This is looking at the side of the Coin with open mind... We know that the Universal God/Consciousness/ALL THAT IS is in control of ALL the Universe/Multi verses...watching as the Children play out their roles in DUALITY... DUALITY defines GOD...there is nothing new, bigger or surprising to Godhead.
And I also know that NOTHING happens that it doesn't know... What if Karma is a way of refining ourselves back to God...and the Negative Entities don't want that instead they want us to remain in Chaos...because with each lifetime...the SOUL/ISBE remembers it's past timeline, I. E fear of swimming, fear of Killing etc...and one will tend to avoid these things in this life... Is why the Negative side have created a lot of destructive mechanism to make the Soul remain in confusion, NOT re-member well about it's other lives... In chaos you can't know yourself... BUT in meditation practices, calmness... everything begins to clear and make sense....if every Human practiced Calmness, Love for one another and avoided chaos...then it wouldn't matter if you're coming back or not because you would find a peaceful Earth and that would make Karmic wheel useless. So...let's approach this with courage and NOT fear, with love of Humanity and NOT fights and Chaos...because after all...we're heading back to Godhead when ALL is, said and done.. NO matter how many lifetimes you will live.
Yep. Distortion was what created the corruption in the game of duality/polarity. It was never supposed to be this predatory and dark. Only mildly different between STO and the STS groups. With each able to learn from each other as ego wasn't a part of it. Instead now we have rulers and they're always STS based hardly ever STO. This way evolution of the soul is stagnated for all.
How sure are we Ego wasn't part of it? Maybe it's the driving Engine of Negative aspect and for one to be enlightened you have to overcome the Ego's wants(Ego feels like a last born who can be a spoilt brat)..... Hmmm....
That's what I posted. That ego was their downfall. When the invading AI god consciousness used the archontic mind thoughtform parasites to take ahold of the Anunnaki beings the archons fed on their ego driving it higher and higher thereby the Anunnaki "archangels" placed themselves above that which they were supposed to protect...this universe and humanity in general.
"We know that the Universal God/"
I think you're using the word 'know' in a way that's different to most English speakers' usage, and that of the dictionary...
What's your empirical and/or rational evidence for such a claim? Such that it constitutes a level of *knowledge* rather than simply *personal belief*?
If you do a lot of research in Metaphysial field then you would understand me in a blink... It's simply ALL THAT IS and NOT Judaism gods/Ya when/Allah etc... It's a simple concept to understand.