My friend, CosmicGypsy, wrote this to me today and thought others might be interested in reading it. It's another way to look at the soul trap.
"Something else about that thread where I was talking about the trap being broken down, and saw the border of the realm. It was right at the time people were starting to drop like flies from the vaxx, and the fallout from being lockdowned for so long. People were freaking out about loved ones dying with that trash in their bodies....are they going to go to heaven?
Well, of course they're going to go to a better place, because the vaxx only affects the body. If it affects someone's consciousness to the point they believe the vaxx is going to destroy their soul, that's when they'd best watch out. The same goes for the soul trap. If one so strongly believes it's still functioning, then their consciousness is going to let them have it functioning....nasty circle of dysfunction right there, eh? Live and learn!
But at that time our souls, knowing the soul trap wasn't working, were taking many of us out at that time....just because they could. It was almost like a frantic grab at first, so many were close to suicide. The vaxx was a convenient excuse for our souls, and made it so they could run under the overall radar, and those of us with bigger issues than COVID could simply be taken home, under the guise of vaxx fraud....heh, our souls know how to stick it to them, while taking us home. Quite tidy and nice, huh?"