current «mortal» vantage-points... imagine a ream of papers (1001 sheets stacked on top of one another). Each sheet-of-paper represents a dimension or universe or realm/level-of-consciousness, etc., something similar to parallel-universes/worlds; the very top is the Layer of All True-Light; the very bottom-sheet is the Ultimate-Abyss Layer; the «Resonance-Frequency» that exists at the very Top is literally Infinite; the Resonance-Frequency at the Lowest-Levels are Coarse and of such Low-Vibration such to the point that one's very own «Spirit-Soul» (ISBE) can feel like it's been compacted and compressed (something like being trapped at the bottom of an endless-ocean, except, rather than water-pressure crushing your every being, this is Spirit-Pressure, the «Reiatsu» that «crushes» all merely for being in its presence for those who are familiar with the «Bleach» animé as a modern-day metaphoric-description that I can use).
Each «universe» is «separated» by its own Resonance-Frequency Configurations; the Abyss-Layer (lower-most) is where ALL «iniquitous-thoughts» and hostile/negative-emotions originate; the Pure-Layer (upper-most) is where ALL «love/inspiration/creativity» and calm/peaceful-emotions originate; all «universes» that exist between the Ultimate-Light and Ultimate-Dark have «varying configurations» that mix both the Light and the Dark amongst «inter-actions» amongst beings who have «incarnated» (or re-incarnated) into any of the realms in-between. The more a being is or has been contaminated by the QDPs, due to their past-complicities to iniquities, the more that the «thoughts emanating from the Pure-Dark-Abyss-Realm» are ABLE to «penetrate» into their mental-processes and mental-faculties, and, simultaneously, QDP-Contamination possess the simultaneous-effect and properties of «deafening» and literally BLOCKING OUT /any/ «communication» that originates from the Light-Realms (and thus communication-methods like «Telepathy» simply DO NOT EXIST for those who are HIGH in QDP-Contamination; or at least their Telepathic-Access to HIGHER-Dimensions, anyway, but, they definitely exist in and from the Direction of the Realms BELOW where ALL «demonic-behaving» types who cannot choose Love or Peace in any way DO GO).
I /was/ planning on covering some other points along the way here, that I had noticed in these recent dialogue-exchanges, but, this already became more-comprehensive than I intended. I can always clarify things later if/when needed, but, likely in some other format, that I need to do anyway.