Just as I was talking about years ago...the full divide and conquer is now here. This is why the Western nations were all filled up by those immigrants, and illegals, that do not espouse western values. They knew the people would turn on each other. Well, it's finally here. Fed up Britons and roaming gangs of armed Muslims are starting to take each other out. There's videos on Telegram.
Whats most frustrating is the media, they've carefully constructed a one sided argument: 'Far right thugs'. This is successful as there are far right thugs involved.. and that's all the most people need to see or hear to make their final decision on what the cause is.
At no point does the media look into the subject and present any nuance or context.
They always need a scapegoat. Christians, Muslims... straight, gay/trans...white/black. Always a duality creating a separation into a left vs right or us vs them script so we don't look at who's actually pulling the strings. They brought the whole Zionist attention back into focus, but then flooded the western nations with Muslims that way the whites become the target for Muslims and it will lead to a much bigger war than just Israel vs the middle East. As Netanya said...the Zionists are bringing about the prophecy of the (false) Messiah's return. All western leaders have been hijacked, except Austria, Hungary, Romania, and Poland to subvert their own nations and weaken them. Open borders for mass migration of illegals...many of which are just there for blood. George Soros and Klaus Schwab are directing this movement of people playing on their hopes and fears and vengeance and on the other hand putting in Islamophobia and transphobia and every other self hate laws so people are afraid to say no we can't handle any more incoming people. Even here in Canada, as big as it is, we don't have the infrastructure and are now so badly off. Most can't find jobs or a new place to live in and crime is getting to be at an all time high. Just before Trudeau Canada was still one of the top countries and now it's becoming a third world shithole.