How about a 20 years out in global temperatures, via remote viewing . Do we get to a point of climate stability or constant increasing, as the poles melt ?! Oceans warming, the no, no . It's enough there's ocean pollution in plastics. In a whirlpool. Plus, some think drill baby drill for oil in polar water regions, as glaciers melt . As a new resource for profiteers .
there are beginning to flourish with flora and so on, what is happening apparently the ice caps are transferring it's positions to another place, like regions of south America are becoming more close has polar region for example, we believe it is probably because of the earth magnetic pole shifting south and north magnetic pole has changed something like 21% by now with a increase about 32% of the weakening of the magnetic field that protects us. Places like Sahara desert are also flourishing with nature, rivers are changing it's place, auroras from plasma storms discharged are starting to appear in lower latitudes, red auroras are more easily appearing whenever there is a CME with plasma storm that can penetrate more easily the earth's magnetic field interacting then with oxygen in the stratosphere and magnetosphere given that red color, except the times where they turn on haarp or NEXRAD devices. Actually drilling for gas or fossil fuels is more clean than any other resource "available" today, apart of course of the burning process.
The "Global Warming" narrative is based on average temperature calculations. The temperatures on earth are a dynamic system with many factors influencing each other. 1. it is scientifically improper to calculate an average of a dynamic system. This "global average" tells nothing about any real local temperature situation. And also nothing about the global sea levels. 2. the climate models have been proven to be wrong and have also been shown to be manipulated by selection of agenda-fitting values and points of measurements. (Urban areas are always warmer than e.g. forest land, because of albedo and heat storage.) 3. The models do not consider the water vapor and the vegetation properly. 5. The land use change (from forest to cropland, urbanisation) has a strong impact on the micro- and regional climate, but also on the climate of greater areas. (Biotic Pump!). 6. Higher CO2 levels promote plant growth which could compensate any warming effect if more trees would be planted. This would also be beneficial for the water levels, air quality, ecosystems, etc. 7. There are no proper temperature values of past temperatures to compare with, exact temperature measurements are not so easy. Same with the CO2 levels. The historic values are taken close to a volcano (!) and then have been corrected by a "model" so we are talking of a model derived from values which are derived from model values. This all stinks! The water vapor issue alone is so complex that it cannot be put in a model. It differs so much, even in a small area. There are so many factors like leaf area, stand density, temperature, wind temperature and velocity, water bodies, soil moisture, vegetation type, sunshine, exposure etc. which are all dynamic as well and -on top- are interacting with each other. This cannot be modeled with a few measurements. It evaporates and recondenses, each time energy is bound and released. The main difference between desert and temperate zones in summer is not the solar radiation. It is the water, which can store a lot of energy in the phase shift. The phase shift needs 2265 kJ/kg of water to steam, this is 0,63 kW/h! And the steam can go up and condensate and radiate energy into space. This is dependent of wind, air pressure, air layer temperatures, forest cover, existing clouds and so on. Mostly dynamic and interactive argain! This is so complex and has not been properly considered yet, because it is TOO complex. The climate model guys of the PIK even confessed it to us when we asked them 10 years ago at a public lecture. It is all a big hoax! It is to cash in by creating fear and it enables to impose power on others for a "higher global goal". Fear sells! It takes the money away which would be needed to solve more important issues like poverty, pollution and peace.
A source whose original web-site is no longer on-line had mentioned that «Global-Warming» was happening because of under-ground gigantic micro-wave devices in order to push a «Narrative» that would lead to Carbon-Taxes, more Resource-Control (over Earth's Resources) being more concentrated into the hands of Hidden-Aliens, and, that it was being done intentionally in order to Melt the Ice-Caps, due to some sort of Desperation to try to Retrieve some Technology that is buried under all that Ice.
Did any of you really think that Global-Warming is because of a bunch of Cow-Farts that are some-how going to destroy the world because a bunch of Cows are causing so-called Natural-Disasters like Floods, Hurricanes, Earth-Quakes, etc., rather than these so-called «Natural-Disasters» actually being due to TECHNOLOGY ? (Suppressed technology at that which is hidden from the public)
Anybody who is a «vegetarian» because of these ridiculous narratives... probably also has this belief that animals are «suffering» REGARDLESS of whether they come from the «callous corporate-system» where those animals do indeed suffer because of absolutely inhumane-conditions and yet still equate it as some-how being the SAME as «organic rancher/farmer-raised cattle» who actually care enough for the animals to provide them with peaceful and abundant-conditions where they are NOT injected with harmful hormones/chemicals/etc. nor are they forced into crowded or inhumane-conditions;
Regarding both the corporate grinding machine which doesn't give a damn about your health nor that of the animals and organic-farmers who actually do care about their customers' health and well-being of their animals as being equally cruel-and-insane-and-callous is simply due to the insanity of insane-spirits who interpolate their religious-beliefs into the minds of mortals; vegetarianism and veganism largely started out because of religious-beliefs of the «sacred» animal, such as the «sacrèd cow» (from where the expression «holy cow» has its origins), and, some people even have this idea that animal-consciousness is the same as that of humans such to the point that the «insanity» goes all the way to the point of there even having been writings that I have come across where someone even wrote that s/he was in tears and crying because s/he thought that his dead grand-mother re-incarnated into a chicken that his/her family was eating, followed by watching and witnessing his/her grand-mother being pooped out into the toilet then being flushed down the toilet, etc.; folks, this sort of thing is insanity, due to spirit-possession (neural-linking) by insane-spirits.
