"Ross, we are not alone. We are not alone in this universe and it's a simple fact the US government has been aware of that fact now for decades". - August 20, 2024
Lue Elizondo-former director of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
David Grusch, a United States Air Force (USAF) officer and former intelligence official says reports like Roswell date even further back. “It’s long been known that the regime of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini documented numerous UAP. An internal memo from the Italian Secret Services includes crude drawings of the UAPs. “In 1933 was the first recovery in Europe and in Magenta, Italy,” said Grusch. “They recovered a partially intact vehicle.” Most believe that the Roswell incident has been thoroughly debunked. In fact, the Air Force published a report in 1994 to put the issue to rest once and for all.
Grusch believes there is a “sophisticated disinformation campaign” in the United States with regard to nonhuman life and aircraft. He also made stunning claims that go back to the famous Roswell incident. At the time, there were multiple witnesses who said there were bodies recovered from the alleged Roswell aircraft. “You might want to trust some of these witnesses,” Grusch said.
In a related matter: *It wasn't a loving god that took out the innocent children at Sodom and Gomorrah. And yes, that event DID happen. ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM AND BUDDHISM all implemented as control systems over humanity by EXTRATERRESTRIALS. Data via Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA
Who thinks it's time NASA, DOD, FBI, CIA come clean and put an end to this charade? I suspect we are not the first civilization to navigate this. You folk should not have lied to the American people in the first place. How are we supposed to trust you?
Who does the US military take their marching orders from?
Are the alien beings controlling the cover-up perhaps?
They will never come clean because then they'd have to own up to the fact that the US military is the one doing most of the abductions, using screen memories, and the people would be so freaked out civilization would collapse in an instant lmao. It's a breakaway civilization that controls the rest of us. Being hidden is their power. Why would they ever give that up.
"the people would be so freaked out civilization would collapse in an instant lmao."
Ummmm... no. Most of civilisation across this planet would get angry, and want the US to suffer punishment (and, unfortunately, many would lay that upon most of the 330 million people, rather than those who actually were responsible).
The majority of the 330 million (less than 5% of the world's population) in the USA would be pretty pissed... and there would be *some* violence, rioting, and lots of protests. But then, some politician person would come along and pretend they can fix everything.
However, food would still be grown, shops would still be open and selling stuff, and power would (mostly) keep things running, and most people would still keep on going to their jobs, come home at night and watch TV (in particular, the shit-show going on in the US).
In the media (if it ever got its act together), the relevant bureaucracies would just keep on deflecting the important questions, deny they had anything to do with it, and throw some scapegoats to the frenzying mob... (most of those scapegoats being people who died years ago.)
Oh, and a new war will happen somewhere to keep everyone's attention away from them... and a new 'reality' TV show about some (female) celeb(s) and their butt(s) and shopping habits, and their terrible 'love' life.