As Israel was being both used and protected by EnLil/Yahweh/Marduk they got away with so much. Especially creating worldwide divide and conquer and instability in the middle East then now in the West. As Marduk the main demiurge was healed and removed from the game last year Israel no longer has its protection and programming to protect itself. This is why you see the whole world finally waking up from the stupor they were in and seeing the Anti-christ for what it infiltrator and divider.
They had us fighting against each other while the Zionists behind the scenes were playing everyone as pawns.
I don't support Islam either as that's just another Anunnaki false god and don't support Christianity either as that's yet another Anunnaki false god. Yet, the Zionists in power now are afraid of losing their control and are increasingly trying to bring in "anti-Semitism" laws and CBDCs and online speech control to try to salvage this debacle. It won't work. Not anymore.
This is the time when humanity throws off the yoke of oppression by the Reptilian fallen that go by many names and many faces. Some of them will be healed and reintegrated back into the true light and the rest will be recycled back into nothingness just as this corrupted game here will be.
It won't be an us vs them military battle...instead it is the removal of energy that feeds this matrix frequency trap that finally also ends this trap. So many are programmed to think of glorious military battles as "key" to throwing off oppression, but that's such a human way of thinking. There are levels to this game and, on the higher levels, much is happening now. The energy frequency is increasing and the enemy cannot stand this new energy that's incoming now. It is driving them insane. Turn within and strengthen your Will. Purify and meditate your energy and mind and body. Everything will be okay.