Well before you reached out for help...help was already here. It was never going to be a shooting war, or even a war itself. That is part of the scripts. Instead, it was about awakening as many as possible to the truth and for them to leave this game and go home. The reason most still got stuck within the frequency fence is because they didn't work on their spiritual side. Focusing too much on the physical side will not build the spiritual fat needed to remove oneself from this matrix frequency trap. As far back as the 1980s/1990s you could see incarnations and emanations of true light beings coming here and focusing the energy in a certain direction. By now, so many have seen through the game that it's impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. This is why the controllers are pushing for the NWO now. They feel that they lost control and can't wait till 2030. It won't matter, they don't have enough beings to feed loosh off of anymore to reset time and to keep this matrix frequency trap going. Don't lose hope...do your inner work. All the keys are there for everyone they just have to put in the effort. Outside "saviours" was always a programming installed by the Anunnaki so that it would lead right back into the religions they used to control the masses.
Trust the data?
More context needed for your question for me to articulate a response. If you're talking about the data of him getting in touch with the "Galactic Federation" I was more so pointing out to him that concrete things have been happening for a long time now and what he probably envisions, of a full on war between the "light" and the dark ETs will not manifest. That's only a script. No different than the fake white hat vs black hat thing.