This is inspired by @Aeius Cercle's post on Tai Chi and his brand of meditation (yes, I know, it's not 'yours'... but it is).
I'm not saying anything bad about his post nor his meditation style.
I am just going to present something different.
Many years ago, I did a weekend course called Alpha Dynamics. Quite simply, it's a rip-off of Jose Silva's Silva Mind Control Method that he developed back in the 60s, and wrote his bestselling book about... and later, the Ultramind system...and the website etc etc.
What Silva managed to do was to get people into a quick, easy, controlled, stable state of Alpha brainwaves - which science has since shown is best for concentrated focus (ha! I'll take the pun) for doing 'things' - helping to recall easier, to improve your health (physical, mental and emotional), to 'meditate' (remind focussed on something - or not), and help to achieve goals (and changing related habits) through the use of active visualisation techniques (manifesting and self-improvement). Also, to heal - yourself and others, and even to 'diagnose' ill-health in others.
The Ultramind went further. It focussed more on psi ability - specifically psychometry. It also went deeper by using a theta state. It also included a bit of Remote Viewing! However, the basic underlying technique is still the same - progressive relaxation with alpha beat background.
Both of these use a progressive relaxation technique combined with a background alpha (or theta) beat, followed by visualisations. The *long* Silva exercise is just over 20 minutes - however, that includes a lot of stuff than can be cut out (unnecessary repetitiveness, and telling you things that could just as easily be said outside of the exercise). The *short* exercise is a bit under 10 minutes. However, once you've done the practice enough, you'll be able to do a fairly quick one in under 5 mins.
After practice (as I said, about 2 days - but that's going in and out about 4 or 5 times per day), one should be able to achieve an effective, stable alpha state after about... oh, 10 seconds! Even less if you program yourself for it! (by 'less', I mean virtually instantaneous... I've set up a technique where I can become "instantly" awake, aware and alive as soon as I put 3 fingers together).
(There's a famous guy called Burt Goldman who put out a number of audios on Quantum Jumping. Burt was a Silva instructor for many years. His technique takes only about 3 mins to get to alpha - but you'll feel better doing the longer ones I mentioned above).
Staying in Theta is harder, as it's closer to sleep than alpha (which is also part of sleep, but also a natural part of our day to day lives).
If you listen to some RVers talk about their RV methods, you may notice that theta is mentioned. Dick Allgire (and I think both Daz Smith and Edward Riordan) all have theta beats in their ears when they RV.
The whole process of Silva (of whichever kind) is all about getting in, doing what you want to do (having a purpose in mind before you do it - not simply sitting there gazing at your navel, or flames, or lotuses), and then getting out and getting on with your life. I use it as a precursor to other techniques - or RV.
I firmly believe that the widespread acceptance of the validity of RV as a way to actually *KNOW* things is what will help humanity out of its shit - no more secrets, no more lies, no more hidden agendas and f*cking the people over. As a corollary to that, I think doing some form of Alpha/theta training such as Silva's method (original or Ultramind... or any other names it might go by) will be the best, and most efficient method of getting good RV results - quickly and easily!
I'm not going to say you need to go out and buy a course (especially face to face). Likewise, I'm not going to guide you to any online versions.
I *am* going to say that they're available, and you can get your hand son them pretty quickly and easily if you search for it, using whatever method you choose to! (personally, I have paid versions, and done face to face courses, and I have stuff that I haven't paid for... but will once I get into a more stable financial position!)
Obviously, comments and feedback welcome... (well, as long as it's nice :p)