Would make for a very interesting target?
Target-Description is too Open-Ended. These are also the results you will (likely/probably) get:
Scenario 1.
Plant-like biological-life absorbs some kind of liquid (water) from what appears to be earth-like terrain.
Plant-shaped biological life-form grows bigger over several months.
The liquid (water) that it had been absorbing seems to cause round-shaped flowers or fruits to bloom.
The round-shaped structures from the plant-shaped life-form appear to be collected or harvested.
All of the round-shaped pieces are then processed through some kind of crushing motions.
The liquid from its original-form (water) seems to now be changed into a more dark-coloured version.
And that concludes the target for this session.
Scenario 2.
Various groups of people seem to be at odds and in conflict with each other over ideological-beliefs.
One small group of subjects seem to be pushing some sort of «narrative» to a larger group of subjects.
Over time, the larger group promotes the narrative that seems to gain traction, becomes embedded into the psyches of multitudes over multiple generations of time, not knowing that it was a means of control.
It seems to get passed down for what seems like centuries almost like it became some sort of a cult-belief... even a whole two entire millennia later there are those who continue to revere it as gospel-truth.
Conclusion : I will now quote from and link from a web-page that will probably be a VERY HARD PILL for Fundamentalists/Evangelicals to swallow, not only because it will definitely be impossible for you to believe that the author really is HE the returned one, but, his «writings» are definitely going to be a SHOCKER to those who believe in the «absolute-inerrancy of the bible/church» due to its contents...
«Christian 'followers' believe that their religion is superior because they have been taught that their 'head' man Jesus was reported to have walked on water and carried out other material 'miracles.' -This is a FALSE teaching and thus also a false belief» -Quoted from http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/gospel.htm
For those who need «scripture» verses to consider whether or not there is any validity...
John 21:25 (Jesus was very active as well as thorough and verbose just like the linked writings)
2 Peter 3:16 (Man ends up «wresting the "Scriptures"» unto his own [spiritual-]destruction; Note : The word «wrest» in modern-day context means «manipulate»)
1 Corinthians 1:27 (For God uses the [seemingly] foolish things of the world to confound (humble) the Wise (people who think that they know-it-all or are elite-intellectuals). God uses the [seemingly] weak to fell/topple the strong (those who think themselves invincible))
2 Peter 3:10 (For the Day of the Lord will come like a Thief in the Night)
Edgar Cayce also revealed that Jesus was actually an Essene... contrary to popular-belief about him.
The existence and writings/teachings of the Essenes are also known because of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
A comparison-compilation has also been made between Essene-Teachings and the Author-Writings... which can be viewed and compared here... http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/clem/forgive/essenes.htm
Did you know that biblical-scholars have also found that Jesus often spoke in poetic-verse or poetic-prose such that his speech often rhymed ? Anyway, the fact that the Author of the The Testament of Truth not only claims to be the returned Spirit-of-Truth whose «spirit» that once Inhabited the Flesh of the Man known as Jesus who walked on this earth two millennia ago now inhabits the Flesh of the Author of the The Testament of Truth (and, with the number of people here who should know how to do remote-viewing, I don't know why nobody has set this as a target yet to either prove or debunk the claim that the ISBE that was animating the flesh-body of Yeshua ben Joseph is indeed the SAME ISBE that animates the physical-body of present-day Terence de Malahèrre), but, the fact that his mannerisms and personality signature does in fact, have the absolute closest-match to the historic Jesus-figure is quite significant, and, just like during the Crucifixion-Projects where the Jesus ISBE was described to be rather aloof, Terence himself would rather not be contacted, but, for seekers-of-truth to simply READ as MUCH of the writings that he had put together and compiled over a span of over 20 years in a row (literally «slaving away for God» via his own descriptions for the sake of everyone's TRUE «Salvation»).
I am only his Voluntary Successor to his Legacy because of my ability to recognise his Truth (much of which is related to many of my pre-this-universe-life-memories) and to be able to carry on his mission from where he left off WITHOUT taking anything «Out-of-Context» (and also the fact that I actually need to both preserve as well as re-write another version that keeps his writings in-context whilst simultaneously also being done in a manner where E-Q, not to be confused nor conflated with I-Q, will also be utilised since his version is written in a «simple» manner so that even the «simple» can comprehend his message, whilst I believe it is important to modernise much of the vocabulary, for example, I refer to Spiritual-Contamination or ISBE-Contamination as being due to Quantum-Dissonance-Particles, rather than using the noun-version of the word «sin»).
Otherwise, all I can do is lead horses to water, even though many have already refused to drink from the well-spring of Eternal-Life that would ultimately be to their Eternal-Benefit. Let those who can hear...
A simple who and perhaps how is all I seek.
Paul being blinded on the road to Damascus....ditto.
Very well... I would suspect that the findings would be similar to other F-S Projects; most likely something to do with «aliens» and them neural-linking a religious-narrative into Paul/Saul's mind...
Source of the blinding light would suffice. The "demons" that left the man and entered the pigs....another interesting target perhaps.