Now, nothing is wrong with being a vegetarian or vegan or similar, and in fact, I believe that my own health tends to be at its optimum when large percentages of my food-consumption is mostly in the fruits-and-vegetables category, and, the first time I was a vegetarian (or perhaps a Pescadarian or which-ever that would be called) it was most-certainly for health-reasons. The second time was because I didn't want to be complicit to the suffering of animals and their cruel-and-inhumane treatment by the corporate-system (I still won't support that), but, for anybody who has ever done high-levels of genuine kung fu training from any real styles that are designed to be effective in actual fighting and combat (the kind where you are training for at least 14-16 hours a day), you will know what I mean when I say that my «hunger» could NOT be «satiated» for more than five minutes without some kind of meat-consumption.
Now, for those of you who are «wondering» how «animals» feel and whether they are «suffering» when under the CARE of ORGANIC farmers and/or ranchers (rather than the obvious suffering that goes on via the corporate grind-mill-system), I will tell you a story about a Dog named Cody; for Cody was one of the most well-behaved dogs that I had ever witnessed, who was the pet dog of a local community member (Neil), who is a retired fire-man, and, friend of my mother; one day, Cody apparently not only ended up getting bitten by a snake, but, the veterinarian apparently also diagnosed Cody as having gotten cancer (due to the number of pets who kept on being diagnosed with cancer I eventually got suspicious and later on confirmed my suspicions through research that commercial pet-food is indeed carcinogenic as well as the «vaccines» from veterinarians also being suspect). Anyway, despite my efforts to get Cody treated with DCA (Di-Chloro-Acetate), the owner wasn't patient enough to give the treatment more than a couple of weeks to take effect, then, decided to put Cody to sleep;
I was with them at the time that this was transpiring, and, soon after the sleep-injection, followed by the lethal-injection, Cody's body was brought to the back of the R-V (Recreational-Vehicle) where I was with Cody the Dog, then, for some reason, I suddenly felt an over-whelming sense of lethargy and fell asleep pretty much immediately when I was with Cody's recent-euthanised body... I also REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED VERY CLEARLY... I actually found myself in some sort of white-space zone, and, this «sudden-induced sleep» seemed to be because of apparently something that Cody did, not only causing me to fall asleep, but, I guess Cody's «spirit» (or ISBE) seemed to be rather «confused» as to what was going on, and, must have done the spirit-world equivalent of nudging my spirit/ISBE «body» in order to «wake me up» (or get my attention) at least in the other-realm; when I say «wake» I meant my «spirit/ISBE» rather than my physical-body which would obviously put my physical-body to sleep if my ISBE/Spirit is «summoned» from the other-world where I wasn't used to nor prepared for such an experience...
Anyway, translating the «communication» between me and Cody whilst Cody was in his ISBE/Spirit-Form, because of his confusion, I had to explain to him through imagery (since dogs don't possess complex-levels of human-vocabulary where I could say anything in words so I had to convey feelings and images instead via our communication with one another) that he's essentially been shifted into a different existence-type due to what I tried to communicate to him in my best attempt at trying to describe the decision by his owner along with my mother to «euthanise» him and that they made such a decision to have such a thing done to him (to Cody) because they didn't want Cody to continue to suffer or because they wanted to free him from the suffering of the cancer and snake-bite that made the side of his nose bulbous and bigger; Cody's reaction seemed a bit neutral with a vibe of how he didn't seem to understand these technologies that the humans used but that he also seemed to acknowledge that he understood that they thought they were making the best decision from their perspective. Eventually, once Cody seemed to be satisfied with my answers/responses of what happened to him, Cody then decided to wander off; this «realm» that I was in whilst I was asleep with him, consciously aware that both of us were not within our physical-bodies, was an existence-type that seemed to just be made of light and we were both «formless» by the way but I could still tell and sense when Cody wandered off then I woke up soon afterwards.
For animals from organic-farms, I suspect that the animals might experience some sort of similar-transitions when «slaughter-time» comes for their physical-bodies to become food, such that they might be a bit confused at first as to where they are and why they're there since they are obviously no longer on the pasture or farm-land from back in their physical-life (without indicating that they think that they are suffering or have suffered), but, I am sure that someone can/will come up with a target where Remote-Viewers will follow-up on what I have described here in order to either confirm what I have written (typed) here as either being largely accurate or reveal if there are any flaws whether be they major or not or many or not.
Yes, Amitakh Stanford also talked about the frozen gigantic ufo motherships in Antarctica being thawed out to be used again hence the spikes in temperature. She talked about this in one of her articles probably 15 years ago before the climate change crap was even fully pushed on everyone.